So why did he do it?
So why did he do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't take his prescribtion meds and went into full psychosis in midair.
because they expected one of them in the wreckage
because he was g*rman and therefore a sadistic psychopat
he didn't have easy acces to guns, so he couldn't make a mass shooting.
Thread theme
Richard > Andr*as
You just made me cry I hope you are happy now!
That is pretty mentally unstable of you. Please dont go on a rampage mr german boy :( i beg of you
somebody post the /tv/ threads collage/montage
I just drank a hot chocolate milk and I feel better now. Pls stop bullying or I will cry again.
would you like some tomato juice with that?
Thank you for the offer though
I am sorry germanbro. Just banting, but really, irl i would be your friend, you seem like a nice person :)
Wypipo be crazy mane
knock knock
Matter of fact some meds don’t work for some people so he could have taken it and still went mad.
Still hungry?
who dis? new airplane
He was given garbage.
You give this instead.
Barely any sides except numb dick and anorgasmia, no withdrawal rebound for me.
isn`t that the antidepressant that makes your heart literally explode lol
the pilot, open the door
Lol no
In fact, not. But them wypipo be psychos
Pro-maduro or pro-us-intervention?
Do you eat at your will ? is there power ? you got a good looking sister/cousin ?
The first one? There’s worse like Zoloft or the old tricyclics. Lexapro is safer, but all ssri kill your dick and are mildly cardiotoxic they depolarize the nerve nodules inside the heart which act as sensors thus the rhythm will change.
But then you have Adderall, Ritalin, Zyban that work with dopamine instead of serotonin. Those can give you a heart attack even in the first week.
You tried ? is it really usefull for ADHD/anxiety or just bullshit ? does it fried your brain ?
Banned here. I used Zyban instead and I had to quit coffee completely during it because of cardiac issues. Gave me slightly harder boners but nothing superhuman you wouldn’t get with enough rest and regular ginseng which doesn’t give me arrhythmia at all.
He watched the beginning of that argentinian movie and decided to do the same thing lol
The fire rises
I'm literally drinking AUX LEX BAINS right now. If this isn't proof of a higher power, i dont know what is.
Good guy
Really makes you think.