DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2167

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Well since we're this dead might as well ask something I had in mind. What determines when a kanji is used in things like ~やすい、~にくい、~すぎる ? I used to think they were almost always kana given their supplementary nature but I've seen them with kanji many times before, also applies to anything like という、たまえ、etc.

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Can anyone tell me what a "ビジュアルクロス" is? Obviously it says "Visual Cross", but I have no idea what they is.

The context is, there's some contest and they prize is a 等身大ビジュアルクロス of some anime character.

you mean 易い、難い、過ぎる?they are used in prudish novels and such
過ぎる is kinda common, though

How do you respond to people who who mutter about 白人 to their friends? I'm not too bothered about it in country towns or cities like Nagoya where foreigners are less common but I can't help but feel offended in Seoul (Japanese tourists) or Tokyo where foreigners are much more common.

My angry response when they're clearly hateful is "なるほど、お前(たち)は中国人だね" since I know that'll annoy them.

But if it's just an observation and they think I won't understand what can I say to ask them to be more polite?

Currently I just say "失礼ですが、分かりました" but I'm not sure if that's clear enough.

Any creative retorts to the extremely rude people would be nice to share too, but overall I try to be considerate, I can understand xenophobia as I've experienced it myself as a young kid years ago.

There is nothing you can do against racism.

So it's more of a style thing then? I see, thanks!

It's not "Visual cross" but "Visual cloth" and you use it to cover a desk or a table or just decorate your wall so might as well think of it as tablecloth with a printed character on it.

I guess that's like “table-cloth” so basically like an big anime poster but made of cloth

>Visual cloth
Oooh, I see. The nips are so bad with their Engrish words.

Either way, thank you for clearing that up for me. I appreciate it.

put a bullet to your head stupid butthurt gaijin

yeah, kind of. when we try to write in an outdated way, we can use more kanjis.

So you just accept racism lying down?

yeah it's very “Engrish” lmao

they don't think about how english speakers would feel about it
they only think about how it sounds cool to japanese

i'm racist so i can't be a hypocrite. i also don't look to get offended in other people's countries and start planning my epic retorts for the next time i invade

have you tried not being a リア充

I'm not sure what you exactly meant. you felt offended by japs muttering “hakujin”?

I'm half Japanese so I don't consider myself to be an invader. Not planning it ahead of time either, I'm in Japan just roaming on my home plan.

So I don't mean just the word itself, it's when they mutter things like "let's move somewhere else, a white person is here" that sort of thing.

I asked about もの here before, but I have another uncertainty regarding it after going back through a part of the story. Is the もの here just a dummy noun or something else?

I don't think there are many japs who mutter like "let's move somewhere else, a white person is here" only because they see a white person
but if you really hate to hear they whispering about you guys in a silly way, it's better ask them like “どうかしたの?俺らのこと話してたけど?” or somesing like that. that would be enough to embarrass them because they definitely thought you couldn't understand what they were saying

Okay thank you for the serious reply, I'll use that one. Also I've definitely heard them say that, that's why I came here as it has just happened. It's very rare but it happens from time to time. Honestly I don't expect to have to say it any time soon but every few weeks you hear something like this and it makes me fume for the next hour.

Would you recommend trying to learn Kanji while also learning the basics of the language?

Every time I try to learn Japanese I get part way into baby-level stuff and get completely overwhelmed when I add Kanji study on top of that. I'm wondering if I should just ignore it until I have a better grasp of the language?

word and grammar are a language, not whatever they use to write it down

You'll have to start learning at some point but I wouldn't bother if it's causing you to give up.

What I would give some attention to is the pronunciation rules, and depending on how serious you are I'd give some consideration to pitch accent. The more you learn upfront the less unlearning you'll have to do later on.

I think my issue is that I would end up learning new words via Kanji study (I used an Anki deck with common kanjis to start). Since I didn't already know the word, I was trying to memorize both the word and the Kanji so I would get overwhelmed. I know I'll have to learn it eventually but I think I'm beginning to understand why the Japanese classes my high-school had years ago had Kanji in its own class.

you need rtk (remembering the kanji by james heisig) in your life

it's like “because” but used at the end of a sentence

it emphasizes that she tells the reason (昔からあなたの行動は進化ない) why she said「だめよ……やめたら、また寝ちゃうでしょ」in this case


You're vastly overestimating the importance of kanji.

hey nigger

As I said, you'll have to learn it eventually but ignore it for now! It's useless to a beginner. Focus on your speaking and comprehension, definitely use the kana instead of romaji, but besides that don't worry about it.

>don't learn to read, learn to speak

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I don't know if I made any sense

“you should die because you're garbage!”

it often needs to be ~だもの
~から is similar
~だもの is mainly used by females or kids


you can play most pokemon games without seeing any kanji

what if you want to do anything other than play old children's games

What's the connection to "because" here? "I won't stop doing this because you'll fall asleep.. You have changed since you were a kid, after all (you'll continue to try sleeping in)" or something?

I meant you can understand basic japanese conversations without kanji

trying to learn kanji before you could be able to fully understand japanese in children's games is not a very good idea

so, what did you do today?
not much, same old
want to watch a movie together?
eh, maybe later. got some homework to do first
im not sure if the last sentence is right. i meant to say for the last sentence at the beginning, next time maybe to go.
i also have a habit of using を near the end of a sentence, not sure how to try writing something different.

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I'm not sure about the context but it's basically like
“No…you'll fall asleep if you stop doing it, because you haven't changed since you were a kid”

Why else would you learn jap?

doujins have kanjis

>eh, maybe later. got some homework to do first
more simply
>so, what did you do today?

>using を near the end of a sentence
totally OK, as verbs are very likely to be put in the ends of sentences, placing the objects right bofore them is a clear way to speech.
>how to try writing something different
You can put some adverbial phrase between them, like
and so on.

Not an incel.

>“No…you'll fall asleep if you stop doing it, because you haven't changed since you were a kid”
*you'll fall asleep if you(or I) stop doing it, because you haven't changed since you were a kid

but being a manchild gamer is better in your mind

Then why are you on Jow Forums(nel)

I can play pokémon with my son. Sure can't read doujins to him

Just Jow Forums. Like to know things of the other countries

You come to a place filled with incels expecting to learn about other countries?

I unironically discovered some things here.

yea but we're talking about learning japanese no one cares about your son

Thank you for the help. I think I understand now

But you said i'm a manchild for learning kanji to play some video games and I said that I can play pokémon without being a manchild.
But you can't read doujin without being incel

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Don't know what this white fella with red eyes means.

should have grown up before you had a kid monkey

but learning another language is simply fun sometimes. it helps me to forget many things like playing the greatest puzzle game.

Good point.

Thank you for the advice, everybody. I appreciate it.