How do we make Russerbia a thing?

How do we make Russerbia a thing?

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we don't

Move all Serbs to Russia and divide the empty land between Croats, Albanians, Bosniaks, Bulgarians and Hungarians

Serbs are subhuman arselickers and nobody in Russia gives two shits about them.
t. paшн

i think we are already integrated militarily, belgrade already houses one russian divisional headquarters but dont tell nato that
if we ever enter eu, russia will gain influence on the european parliament and we are already a staging area for the russian army group south

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Пyкнyл в тpeд.

>He admits that his country is basically a Russian satellite that's used to push Russia's agenda

>he doest admit he is a nato puppet
at least we are more honest

This. Serbia is to Russia what Albania is to Turkey