Jow Forums
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International #1032
/fr/ - Le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Why are Russians so depressed and suicidal?
Why do Swedes put cheese in their coffee?
Do men in your cunt start balding in their 20s?
What is pic related's nationality?
Visit my 101 year old grandpa
Why are they so right-wing?
Russian schools are this based
What do Asians think of these people?
Do you love Japan?
Would you rather live in Portugal or Greece?
What's it like being alpha in your country?
This is Uganda
Would you impregnate a Japanese girl?
A 5/10 in Estonia
Tell me about this place
Faces of Spain
I drew Europe from memory
Is USA the heir of Rome?
From 1-10 how do I look like?
I fucking hate america and I can't stop thinking about them
If Saudi user had never been exposed to Western degeneracy by this website, he'd still be alive today
Forests, do you like them? Do you have them?
Where can I pass as white?
Average American girl
France, are you okay?
How does Jow Forums like their bread?
This was one of the proposed flags for the European Union
Remember when that guy promised us porn for this?
Do Greek Women REALLY look as good as this ?
You wake up in Kosovo, 1999
Fuck Japan
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Which country is better?
Watch it polish scum and Russians
Jow Forums is basically a mass-blog
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
This is my room
Is piracy common in your country?
Post videos flooded with Chinese trolls
Do I look white?
I just got back fron the library. As promised, I took out the book about France. I also took out a few othe books
Today is Greek Indipendence Day
Be me...
How do you call this in your country?
What is life like in small-town China now that most peasants have phones and access to roads and other modern stuff?
Give a new name for the sea
Jow Forums /mu/
1. Flag 2. Are boys valuable members of society in your country?
My mom has €7 left to last the entire week
How would your country react if this would merge into one nation?
Daughter recently turned 1
Would you date a cute schizophrenic girl?
Could a 172 white manlet find love in your cunt ?
My gf is turning into a fat pig
Do the educated immigrants who actually work...
/Skandi. - Norden 100 år
Gets a bachelor in business
Russia is a shitty country
Explain this, United States of America
Today we are celebrating our revolt against the Ottocucks
Japaneses video game is d-
The absolute state of the garbage collectors of Jow Forums
Could I move to your country?
Goodbye forever Jow and
What videogames do you play, int?
If your language doesn't show up in the language selection screen in a video game, then your country is irrelevant
Do men or women look better in your country?
How many languages do you speak?
Well that's it, game over
I'm addicted to Pepsi. Damn you america, and your sweet sugar poison
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
International ERP thread
I wish I was Scandinavian
Give me 1 (ONE) reason why this is a bad thing
I just found out Sweden owns all food stores in the Baltic countries
Do Italians really look like this?
I love Germany!
I have a healthy relationship with my parents
Jow Forums Reversi
You can only post ITT if you live in a shitty country
Any other /mena/ folks hate this cuck as much as I do?
Your cunt
/hell/ νήμα Ελληνιkό
How do I move to a first world country?
This triggers the frog
Today members of german parliament will convene with members of the french parliament for the first time in a joint...
Eu is winning the trade war
How many cute boys are there in your cunt?
Police Uniforms
Message for femanon and transfag got
/fr/ - le fil des artistes
Do they have forts in your vagina
Do girls in your country do this?
Will we end up with anglos trying to get in as economic migrants alongside browns?
Why do cute girls cut themselves
Send help, Save us from the chinks
What's the best country on earth?
Is weighing under 70kg normal when you are 190cm+ tall?
Are you going to visit nu-Saudi Arabia once the millennial Prince gives it a makeover?
What's the next step of my masterplan?
Have any of you even travelled to Japan? How was your experience there?
/ita/ - il filo
Gets bullied because of superiority:
America is a shitty country
Why are Koreans born in Russia 2 metres high while Koreans in Korea are so small,almost invisible?
New worlder "culture"
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Kurva anyátok
Repeat after me:
Is it easy to spot american tourist in European counties?
Tote Ausgabe, /deutsch/
Based SEAmonkeys colonizing us with brown pussy
Can int confirm?
What does Jow Forums think about pit bulls? Are they legal to own where you live?
Central asians what do you guys think of hispanic mestizos?
Why don't europoors have drinking fountains?
Hispanic memes > Anglo (((memes)))
South Koreans can't be Cha-
Some morrocan exchange student dead ass told me he was from spain
Faces of Jow Forums
*enters the game*
There is kot!
Redpill me on christian mythology, angels, hells, devils and all of that fantastical shit
Why do Indians and Arabs have permanent dark circles around their eyes?
Does your country require national service
Dat smooth feel of freshly shaven face
Your cunt
North America will become hapa
Red = black race
The south will rise again!
You can't have sex with her, she's not 18 yet!
Is there anything worse than being italian american?
Why are sycilians white if they're genetically nearer to algerians than to north europeans?
Best swedish CS:GO player on left and best finnish player on right
Never been across the pond, going to Paris
These people are considered white in US
What's with the obsession with height in this board?
Why are the Chinese the most powerful race in Asia and not the filipinos?
Why are americans like this?
If only
What made you realize "Germans are autistic" meme is actaully true and not just a meme?
How does this art make you feel, Jow Forums?
Mom is Asian
What are your thoughts on white women?
I am ordering pizza
I've checked every state and Americans all have Swedish houses
I'm 25 with no friends who else?
Post cherry-picked images of your cunt
America is much healthier in terms of lung cancer than almost all European countries
I'm drunk for the first time right now
/augen/ ehemals /deustch/
/danmarktråden/ #2
No, you can't buy alcohol after 8 on sunday!!!
Is modern Hindu nationalism bigoted?
I havnt left my bed since I was 17
What happens here besides asshurt at Russia?
Do boys in your country really do this?
Any questions?
Any westerners love Ukraine?
Culture Pals /cp/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Lilo hatino /lat/
We literally write their constitution
Why do Asians have nigger noses?
WTF guys I went traveling to Uruguay and the country is just so... bland...
Your country
La Voiture Noire
Why would you ever live in the city and not in the country?
You should try making some friends, part of the reason that you're so depressed is because you're so lonely!
What are some angry countries
How do Europeans -actually- feel about an EU army? Do you support or reject its formation...
Why do Caribbeans resist being called black, even when they obviously have African ancestry?
Has your cunt historically bullied their neighbours by taking their clay?
Why are South American countries so uncivilized? Why are you guys incapable of forming a non-corrupt government?
10% of swedens population is muslim
1. Your cunt
This is a black woman, according to Jow Forums
Are Finns white in your country?
How do you deal with crime in your cunt?
Why do American students get grades far higher than those European students get?
Hey Jow Forums it's my birthday today. I have turned 23. Ask me anything
Do you have amerisharts in your city?
How do even the darkest looking Indians have facial structure similar to Europeans while Arabs for the most part have...
Post classical composers from your cunt
Tfw dont have a giant country like the USA or Canada
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Jow Forums in 1872
American humour
Finns are not autistic robot-
Question about Parisians
/ita/ - il filo
Anyone else kinda happy these gay retards are gone?
Why is there so much anime on Jow Forums? Some threads are literally flooded with lewd anime girls
This man is the next President of the United States
What's the relation between freedom and murderous psychopaths?
How cute are your country's boys?
Say something nice about turkey
There is only one race - the human race
Fuck, marry, kill
Ur cunt
"Russian polygamist with three 'wives' says he punishes them by banning SEX for a month if they annoy him"
Post your country’s final form
Sweden is doomed
Ask me anything
What are your thoughts on Japanese people, Jow Forums?
What genetic fusion could have caused this to happen?
Well, is it?
Sverigetråden - Bögar är äckliga
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Spaniards have Tartessian, Celtic, Roman, Basque, Gothic, Phoenician, Arabic and Berber blood
Germans and polish are different phyisically?
Poland is BASED bros it's the only non shithole country left in europe xd i bet i could pass as a local there ;) praise...
1. Your cunt 2. Do boys sleep naked or clothed in your cunt
Guess the country
Why are these worthless, leeching cunts so arrogant???
Has any nation been as culturally relevant as the Germans?
/fr/ - le francofil:
Why didn't East Asians develop the genetic mutation for blue eyes/blond hair? It would look so cool
Imagine the smell
/lat/ + /conosur/ + /esp/ + /chi/ + /poringa/ + /b/ + Jow Forums + /a/ = hilo latino
How are boys with wide hips and big butts treated in your country?
Europe with rising sea levels
How do you write your sevens? My Russian mom always wrote 7 with a line through it...
Are Arabs and Indians the ugliest people on this planet?
Why yes we're British, how could you tell?
Never forget NATO bombings of Yugoslavia
How do we make American-Mexican relationships more common?
Americans eat this
Why can't Jewish people handle banter?
E*ropeans have unique cultures
Name one (1) country you want to visit but probably never will in your lifetime
Imagine being European and getting memed into thinking the midwest is a good place
Do all Russians look like this?
Post your cunt's vassal states
What happens here?
The french slang word for urinate is pipi pronounced peepee for angloids
How can americans ingest so much food
Me strolling through Jow Forums
Southern Europe is Whit-
/v4/ + /polska/
I had a fistfight with my dad again
What happens in Maryland?
/deutsch/e fickfotzen ausgabe
/ita/ - il filo
Indonesia or Philippines? Which one is better?
ITT post churches from your cunt
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Will e**Ropoors ever recover?
Can we all agree that Brazil's got the most beautiful shape out of all the countries in the world?
General for anyone in Indian sub-continent or a diaspora of indian sub-continent
What happened with France?
Youtube autist makes fun imaginary scenario about EU vs UK war
Eyes of Jow Forums
What is life like in Bad Europe?
Your cunt
How do we save Canada?
Why do poos do this?
Greek food in USA
/fr/ - le francofil
What race im i? im white ?
Please come to Russia and fuck our women
Does this happen in your cunt?
Greece hates the EU
So what kind of girls fo you usually attract in ur cunt?
We're staying in the EU!
Would you like to be powerfull?
Why do vous non learner français yet?
I hate being in here
Finland looks like sweden's ballsack lol
Why do Americans like to pretend that they have freedom of speech?
Guys, say something nice about the above user's cunt
Am I white?
Hands of Jow Forums
Visit my 101 year old grandpa
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Every generation after the baby boomers and the hippies has less sex overall (demographic trend)
How is your local military regarded in your country?
Do you have pigs in your country?
Am I the only one in here who hates arabs?
According to the Russian Academy's study that made headlines in 2014...
Only rich cunts may post on this thread
/NEDERDRAAD/ Look at this dude editie
Why do poles hate him so much?
Reversi thread
2019 is 1/4th over
Do you vote?
Would they pass as locals in your cunt?
Do you find Russian hard to pronounce?
/ita/ il filo
Why arent Asian accents considered attractive or sexy...
I been training for 9 years to get this physique at 188cm and 118kg how many more years do i have to train to get a...
Are Blonde girls frequent in your cunt?
Are Sicilians considered white in your country?
Jow Forums breakfast
I'm a 166cm and 47kg male
I have decided that I am a homosexual. My dryspell is over, I get laid any time I want to...
Why yes i'm algerian how did you know?
Name one country
Tfw you've done nothing but be loyal to Britain throughout your history and Britain still doesn't like you
1. Cunt
White Women like Black Men and Asian Women like White Men
Most installed apps in Spain
Dutch people welcome
Go western fags marry with pornstats
How does China keep winning?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
This is the modern woman
Japanese girls are
The nazis won
I just finished replaying GTA San Andreas for the first time in like 7 years or so
Pathetic subhumans
Do russians really do this?
What do you think of this controversial quote?
Faces of Jow Forums
Thoughts on åland?
Why do Americans do this?
Would you impregnate this Asian qt?
It is without doubt that Poland belongs to its native inhabitants but if you necessarily had to pick between Russia and...
Ugghhhhh...What could have been
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Bridge between Italy-Balkans
Is it a bad idea to buy a Galaxy S7 in 2019?
1. your cunt?
Why do they hate each other? Aren't they supposed to be frens because Commonwealth n shit?
Why are w*sterners like this?
Summoning Madagascar
I hate living in Israel
Sverigetråden - Söndagsfläskpannkakaupplagan
1. You're mother's vaginal opening
Would you live in an underground/basement apartment, Jow Forums? Despite efforts in China to reduce basement apartments...
I sometimes pretend to be a Syrian refugee and be a total asshole to everyone just to make people hate immigrants even...
/deutsch/ pur
A New Zealand concert that is held every year for hippies was evacuated after someone showed up with a “far right...
Who is lower in society, Muslims or Dalits?
/fr/ - le fil français
Your country
Why are they such horrible posters and such Germanyboo posters like Eastern Europeans ?
Why can we not just spank the EU
Koreans look like that?
You wake up this morning and
Based Chink
Is there a Jow Forums community in Brussels?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2167.5
Can we all agree that this is how the european union should look like?
This triggers the Anglosphere
Should I stop taking my meds and become more edgy again?
Gay anime thread
Sorry Turk boy, your women belong to Kara Boga now inşallah
We voted Leave
Nippon suki?
Does your country imprison you for 14 years for owning text?
"hola guapo, como estas?"
Kurva anyátok
Wat cunts have you been inside
Is there a more cucked country than Japan?
-170 because social autism, disease (Schizophrenia) no job. From third world. But it can go -500 if I’m in a loony bin
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why do some people from civilized countries learn my language...
What race is this?
1 flag
Mfw a third worlder starts defending capitalism
Why won't they just leave?
Do you like incest?
Mfw micks got cucked so hard by the anglos that they forgot how to speak their own native language
/lat/: Hilo latino
How can we unify these petty meaningless tribes into something special, productive and good?
Reminder that Sweden will soon be overflowing with 10 million of these Uighur qts
Apu thread?
Puerto Plata vs Sancti Spiritus
Interesting video gets recommended on youtube
Have you fallen out of touch with your relatives?
How do you say "I have to go to work tomorrow" in your country?
Jow Forums /lgbt/
This is a Jewish-Belarusian couple
Do you guys call us monkeys because of race or because we live in jungles?
Prussians/East Germans ruled by Soviets for 44 years
Say something nice to my turtle
Why do black americans don't like french mulattos ? They are racists or what ?
Based Koreans
How to find a cute Southerner boyfriend?
Why are they subhuman?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
1. Your country
Canada is a non-country and should be split in 4? I'm gonna have to agree
One million people in the UK attended anti-Brexit protests. Do you still think it’s a good idea?
Are Germans white?
At what point did you realise than America is actually the world villain?
A little IWO
What does Jow Forums think about Estonia?
Can*da Hate Thread
What do Southeast Asians think of East Asians?
Where would you prefer to live: in Mexico or in US city like New Orleans/St. Louis/Flint?
Is China at risk of a Soviet Union style collapse?
/ita/ il filo
So user we heard you're pretty knowledgeable about foreign cultures! Come on, tell us something!
Will you miss us if 4channel gets banned here?
Military power rankings
Daily reminder this is what the Brazilian who shit up the board claiming Brazil is white looks like
They think they are not german
What does the left look like in your cuntry?
How true is this?
Get me out of this hell hole
Crimea je ______
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
Mexican fuckin around
Traveling is the cure for racism. What countries have you been to?
I got my wife pregnant again, Jow Forums. Are you going to give my second child a warm welcome into the world?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Why is this country so prolific in amateur sex videos, spy cam videos, sleep molestation videos...
Are Caribbean country's superior Latin one's
Why do they hate the English language so much?
Nordic countries thread
The majority of Americans reject gun contr-- oh
I'm sick of white people. I'm going back to Africa
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2167
/ita/ - il filo notturno
Suburbs aren't comf-
English doesn't sound Germanic to me
What is the point of this?
Do Koreans really do this?
What would you do if your gf got pregnant?
If you could choice what country that isn't your own to rule the world what would it be ?
Ask a german anything
So many of you complain that you have no gf...
What do you think about Belgium?
For me, it's the Mitsubishi Eclipse
Why are you fat?
ITT: We all live in a mansion
1. cunt
What is life like in small-town Russia? What do locals do for fun and for employment/money?
/cum/ - كندا الولايات المتحدة المكسيك
WTF Italy, you're supposed to on our side!
What is that phenotype?
What country has the most beautiful architecture?
Ask CIA about international languages and cultures
/danmarktråden/ #4
What do Communists look like in your cunt?
China is based and redpilled
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
My ukrainian neighbors are blasting some russian music again
I just sent my dad to get me burger king
Lets see who the Jow Forumsellectuals here are
These are the true borders of Israel
Prague 1967 and today
What do you know about Azerbaijan and people live in there?
/ita/ il filo
Do Americans really put peanuts in their coke?
Why yes i do identify as whit-
Ask an italian anything
Do you want a foreign girlfriend?
I'm losing it bros. I'm hearing voices
/Advanced economies/
My ancestor :)
Norwegian cruises
Polish """""""""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""""""""
Why do Americans do this?
Where do you think GTA 6 will be in?
Are Norwegian the most beautiful girls in the world?
I like America
Before 1985 hafus could only get Japanese citizenship if the father was Japanese
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Losing argument
Hey Ivan, that guy sucks, let's kill his family
Why do they hate themselves so much? I thought 3rd worlders were all nationalistic
Wait a minute Mormon girls look like THAT? !?!?
You wake up in Curitiba - Brazil
Hey don't mind me...just getting my daily dose of logic
This is my electric scooter
*kvak kvak kvak kvak*
Are women in your cunt (generally speaking) whores?
What are your thoughts on this animal?
Britain is white
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/v4/ + friends
Hi. How are you, fren?
/ita/ - il filo
Do you want an international boyfriend?
What is going on in the Czech Republic and Hungary? Are they alright? Their divorces rates are so high
N-no! you can’t kill me! I thought liberals were supposed to be toler-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH
/me/ - Middle East - Based Edition
/flag/ - /extraflags/
I genuinely dislike Slavs. All of them
1. Your cunt
Your country
The Ugly Truth
Where's the worst type of immigrant from in your country?
/großschweiz/ ehemals /deutsch/
Your cunt
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Where did the "Russians are horrible teammates meme" come from? I finally met a Russian today and he was amazing...
Why are mob attacks so common in China?
Why do you guys hate us?
Somalia is the only country i can name from that region
Would you be happy if countries joined together based on their haplogroups?
Have you ever beaten up/bullied the foreigner or other races?
Hey Germany, this costed four times the price of local brands, so it better be gud
It legitimately makes me sick I live in such a soulless shithole and for some reason Europe makes it impossible to move...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How are you spending/did you spend your Saturday, user?
How do you call a person from here?
I suffer
Take bus
/fr/ - le francofil franco-français
I get a raging boner for italian women. They are the most beautiful women on earth, especially nord italians...
Russia/China wants to start WW3. Evil Commies!
Let's play
>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245...
You will never have a QT 3.14 Muslima tradwife breeding sow to face sit on you and breed with your 10 child family...
Who is your favorite Black European?
Who is the greatest musical artist produced by this nation?
1. Your cunt 2. Do boys wear shorts in your country?
Any other PoCs sick of white people?
Why yes I’m a nig-
/ita/ il filo
Question for Turks
What would it be like to live in China?
I can't imagine an italian anime poster desu
1. Cunt?
Ugh... what could've been
How old do I look?
Latino nations = BASED and REDPILLED
It's impossible to be happy without a gf
Do you like Switzerland or Austria more?
Soon, Islam will take over the world and you can't do anything about it
Why yes i do identify as whit-
Ojalá fuera castellano y no canadiense
Would you commit suicide if you had easy access to a gun?
Reminder if you were ever conquered and colonized by a non white, you are non white
The Chinese and Pakistanis are preparing a two-front war against India
Post your country at its greatest extension
In your country, who do you think is the most famous French person that's still alive?
/dixie/ - whatever you want edition
What are your country's main contributions to the meme world?
Do you love Japan?
Would you describe yourself as more of a dude, bro, bruh, brah, guy, nigga, or man?
Sverigetråden - Motståndsupplagan
/gleich für die party fertigmachen/ ehemals /deutsch/
You can't escape from Jackie Chan!
Do you still like video games, fellow intellectuals?
Rangeban when?
America is truly a land of diversity
Tfw Finnish roasties give bad looks when we go to buy groceries
You cunts conscription?
Why does Spain look like this?
Knock up 19 year old Filipino domestic helper
Will New Zealand's culture now include the women wearing head coverings or is this just a temporary thing...
Y'all this is so wholesome, folks! :)
Why do Americans do this?
Just what the FUCK is wrong with the Japanese Justice system? Why would they let them go, just because they're minors...
Is there a more powerful people than the berbers?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Will they ever get along?
1. Your cunt
What is this woman called in your country?
Is this typical of Russia women?
Yes i love Allah
Poland is better maintained than France, Italy, Spain
Japan is a safe country
/ita/ - il filo
Will Americans get over the fact that China rules Euroope now...
Why do white people do this?
American democracy
I wish I lived in Germany or the USA where young people can actually get jobs
Be American "Engineer"
1)Stop being cunt
/deutsch/ pur
¿Did you know Spain has a COAT OF ARMS?
Only white people can post itt
If there were no africans or arabs multiculturalism could work
Dating a German woman for the first time tonight
1) Your cunt
Is Japan as safe as people say it is or is it a meme?
You know how in new vegas caesar would send certain tribes to scout out and spy on the others before killing said...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2166
Fuck Belgium
Tell me which SICK FUCK would pay to go this high
I like Germany. Do you like Germany?
Frendship with usa ended now CHINA is my best friend
Are they really gone?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship