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Are those fuckers tasty? A pinoy friend of mine says peiple eat them.
They're yummy for sure
Just saw this, is this in Thailand?
their constant contact with whites made them like that.
>dude just say the noun twice lol
It actually pictures that the object is not singular, thus makes it easier to understand.
>he doesn't know reduplication to express plurarity
I expected more from you chinkgapore.
butiki bituka botika
pitumpu't pitong puting pating
We already done an Opie with this pic...
Next time, Indons should let Malays and Flips make threads too.
>Light rain the morning
>Followed by warm sunshine with cool breeze afterward
Morning lads, so comfy today.
Malays : cute so ok.
Philipiss: Highest concentration of shitposter so nah.
Hari jumat SKJ dulu
psi partai anjing
sebangsat-bangsatnya pdi lebih bangsat psi
caper mulu kerjaannya
senggol sana senggol sini
tapi grace natali mantul sih
Too bad her hairstyle on TV campaign make her looks like a cheap hooker compared to pic related
imagine being mad at politics shit, ahmad
yang mana bosku?
yang rambut bob keliatan imut-imut bikin ngaceng
Nyang enih
Who else here Maynilad master race?
My uncle's place. Office is Manila Water though so the area here is screwed.
Smells like dutdut sabotage for chink gain
T. Bahar bin sumayit
Salam brothers, two masjid in my city just got shot up.
Send dua and stay redpill
How are people doing there right now? I heard that Christchurch is on lock down and that there were at least two perpetrators.
This just make mudslime and left stronger. I can't comprehend how stupid and inane that was.
I'm in lockdown at uni, not sure when I can get home. Allegedly the primary suspect was captured by police but there my be one one more others still at large.
He filmed the whole thing on gopro
It seems only one poltard from 4*2chan
How redpill is NZ?
In general not but there are definitely redpill groups
In Chinese, we just say “two lizards”.
>expecting chinks to not be specific about quantity
I just read newspaper, apparently she start to attack her own coalition like PKB or PDIP.
Jokowi isn't perfect but he sure as hell is a better choice compared to Prabowo.
The thing I fear is when Jokowi rolls over in 2023, who will step up to the task?
Fear no more
It has been going for some time, a new party like that has to keep making noises to attract millenial voters to gain seat. Maybe they'll learn to be more subdued or be more rabid, even if it jeopardizes their own coalition.
But he's jailed.
Today must be the best day for m00t after he sold this site.
Must prepare life after 4chen.
He served his time and Punished Ahok is now back into politics. He's still laying low for now though.
He's already free you stupid fucking dense niggerfaggot.
Wouldn't that ruin his career though?
Everyone with a working brain can see that Ahok's sentence was pure bullshit and a black mark on our justice system.
My resident geckos had a baby. Say hi
If that's the case then why was /asean/ celebrating when he got jailed?
He's currently in honeymoon with his 25yo new wive
In 5 years PSI will be one of biggest political party and bring Ahok to presidential seat
Jow Forums isn't fucking how you measure the demographics of a nation. If I say that flips ate pagpag unironically based on that retard spammer will you refute me?
Wait what? Explain.
Explain who moot?
Pengen boobfuck Princess Jasmine
If I ever had a chance to kill only one person, that person will be you. The only thing I'm curious about is why haven't you killed yourself when looking into the mirror. Such an ugly speciment.
Because he's clean now and Hiro will be the one who's at shit.
Dude, do you really hate me that much just because I don't like Najib?
thoughts about that shooting?
my dad's friend was in there at the time, he says they haven't been able to contact him as of yet
Bad. Cringe. Sad
Terrorist group could take that action as a justification for jihad.
Which i
puck yu
I've been planning to get out from this cunt to live comfy life in south NZ.
Now that plan is ruined.
Why did I get banned?
I didn't do anything wrong. Is it common here?
Wait I thought NZ is a nogunz country?
have you been posting on Jow Forums recently? that sites blocked in Indo so you have to use proxy/vpn to post
and the rules here say no vpn/proxy so there you go
not for chink and indonlib
Didn't I just used telkom...
Aamiin brother
Going to the mosque but worried lads, what if I get shot?
Nz Is kinda may-issue on gun license
>Muslim majority country
>no gunz Muslim majority country
>get shot
tak apalah, mati dalam keadaan baik
President candidate needs to have a clear criminal record, retard. If he can be the candidate, then I'll vote Tommy Soeharto in next election just to spit faggots.
>Going to Masjid
>Already hear imam talking about NZ
If you die in the mosque you'll probably still get your 72-women loli harem
>if a man dies in the mosque, he'll get 72 lolis harem
>if a woman dies in the mosque, she'll get 72 shota harem
But will I get 72 lolis (male) harem if I as a man die in the mosque though?
Who would win in a fight? MKL or Ayen?
your imam is a Jow Forums poster
They said the angels will suit your taste but I dunno man.
make sure you are straight before dying or Allah will punish you
there was a screenshot of him talking to a fan, i think i saw a bit of his arm
he looks pretty toned from that pic
Can't wait to get the Official Kill Count.
Will Malaysia consider pulling their students because of this?
It's straigh LOOKS like a scene from Hardcore Henry holy shit!!!
Thank God, we never got rid of old Bestank system, back from when water pressure was shit the whole year round.
That would make if it were like Trump's border wall, which is blocked by congress but...
The project was already approved in 2014
The loans with interest rates (2-3%) below what the World Bank (5.2% interest) charges the Philippines were already granted last year.
There's literally nothing legally stopping the project.
Unless there is a coup like Egypt there won't be repeat of Ops Pyramid.
ketum PPP arrested lmao
Homosexuals would never see heaven
> soljum
what's my christbros doing at a time like this?
if shit hits the fan, he will unleash his retard strength of ten men and go full chimpanzee on his face
>mfw its been an hour and 5 cigarettes since i started posting about the shooting
i'm cashing in on the (You)s gaes