Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド

This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!

Previous Thread:For Japanese learners: 過去ログ: desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/日本語スレッド/

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Attached: JT-Harakiri 32039545.gif (600x466, 1.46M)

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Borrow money from a pessimist–they don’t expect it back.

「セックスしないと見捨てられる」ではなくて、身体でしか男性と繋がれないコミュニケーション能力の低い女性が少なくないってことなんだよね。 男性にとっては身体以外に魅力のないコミュ障。また「男は体目的だ」と思い込むことで、自身の人格の問題を直視せずに済む。心の弱い卑怯者の論理だね。







(" ̄д ̄)ケッ



I'll be a hermit billionaire.







Goodbye friends, Jow Forums will be closing down now.

You know you are good friends with someone if they take their headphones off when you sit beside them.



必 死 だ な ( 藁

( ´_ゝ`)シランガナ

( ゚∀゚)σσゲッツ!!


( ・∀・)σσ ゲッツ!!

43 percent of statistics are made up.


People who cancel our plans before I get up the courage to cancel them myself are my kind of people.

you are right

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

>the second mouse gets the cheese.
what does this mean?

Spending all day hoping the plans you agreed to yesterday are quietly forgotten by all involved

Borrow money from a pessimist–they don’t expect it back.


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should i study japanese in the university

if you want to understand the lanaugage linguistically or want to know about Japanese literature, it makes sense to study it in university. but if you just want to become able to communicate in Japanese, you shouldn't. Universities should be for academic studies not for training for certain skills.

>Universities should be for academic studies not for training for certain skills
This has been intriguing me actually. Last year, I chose not to enroll because I was unsure of what I wanted to do. My only "skill" is being fluent in English. Though I'm interested in linguistics. I've spent a lot of time on Ottoman Turkish and now I'm learning about other Turkic languages etc. But being a linguist is not worthy. It won't feed me. I don't want to become some English teacher desu. So I've been thinking, maybe I should study Japanese. At least when I graduate, I'll be prolly fluent in Japanese and will be able to find a well-paying job in some Japanese company

>academic studies
Like what?

>well-paying job in some Japanese company
First of all, it's really hard to find a "well-paying job" nowadays.
Secondly, the language isn't important in finding a job in Japan, especially well paying ones.
There are a lot of Americans and Europeans working in Japan making good money without knowing much Japanese.
They have other skills, which could be earned with less effort required for learning Japanese.

I was talking about finding a job in a Japanese country in Turkey, not Japan.

in a Japanese company*


All those Japanese people working in Turkey would be speaking English, no?


GOOD( ゚Д゚)b



I had to answer the door earlier I'm done for the day

The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.




Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.


Thank you, that's very profound.

Going to Japan again soon, any nice places to eat top tier Curry? No Coco please, already tried it.

i try hard to be inspirational

Attached: i will try to find it in life chaos.jpg (500x375, 31K)

i cook excellent curry
do you want to come over to my place?

Attached: fuck my sister.jpg (324x400, 46K)

hello friends


oh, i just realised our house is off limit to shit skins...sorry.

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hello darkness my old friend
ive come to talk with you again


rude, I just want a nice Curry place

Just kidding. If you are in central Tokyo, try Jimbocho area. There are several universities in the area, and there are interesting curry places for those students. Cheap and merry.

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I only avoid going out on the days which start with 'W'; Wednesday, Weekdays, and Weekends

im carrie not the of girl you'd marry
That's me!

thank you user, you're so nice

you'r welcome


I've never experienced FOMO

(`∀´)σσ ゲッツ!!



I had to answer the door earlier I'm done for the day

Being an introvert is basically liking your friends but wanting them to leave at the same time.


You know you are good friends with someone if they take their headphones off when you sit beside them.

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.



the user that asked me about 利益線, are you here?

I had to answer the door earlier I'm done for the day

I guess.. I mean there's this general thought that if you speak [language], you'll find a good job in [nationality] company

Ova burada Türk de mi var?? Bana yardımcı olur musun??

ne için yardımcı olayım sana hocam?

Üniversitede Japon edebiyatı okuyup mezun olduğumda dili akıcı konuşabilmeyi istiyorum.

Böyle yapmam iyi olur mu?

Japonca bana iş sağlar mı?

Sen Japonca öğreniyor musun? Öğreniyorsan tavsiye eder misin öğrenilmesini??


şimdi hocam:
1. üniversitede okuduğun/okumak istediğin bölüm japon edebiyatı mı?
eğer öyleyse büyük ihtimal japonca öğretmeni olursun, ama ne olursa olsun japoncayı akıcı konuşmayı öğrenirsin.
2. böyle yapman hayattan ne beklediğine/istediğine bağlı, bilgisayar mühendisi filan olmak istiyorsan üni bölümünü niye japon edebiyatı seçesin ki?
3. sadece japonca sana anca japonca öğretmenliği işi tutturur, ama başka bir alana yönelmişken japonca öğrenmek sana fayda sağlar

ben öğreniyorum, evet, yaklaşık 4-5 yıl oldu başlayalı
kursa giderek ve okuyarak öğrendim. tavsiye eder miyim, normalde etmem çünkü yazından altyaşmışsın gibi geldi bana, bu bi anlık hevesse hayatını harcamış olursun (üni bölümünü jp edebiyatı seçersen). onun dışında hobi olarak her türlü başla, üç büyükşehirde gayet sağlam japonca eğitimi veren yerler var.


A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.


1. Japonca öğreneyim yeter, tabi işime yarasın
2. Hayattan bir beklentim yok, sorun da bu. Ben kayıbım. Tek yeteneğim İngilizce bilmem gibi bir şey.. utanç verici.... Gerçi dil bilimine bayılıyorum ve dil bilimiyle çok ilgileniyorum ama dil bilimi okuyup a101de çalışmak istemiyorum. Japonca okursam dili öğrenirim, iş imkânım artar diye düşünüyorum kendimce bu yüzden

19 yaşındayım, üniye gitçem
ama dediğim gibi, kayıbım

アナと雪の女王の Let it go、日本語だと「少しも寒くないわ」という場所、中国語は「どのみち銀世界は怖くない」英語は「どうせ寒さを気にしたことないし」西語は「寒さも私の一部」独語は「寒さは今や私の一部」仏語は「寒さは自由の代償」だった。日本語が一番寒さに鈍感でフランス語が一番寒がり。

mezuna mı kaldın?
herhangi bir üniye girdin mi?
benim naçizane fikrim eğer dilbilimini bu kadar seviyorsan direk o alana yönel, yanında japoncanı da geliştirirsin her türlü kurslar vb. yoluyla veya japoncaya gerçekten meraklıysan japonca edebiyatı oku.
senin sıkıntın japonca filan değil ki oğlum, demişsin zaten kayıbım diye, bence herşeyden önce bunu düzeltmeye çalış
dil bilimi okuyup a101de çalışmak diye bir şey her zaman geçerli de değil, bilg. müh. okuyup da a101de çalışabilirsin, fizik okuyup shell'de müdür de olabilirsin, meslek lisesi okuyup isveçli şirketlerde müdürlük de yapabilirsin, hepsini gördüm bunların
bu arada japonca öğrenmek türkiye'de kalmayı planlıyorsan çok da işine yaramaz bence.

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Ask me about my vow of silence.

That's sad .
I am an introvert too.