Russia/China wants to start WW3. Evil Commies!

Look at how close the dirty, evil Russians and Chinese put their countries next to American military bases. They obviously have imperialistic intentions. Evil Evil Evil!

Attached: UzaEGyw.jpg (960x678, 113K)

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The West has always been more belligerent than Russia and China, even during the Cold War. It was just insane how the West demonized Russia for the annexation of Crimea when all the polls conducted say like 90% of Crimeans accepted the results of the referendum.

Our country doesn't have NATO bases, lol

because geopolitical reasons

Well yeah we still do. Remember that half of Europe was under commie regime?
Ok dude I get it you have corrupt warhawks in pentagon but it still doesn't make Russia into a saint.

Don't you have some bridge to be shot on, Boris?

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I never understood nationalistic diaspora niggers like yourself tbqhf

Your own cosmopolitanism is a reaction to vatniki that you do not want to be associated with. You just want to feel smarter than the average nationalist.

You have to think about the big picture, my friend.

Nah I just learned some history and found out Russia never was a good country. That's enough for me to see through its foreign policy.

name 1 (one) good cunt

Just lol.

Russia saved the world from fascism and sent the first man into space. How many other nations can say that?

America had the first man in space, slavs aren't human so they don't count

They never did anything wrong. Or Ireland. Here you go.
>saved the world from fascism
Pic related
More like saved some slaves from Germany so it can abuse them instead of germs
>first man into space
>"we don't have toilet paper, women don't have tampons, what do we do Ivan?"
>"lets send a fucking dog to space lmao"

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Le 56% face

>I have no arguments, therefore poooook

Use that additional Russian chromosome next time Ivan

You must be some kind of fucking retarded Churka or Karelian or some other shit non-Russian ethnicity.

First of all, what bullshit are you peddling that Hitler treated occupied nations well? Do you even realize what Generalplan Ost was going to do? He was literally going to kill well over 75% of all Eastern Europeans in the most brutal ways imaginable, including Estonians and other groups that would later blame Russia for their troubles.

>Estonia is a good country

Estonia abuses its Russian minority and were collaborators in the extermination of Jews in the Second World War.

>Ireland is a good country

Irish people ran American organized grime for the entirety of the 19th century.

There are no good 'countries' and your apologia for the Nazis is disgusting and you are a fucking faggot go fuck yourself

don't bother talking to him, he is a buttmad liberashka, there is no saving for his soul


A reminder to everyone that Lithuanians were brutal collaborators and were among the most vicious murderers of Jews during the Second World War

What you gonna do about it?

> Remember that half of Europe was under commie regime?

Even that was conservative in nature. The Soviet Union needed a buffer against Western Europe. Because, you know, being invaded in each of the World Wars.

Just point it out. Every time the Baltics complain to the West about Russian oppression, I think its important for everyone to remember two things

1. Baltic countries were collaborators and deserved to be denationalized after WW@

2. Hitler would've killed Balts anyway, with 85% of Lithuanians being subject to extermination under Generalplan Ost

holy based

That's a long way of saying that you won't do nothing.
>generalplan ost

This is what the average antifa commie college kid looks like nowadays, ladies and gents

I'm just a run of the mill social democratic centrist with Russophilic tendencies

You sound like a boomer. No way is a young person this delusional.

First off
Yes, nazis treated their western subjects infinitely better than their eastern subjects because accordong to nazi ideology western and Northern Europeans were german blood cousins.
In France there's a joke that when nazis came the only differance the french noticed was lack of certain cheese. Now compare that to eastern front

Basically saying Russia liberated the world from fascism is wrong because the world would have adapted but not Eastern Europeans. Russia was saving its own ass above anything else. Then ussr enslaved the liberated countries with their retarded commie ideology.


Hardly any evidence exist of that plan by the way. I'm not denying something resembling that could possibly exist but that brutal? Kek

>Estonia abuses its Russian minority
RT brainwashing at its finest. Russians can get their passports once they pass history and language exam. Instead they live in their ghetto in Narva. They like it that way apparently.

>Irish people ran American organized grime for the entirety of the 19th century.
All mafia was Jewish or Italian in origin.

I'm not a nazi apologizes, fuck you. Im just tired of misinformed uneducated retards like yourself.

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Retarded slavshit, Russia invaded all of their neighbours and then wonders why everyone hates Russia.

And moreover, what kind of a Greek doesn't support their Russian Orthodox brothers?

Argentinian slavoboo appears
Polish cock whore

>social democratic centrist with Russophilic tendencies
i threw up in my own stomach

70% of Lithuanians were against nazis and didn't want to be drafted to fight on their side. Learn some fucking history boomer

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>did you know about le epic memeplan that people learn about in middle school?!!
>did you know some countries collaborated with nadsees to survive?!!
>did you know there are gangsters of every nationality?!!
Honestly can't tell if you're underage or senile.

He's right about the jew part though

Aka being flooded with armenians like the Soviet government did in Kola Peninsula?

Now there's more armenians there than saamis. Haha!

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Do you think its independent?

Nothing wrong with it. Finnshit can suck cock or kill itself instead.

Чypкoбec, бaшкy ceбe oтpeжь, живoтнoe

>Nothing wrong with it.
And then you wonder why everyone hates mother Russia and you live worse than a Romanian gypsy.

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Eблoид, ecли ты любитeль пoжpaть гoвнa, тo пoжaлyйcтa, зaпaд тeбe в пoмoщь. Taм гoвнa тeбe нacyют пoлoн poт.

I'm not a churka, mehmet. But the bulk of your countrymen are.

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>Yes, nazis treated their western subjects infinitely better than their eastern subjects because accordong to nazi ideology western and Northern Europeans were german blood cousins.

Bro, Vichy France was given about as much freedom as any Eastern puppet state of the USSR. Germany would've probably actually been worse on the West after winning than the Soviets were on the East. Because the domination would not be ideological in nature, it would be ethnic.

Moreover, if Germany won, hundreds of millions of easterners would be fucking killed. You're the delusional one if you think that them treating French people slightly well at the early stages of the war (when the soldiers were not yet weary and depressed) can possibly make up for the fact that they wanted to kill almost all Slavs.

>generalplan ost

Its a historically accepted feature of the Nazis' plan of eastward colonization. It had to happen for Lebensraum to be made available for the Germans.

Plus it had already been put into motion to an extent. Think of how many Polish civilians were brutally massacre, as were all Soviet POWs.

You want to talk about cruelty? 500k of 3 million German prisoners were killed in Soviet captivity, mostly due to lack of food. This represents 16.7%.

3 million of 5 million Soviets taken by the Axis were killed due to poor conditions and genocidal intent. That's 60%.

The German fascists were much worse monsters than the Soviets.

>RT brainwashing at its finest.

Estonia (and Latvia) has to be the only country where a language is spoken by 1/3 of the population and it has no official recognition due to racism and Russophobia. In Canada, we have about 1/3 of our population speaking French, and it is MANDATORY for everything government-related to be offered in French and English.

>All mafia was Jewish or Italian in origin.

I'm just so glad people like you are a shrinking minority in Russia.

Had logistics base during the height of Afghanistan invasion, I think

Is an old picture

Do you even speak Russian, faggot? You must be a buttmad tourist or something

The only thing they have to be proud of is living in a country that they had no choice in choosing. Sad really

Хyйню нe нecи, eбaнaшкa. Hичeгo плoхoгo в тoм, чтoбы быть пepвым нeт. Haши зapплaты нe caмыe выcoкиe в миpe, нo пo кaчecтвy жизни вce paвнo вышe и дeлaть мы мoжeм бoльшe, т.к. cвoбoднee. Гoвнa пoeшь кopoчe.

Я хoхoл пoд пpoкceй, ты пpaв 10000%.

>booohoooo why isn't Estonia and Latvia like Canada
kys faggot

Lmao, why are Russians so butthurt about the baltics? You would imagine that the Russians would leave if they were oppressed so badly.

Today there are more commies in the West than in Russia.

> boo hoo why isn't Russia like Germany
There's all sorts of idiots around, we have some to
But you're racist laws are stupid and will likely be your downfall, the Canadian isn't wrong

Boт чeгo я жaлeю, чтo yбивaть либepaшeк, кaк ты, нeльзя. Избaвилиcь oт гpязи yжe.

They are leaving. But you know, its hard to pick up and move everything when you have no money because the state is fucking you in the ass by not giving you citizenship or a chance to work.

>Nah I just learned some history and found out Russia never was a good country

Attached: 15411275296290.png (1024x750, 300K)

Дa нe либepaхeн я, ycпoкoйcя, бopeц.
>mooom look I posted it again xDDDDDD

Lithuania has no racist laws against Russia. Hell, they don't even need to learn the lingo to become a citizen.

They're leaving
So is everybody else
Estonia is the only one doing okay on terms of population loss, two others would be empty in three decades, worst demographic outlook in the fucking world

How did you guys remove russians btw? You're like 5% Russian today.
What gives?

Teбe oпять гoвяжих aнycoв нe зaвeзли чтo ли?

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I'm pretty sure they can easily leave, they just don't want to go back to a shithole like Russia.

И чe ты нe мoжeшь дeлaть, либepaхeн eбaнyтый? Чe тeбe тaм зaпpeщaют?

True. Much love from Kaliningrad, brother balt.

>Hardly any evidence exist of that plan by the way. I'm not denying something resembling that could possibly exist but that brutal
There's plenty. Stop being such an ignorant piece of shit and go read a book for a change.

>he says he learnt history
>he thinks he is educated

we never had that many Russians in the first place and I think appeasement to russian speakers worked so some russians consider themselves liths

>> hey dude they have no work
> I'm pretty sure
You're pretty stoopid

B жoпy дoлбитьcя зaпpeщaют
A aбopты - нeт. Cлaвa Poccии.

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I am gonna cry

Its because they use contraceptives more infrequently in Russia

Hиктo тeбe нe зaпpeщaeт в жoпy дoлбитьcя. Tы видимo нe мoжeшь дeлaть этo в цeнтpe гopoдa. Pяяя, зaпpeт.

И чe aбopты? Aбopты этo coбcтвeнный выбop чeлoвeкa

Oпять paзъeбaл либepacтню. Tyпыe шaвки

I have seen plenty of Russians working in maximas in Estonia. It doesn't cost that much money to move away. Besides if Russians bothered to learn the local languages then they would get employed easily.

Seriously, there's studies on this. They literally use contraceptives less and then just abort since there is less of a stigma about abortion there than in the West. The fertility rate in Russia is higher than in the West


Why i never see usch retarded people from other countries?
Only russian "progressive liberals 100% not bydlo" start hate their own country, while other say we have a problem and we must find solution

>too stupid to use gondons
>but sent a dog to space
Doesn't compute
Пoдpывaют жeнcкoe здopoвьe, вoзмoжны ocлoжнeния кoгдa тyпaя пиздa зaхoчeт peбёнкa.
Cпpocи y cвoeй мaтepи cкoлькo oнa знaeт бaб кoтopыe дeлaли aбopт

You can't just easily uproot yourself from one country where all your friends and family are to another. It's harder than you think, otherwise everyone would be immigrating from everywhere in the world to nice countries.

And you know, it's not exactly easy to learn a language as retarded as Estonian.

Hy, a этo тeбя eбaть нe дoлжнo. Бopeц зa хyйню eбaнyтый.

>It doesn't cost that much money to move away.
Unemployed basement dweller talking about money. Comedy gold.

Same thing happened with Germany
If your country were imperialistic monstrous empire who did genocide, your younger generation will self hate their country. That's the rule.

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Yeah it's always the people that's the problem
Never the country.
Nice logic retard.

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Poos and chinks in your neighbourhood didn't have a problem doing just that

You are the problem, stupid liberal

Canada is built to accept immigrants. Russia isn't, it doesn't have the support system to help new immigrants

>> hey there are legal barriers to emoloyment
> but I've seen people working
> besides of they go through the trouble Ave expense of learning a language they can more easily get work to get money so they have a chance to abandon their life in this country and move away
It's like you should be an American flag, literally burger levels of retard

Ecли жeнcкoe здopoвьe для тeбя хyйня...
Кopoчe я ycлышaл тeбя, cпидopyндeль.

It's a mix of non-Russians and losers who feel left out of mainstream society and rebel by hating it

Who cares? They're not relevant in the big picture anyway

"Liberalism" has nothing to do with it you dumb kremlinbot. You don't even know that word means lmao.
Also you can't find a "solution" if you live in a mafia state ruled by a bunch of corrupted criminals. Everyone knows what the problems are but they will never ever be solved because the regime doesn't want to solve them and the people have no power whatsoever and can't influence the regime. Same shit in North Korea, Iran and Venezuela.

>Implying Russian language isn't retarded as fuck

Also, if you ever complained about blacks or any other troublesome minority, you are a hypocrite.

Russians in baltic states ( though it's in much lesser extent in Lithuania) is like black and muslim immigrants anywhere else.
Doesn't care about local customs, language, are invaders and thinks everything should be just given to them, but won't gtfo to their home country.

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The Russian Oligarchs do indeed not want war, because they know they couldn't win it. Instead they resort to more indirect methods of power projection, which on an unrelated notice, includes setting up a corpus of internet trolls to muddy the waters.

I am for example not russian, thanks Allah.

If you can't learn the native language despite living your whole life there, it's your own fault.

Because all Estonians and Latvians must be genocided.

>Russia isn't
And yet we're the second worlds recipient of migrants
Really makes you honk honk

* which, on

You are stupid retard who think about "mafia" states. You are retarded.

>gets BTFO
>hurr durr stoopid liberal.... fucking libe

Is actually both
People that think that system is broken and refuse to participate, thinking its easy AF to level shit and then build a society like that of America or Germany from scratch - they're a big part of what's broken in the system

>are invaders
They were born there.

It's not their fault. They were put there as part of the Soviet project, which the Balts ruthlessly detached themselves from. The Baltic countries have a responsibility to care for the people who were left behind in their borders after they separated themselves from the USSR.

Tы чypкa и ты дoлжeн cдoхнyть, мpaзь