EU pls go
Belgium is not a real country
For what?
Glory to the EU and all its members. Glory to Italy and Bulgaria! EU to become Earth Union one day!
>For what?
Nobody forced you to take the Euro. We still have our Lev. Stop blaming the EU for the incompetence of your own politicians and finance ministers.
>gained from € introduction
>literally just the GDP growth
Ireland bounced back from the Financial crisis though.
this has nothing to do ith the financial crisis, brainlet
That chart just gives numbers, it doesn't show any correlation on how introduction of euro was the reason for it. It just shows medis are lazy piece of shits when I look at it.
>our massive debt is the Euro's fault
Thats one of the shittiest pieces of pseudo economics I have ever seen.
And given the hadalic levels of reporting on the euro in general, thats saying something.
>greece initially gained from euro introduction
Because they took a huge amount of cheap loans you fucking imbecile.
This is literally just measuring gross loss and gain, with absolutely no analysis of what part of that was actually caused by the euro and what part was through different causes.
Such as having a antiquated economical structure wholly unfit for the modern realities also known as: The entire reason Italy and France are so fucked.
They would be much worse off if the euro wouldn't prop them up with cheap loans too.
Greece is fucked because their goverment cheated them by pretending to have massive growth via huge debt inflation. That was inevitably going to bite them in the ass and has fuck-all to do with the euro and everything to do with corrupt asshole politicians.
It doesn't? You had MASSIVE growth from 1999-2008.
Some level of union is important to combat the Chinese and Americans, but I simply cannot agree with the policy direction of the EU, and due to the fact that euros love social democrats it will never change
that's a study made by a g*rman university of course it's shitty
>In no other country of those examined has the euro led to such high losses of prosperity as in Italy. Losses incurred since the introduction of the euro add up to € 4.3 trillion overall or € 73,605 per capita. This is due to the fact that Italian per-capita GDP has stagnated since the euro was introduced. Italy has still not found a way of becoming competitive inside the eurozone. In the decades prior to introduction of the euro, Italy regularly devalued its currency for this purpose. After the introduction of the euro, that was no longer possible. Instead, structural reforms were needed. Spain shows how structural reforms can reverse the negative trend of ever increasing losses in prosperity.
Did you actually read that article, you retard? Lmao
Russians are the real problem. Without Russians we'd have world peace and cure for cancer.
Make babies and work you incompetent fucks
China is great. USA is cringe
And yet you posted this rag and believed it.
Yeah, fratelli.
Maybe you losers should realize the EU operates as a country and you accepted it by being a part of it. And demanding regional fiscal policies, because "some" regions of the EU are not competitive enough to maintain its current productivity is pathetic. Just get better, or accept being the poorer part of the EU country.
sorry for leeching your money, western Europe
Y I've seen this study, basically what everyone knew but in numbers.
Hey France after 40 years of prosperous economic growth with your own currency, you need to join our badly design Euro zone because German cunts just got reunited and they want to be rich...
And if the people complain, because they loosing money, tell them its their fault because they don't want to apply économic rules dictates by a fucking unelected EU commission.
>Hey France after 40 years of prosperous economic growth with your own currency
The asbolute historic revisionism french people feed themselves its fucking amazing.
WE said it was a bad idea. WE said europe isn't ready for it. YOU wanted it. YOUR goverment literally BLACKMAILED us to sabotage our reunification if we didn't agree to YOUR CURRENCY PLAN.
And yet there are people calling for ASEAN to follow the footsteps of such a failing union.
The Chinese economy lives only thanks to the cheap labor of its people. When white lords stop buying cheap Chinese goods, China’s economy will collapse.
>Your stupid politic of 1 West Mark = 1 East Mark cost us 100 billions
It cost you nothing you delusional ape.
>Plus Germany and Netherlands pushed for a strong currency, and the creation of an independant ECB.
Yeah we made sure that the retarded idea was at least as solid as possible and if you hadn't tried undermining it at every step, it might even have worked.
>Wich is why this overevaluated Euro is crushing our economy and we can't do shit about it.
Your ancient and uncompetitive economic structures are crushing you,. not the euro. You haven't made any meaningful economic reform for over 30 years if not more. You keep trying to do business like in the 1980s and wonder why its not fucking working anymore.
Continously devaluing your currency wouldn't have saved you either. The euro has dropped massively since the 2000s and your economy is now deeper in shit than back then.
>Beside I prefer being in debt than dealing with your rapefugees issue.
We don't have a mediterranian coast m8. This is your problem not ours. If you want us to stop taking the pressure off you, no problem. We do that gladly. You can soak in your africans.
If you really want to make EU great again ask from your leaders for electric cars and UHVDC network. EU pays to foreign players 400 bn per year. This money being inserted to EU economy would make us ten time as prosperous and our mortal enemies weaker.
Ireland bounced back from Financial crisis though.
>due to the fact that euros love social democrats it will never change
You were supposed to be the chosen one, Ivanhoe. You could have capitalized on the fucktarded decisions like migrant crisis, banded together with V4, provided some actual plurality of opinion and steered the whole direction of the European project elsewhere. Instead you let the oligarchic kikedom and nostalgic boomers with peerage play the Cool Britannia card and convince the Norf crowd that fucking off and shooting yourself in the dick was some incredible power move. Now we're stuck with Macron literally lusting for BBC and German leadership floating down the stream of neoliberalism. Stop gobbling down on populist Marmite toast and put at least one of your hands on the reigns instead of endlessly showing deference to your mentally ill parliament.
Sorry Hans, but no. Love my European brethren and would happily be in close trading & military partnership with it, but the EU is fucking awful and somebody has to try something else first.
That is my point, you troglodyte. You could have been the fucking change you want to see in Europe. The framework is there. It is imperfect like every other thing in this world. You could have lead the charge on scrapping the shit parts, reforming the meh parts and reinforcing the good parts. It's a fucking political project, not some immanent dogma passed down by a deity. You even had the perfect circumstance to gather the momentum. Instead you're heading for the rocks lead by kikes like Murdoch, who would privatize away your dog and your wife to Chinks and Russians if it meant having more direct power. It's just mental even in the sense of pure self-interest of the country.
Except our goverment did want change, we wanted to make our own national laws that the Eu rejected, we didn't want all your rapefugees yet Merkel forces them on nations nontheless
>we wanted to make our own national laws that the Eu rejected
What are you talking about?
>mfw even Germany has had less growth since we voted against the Euro
why did euros steal the betsy ross design?
Average brexit voter.
Very "I'm from the butthurt belt" post this.
i googled butthurt belt and it took me to the daily stormer
thanks fag now I'm on some cbś list
UK wants to ban prisoner voting rights. EU says that's a big no no and violation of their human rights. Let us violate their Human Rights, Hans
How to fix the EU
1. dissolve the germans
in acid?
Prisoners can vote? Do they have voting booths in prison?
But thats an ECHR issue not an EU one. You realize you leaving the EU won't change that, right?
Why put the blame on us? The french forced the currency and nobody was forced to join?
Brits don't know that the ECHR is not part of the EU lol
heh, take a look at this abbreviation nazi
>i'm too stupid to use the internet
You're actually the autistic German stereotype, and it makes me a little sad that we're leaving
It's really a shame. You guys were the second most autistic people in europe
>has issue with one organization
>blames another different one for that
>haha ur autistic german lmao kek gottem
I wasn't that bong, I'm the first guy. And I really do like you fellas, nicest guy I ever met was a Kraut named Felix.
if you devalue your currency to increase exports where's the gain in that? you would just sell more for less or am I missing something here?
what you have to remember is that british society is still heavily class based
the political upper classes can say whatever they want because all that matters is that they appeal to the greatest voter base (people nostalgic for the empire and the war)
it's just been worse and worse until we got to this point, it was inevitable
I am sorry Mr. Juncker
Pls give us all benefits and no consequences. Ta xx