Why are they subhuman?

why are they subhuman?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I knew it was going to be a Korean flag


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It’s you begger
>>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2

The only reason? Money.
Korea have never stopped asking for compensation, even until now.
>in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty , japan paid The total amount of 800 million dollars [currently converted 4,500 billion yen] to south korea.The total amount of 800 million dollars is 2.3 times the Korean national budget at the time.
>And Japan's private assets in Korea amount to 5.3 billion dollars (1.98 trillion yen, about 15 trillion yen now converted) was given for free.


>And Infrastructure improvement introduced in Korea by Japan 【60 trillion yen】was given for free.
>So the Total compensation payments at 1965 were 79.5 trillion yen


Comfort woman was nothing but a paid prostituter.

not Japanese denial of war crimes.

>"Licensed prostitution was legal in prewar Japan, and Allied officials viewed the small part of the overseas system they uncovered as an extension of homeland practices. Prosecuting Japanese soldiers for rape, a notorious crime everywhere the army set foot, took precedence over investigating the circumstances of “comfort women,” who were seen as professional prostitutes, not as unwilling victims coerced into brothels by employees of the Japanese military."

>This analysis is in line with the "Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report 49" written in 1944, which describes "A 'comfort girl' to be nothing more than a prostitute or 'professional camp follower' attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers."

>The report further stated that this practice was not charged with criminal acts.
>"In part to reduce local resentment against Japan and in part to prevent the spread of venereal disease among its ranks, the Japanese military contracted private vendors to set up “comfort stations” for the troops as early as 1932. Again, this practice was known to the Allies but no criminal can harges were filed at the trials."

the IWG expressed disappointment at the preface of the report because the IWG uncovered and released very few Asian theatre records.
thus, the IWG apologized to the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia,which was involved in the commencement of this project.

>netouyo-bot activated

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After reading, I thought "this is definitely a gook." After clicking, I'm not surprised that it is a gook.

And you gooks can’t do any logical counter argue about my note

>nips are subhuman
>but gooks arent
could have had me fooled

Attached: S__3506188.jpg (712x795, 204K)

But the women of the three nations look beautiful so it's okay

Attached: bceaead68a36826423e66c3ea82d7ab717d381dd5a68002e1e1e6bd6d083db0a16694141f0db8fd25154928ec9a5f8c7011d (420x564, 56K)

This is subhuman korean far before plastic surgery

Attached: 2AAF87AB-7317-4257-8E56-DF7E8DAA70B8.jpg (734x1001, 777K)

99.999% of kpop has the same ideal face becouse they do plastic surgery with the same beauty standerd on it. Its resulted all the same plastic face.

Even face line. Why do you think there is soooo many people totally the same ideal face line in kpop?
It’s biologically impossible becouse korean has usually big jaw bone, wider sqwear face with higher cheek bones.
It’s characteristic natural Feature of korean face.

Korean do cut down those natural characteristics facial bone from the people by surgery and remake the facelines entirely different.

And it’s against natural characteristic feature of koreans. What a sad people koreans are.
Everyday at the plastic surgery streets in Gangnam and seen high school girls wearing face masks to hide their recent work.

Koreans are commonly sent plastic surgery.for a birthday gift or high school graduation gift.
Point of kpop style plastic surgery is cut and change the face entirely different from the facial bone stracture.

Do not copy peast the face kpop gook

Attached: 1546715878037.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

I would have sex with all you people

Attached: 2134.png (534x425, 28K)

99.999% of kpop has the same ideal face becouse they do plastic surgery with the same beauty standerd on it. Its resulted all the same plastic face.

Even face line. Why do you think there is soooo many people totally the same ideal face line in kpop?
It’s biologically impossible becouse korean has usually big jaw bone, wider sqwear face with higher cheek bones.
It’s characteristic natural Feature of korean face.

Korean do cut down those natural characteristics facial bone from the people by surgery and remake the facelines entirely different.

And it’s against natural characteristic feature of koreans. What a sad people koreans are.
Everyday at the plastic surgery streets in Gangnam and seen high school girls wearing face masks to hide their recent work.

Koreans are commonly sent plastic surgery.for a birthday gift or high school graduation gift.
Point of kpop style plastic surgery is cut and change the face entirely different from the facial bone stracture.

Do not copy peast the face kpop gook

Attached: 1552214889400.png (1920x1080, 1.17M)

It’s you begger
>>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2

The only reason? Money.
Korea have never stopped asking for compensation, even until now.
>in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty , japan paid The total amount of 800 million dollars [currently converted 4,500 billion yen] to south korea.The total amount of 800 million dollars is 2.3 times the Korean national budget at the time.
>And Japan's private assets in Korea amount to 5.3 billion dollars (1.98 trillion yen, about 15 trillion yen now converted) was given for free.


>And Infrastructure improvement introduced in Korea by Japan 【60 trillion yen】was given for free.
>So the Total compensation payments at 1965 were 79.5 trillion yen

Attached: 0CED0C54-5F31-433C-BB54-36B4FF46CF5D.jpg (256x184, 13K)

У 99,999% кпoпoв тaкoe жe идeaльнoe лицo, пoтoмy чтo oни дeлaют плacтичecкиe oпepaции c тaкoй жe кpacoтoй. B peзyльтaтe вce тoт жe плacтик лицa.

Poвнaя линия лицa. Кaк вы дyмaeтe, пoчeмy в kpop тaк мнoгo людeй c aбcoлютнo oдинaкoвыми идeaльными чepтaми лицa?
Этo биoлoгичecки нeвoзмoжнo, пoтoмy чтo y кopeйцa oбычнo бoльшaя чeлюcтнaя кocть, бoлee шиpoкoe лицo c шиpoкими cкyлaми.
Этo хapaктepнaя пpиpoднaя ocoбeннocть кopeйcкoгo лицa.

Кopeйцы выpeзaют эти ecтecтвeнныe чepты лицa y людeй c пoмoщью хиpypгичecкoгo вмeшaтeльcтвa и пepeдeлывaют чepты лицa coвepшeннo инaчe.

И этo пpoтив ecтecтвeннoй хapaктepнoй чepты кopeйцeв. Кaкиe гpycтныe люди кopeйцы.
Кaждый дeнь нa yлицaх плacтичecкoй хиpypгии в Гaнгнaмe видeли шкoльниц в мacкaх, чтoбы cкpыть cвoю нeдaвнюю paбoтy.

Кopeйцaм oбычнo oтпpaвляют плacтичecкyю хиpypгию для пoдapкa нa дeнь poждeния или пoдapкa oкoнчaния cpeднeй шкoлы.
Toчкa плacтичecкoй хиpypгии в cтилe KPOP выpeзaнa и измeняeт лицo, пoлнocтью oтличнoe oт пepeлoмa лицeвoй кocти.

He кoпиpyй пиши лицoм кпoп гyк

It’s you begger
>>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2

The only reason? Money.
Korea have never stopped asking for compensation, even until now.
>in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty , japan paid The total amount of 800 million dollars [currently converted 4,500 billion yen] to south korea.The total amount of 800 million dollars is 2.3 times the Korean national budget at the time.
>And Japan's private assets in Korea amount to 5.3 billion dollars (1.98 trillion yen, about 15 trillion yen now converted) was given for free.


>And Infrastructure improvement introduced in Korea by Japan 【60 trillion yen】was given for free.
>So the Total compensation payments at 1965 were 79.5 trillion yen

Attached: 이자스민내놔.jpg (410x545, 28K)

>"This thread is 404"

kpop의 99.999 %는 똑같은 아름다움을 가진 성형 수술을하기 때문에 동일한 이상적인 얼굴을 가지고 있습니다. 그것의 모든 동일한 플라스틱 얼굴 결과.

심지어 얼굴 라인. 왜 그렇게 많은 사람들이 똑같은 이상적인 페이스 라인이 kpop에 있다고 생각합니까?
한국인은 대개 큰 턱 뼈를 가지고 있기 때문에 생물학적으로 불가능합니다.
그것은 한국인 얼굴의 특징적인 자연 특징입니다.

한국인은 수술로 얼굴 뼈를 자연스럽게 잘라 내고 얼굴의 뼈를 완전히 다른 것으로 다시 만듭니다.

한국인의 자연스러운 특징에 위배됩니다. 슬픈 사람들은 한국인입니다.
매일 강남의 성형 외과에서 얼굴을 가리고 여학생들이 최근의 일을 감추고있는 것을 보았습니다.

한국인들은 일반적으로 성형 수술을받습니다. 생일 선물이나 고교 졸업 선물로.
kpop 스타일 성형 수술의 포인트가 절단되고 얼굴 뼈 구조와 완전히 다른 얼굴로 바뀝니다.

얼굴 김밥을 복사하지 마라.

Attached: c271d2c5ceaa0be84f20449e034ebb1e.jpg (700x1080, 220K)

They think lolicon is ok

they get paid for spamming those posts

Lolicon is culture
That's why you can not.

i have read all arguments

i reach the conclusion that both are subhumans compared with the chinese bvll

Attached: 1541977126461.jpg (420x420, 38K)



the Japanese paid repeatedly during 2015, with the Korea-Japan agreements made over comfort women.

"Japan paid 1 billion yen again in 2015."

Almost all the old comfort woman took the money and accepted the agreements at the time of president park, but the Korean media hid it.

Korean government did this:

1. Paid 10 million yen to surviving comfort women based on the Korea-Japan Agreement and paid 2 million yen to the families of dead comfort women.

2. Three-quarters of surviving comfort women, 36 out of 47 people, accepted. Of these, 34 had already received aid.

3. Of the family members of 199 dead comfort women, they also accepted the bereaved families of 68 people.

Comfort women and their families accepted and reconciled the money as a problem with the Korea-Japan Agreement, but only President Moon has provoked and instigated trouble, as if the agreement had problems.

Also The Asian Women's Fund also abbreviated to アジア女性基金 in Japanese, was a fund set up by the Japanese government in 1994 to distribute monetary compensation to comfort women in South Korea,


why do white people come in here and stir shit up.

Also here is the evidence of the comfort woman had really high payments.
A former Korean comfort women participated in a trail in 1992 that they wanted us to refund the money she collected at that time to the Japanese post office.
26,145 yen (now converted about 40 million yen) which we deposited 12 times from June 1943 to September 1945.

40,000 is equivalent to 20 million yen nowadays. That’s staggering.

Monthly income comparison (1943)
· Prime Minister 800 yen Tojo Hideki
· General Army 550 yen
· Sergeant Chair 32 ~ 75 yen
· Sergeant Armament 23 ~ 32 yen
· Corporal, 20 Yen
· Heavyweight commander 13,5 yen
· Secondary soldier 10,5 yen
· First class soldier 9 yen
· Second Nurse Secondary 9 ~ 6 yen
The comfort women at the time repaid the parent's debt after being prepaid 300-1500 yen. You can see how much that’s worth by comparing it to the list above.
Salary details of comfort woman was recorded even by the survey of USA, Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49 (1944)
These are also official documents of USA national archives.


The "house master" received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls' gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract. """This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen. """ .

We Japanese paied all of those to South Korea alone.

and Also, how often we apologize for war criminals…
We can see Japanese government apologists so often, and the government of Japan itself never denied the existence of Japanese war criminals of the past.


And stilll they are asking In 2018, AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN
the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2!>>>
This is the reason we Japanese got outrage to korea now and

The economic relationship of Japan and Korea has ended and there is now about to started an economic war.

Japanese gorvenment is saying If korean forcefully took and sell the prosperity of Japanese company in Korea for the compensation of ww2 or so, japan will do the economical sanctions on Korea immediately.

Japanese government send the members of the Japanese Embassy in Korea back to Japan once already.

Look. this sticker is today's biggest news took and rant over in Japan made totally shocked out and made huge outrage of Japanese.

This sticker is a literaly made by "korean goverment" to stick to prodacts of japan in the korean schools and its saying "made by the war criminal company of japan".
so called Japanese companies products to ban all Japanese products from korea by this stickers.

Koreans are crazy psychos. I do not want to get involoved in their craziness.

I came up with the idea that the arm patched to given to the Jews in ww2 by natiz to differntiate all jews from germans.

Attached: F83D7AAF-968A-4A42-B18D-4F95599FE556.jpg (567x567, 41K)

kpop의 99.999 %는 똑같은 아름다움을 가진 성형 수술을하기 때문에 동일한 이상적인 얼굴을 가지고 있습니다. 그것의 모든 동일한 플라스틱 얼굴 결과.

심지어 얼굴 라인. 왜 그렇게 많은 사람들이 똑같은 이상적인 페이스 라인이 kpop에 있다고 생각합니까?
한국인은 대개 큰 턱 뼈를 가지고 있기 때문에 생물학적으로 불가능합니다.
그것은 한국인 얼굴의 특징적인 자연 특징입니다.

한국인은 수술로 얼굴 뼈를 자연스럽게 잘라 내고 얼굴의 뼈를 완전히 다른 것으로 다시 만듭니다.

한국인의 자연스러운 특징에 위배됩니다. 슬픈 사람들은 한국인입니다.
매일 강남의 성형 외과에서 얼굴을 가리고 여학생들이 최근의 일을 감추고있는 것을 보았습니다.

한국인들은 일반적으로 성형 수술을받습니다. 생일 선물이나 고교 졸업 선물로.
kpop 스타일 성형 수술의 포인트가 절단되고 얼굴 뼈 구조와 완전히 다른 얼굴로 바뀝니다.

얼굴 김밥을 복사하지 마라.

Attached: 무현고등학교84.jpg (600x2960, 577K)

We Japanese paied all of those to South Korea alone.

and Also, how often we apologize for war criminals…
We can see Japanese government apologists so often, and the government of Japan itself never denied the existence of Japanese war criminals of the past.


And stilll they are asking In 2018, AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN
the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2!>>>
This is the reason we Japanese got outrage to korea now and

The economic relationship of Japan and Korea has ended and there is now about to started an economic war.

Japanese gorvenment is saying If korean forcefully took and sell the prosperity of Japanese company in Korea for the compensation of ww2 or so, japan will do the economical sanctions on Korea immediately.

Japanese government send the members of the Japanese Embassy in Korea back to Japan once already.

Attached: 1527566409778.jpg (480x533, 46K)

this japspammer is so mental

This is korean real face

Attached: 4DDE8133-78D8-4D5E-AD86-3ADCCD7FE6F3.jpg (699x862, 148K)

Pay moneyyyy japannnnnnnn

Attached: 17B82689-96F3-4341-8117-6C215600E9F9.jpg (480x404, 59K)

Lack of empathy and self-reflection


>South Korean post against Japan:
Fuck the nips haha

>Japanese obliteration of South Korea:
Textwalls of arguments against a retarded country

>>Lack of empathy and self-reflection

Are you talking it to japan?
So ok what can we do?
Gook need money? Other compensation? Too bad we fucking gib a lot of fucking money already Why we need empathy and self-reflection for the fucking begger Koreans.

What we need is economical war against korean.
There is no future except it.

Look at this SK is seems going to be economical sanctions by USA too

South Korea breached UN rules by failing to report more than 300 tonnes of petroleum products sent to North Korea in 2018, according to a report published Wednesday.

South Korea supplied oil to North Korea and didn’t tell anyone
The revelation comes amid a standstill on denuclearization talks between Washington and Pyongyang.

By David Gilbert
Jan 23 2019, 2:00pm

And situation with japan and Korea

>>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2

Japanese gorvenment is saying If korean forcefully took and sell the prosperity of Japanese company in Korea for the compensation of ww2 or so, japan will do the economical sanctions on Korea immediately.

Japanese government send the members of the Japanese Embassy in Korea back to Japan once already.

Attached: 56FA7E09-4523-4DEA-B4E5-16509869B6BC.jpg (300x471, 32K)

Because they are not

Attached: 1553111412483.jpg (657x635, 39K)

Average face

Attached: 20190316_140706.png (509x262, 164K)

Average face

Attached: 449251a5.jpg (1205x699, 143K)

If that is the average face in japan most males look pretty handsome.

Average fat man face

Korean real face

Attached: 236EAF25-B306-4DCF-B808-5AB7B5DD8B56.png (750x1334, 3.79M)


Attached: 1536013432571.jpg (653x490, 32K)

Look. this sticker is today's biggest news took and rant over in Japan made totally shocked out and made huge outrage of Japanese.

This sticker is a literaly made by "korean goverment" to stick to prodacts of japan in the korean schools and its saying "made by the war criminal company of japan".
so called Japanese companies products to ban all Japanese products from korea by this stickers.

Koreans are crazy psychos. I do not want to get involoved in their craziness.

I came up with the idea that the arm patched to given to the Jews in ww2 by natiz to differntiate all jews from germans.

Attached: 76ff85bbe29b8031e6d147e5a8ce57f4.png (800x666, 472K)

nigga its even on the name

Also here is the evidence of the comfort woman had really high payments.
A former Korean comfort women participated in a trail in 1992 that they wanted us to refund the money she collected at that time to the Japanese post office.
26,145 yen (now converted about 40 million yen) which we deposited 12 times from June 1943 to September 1945.

40,000 is equivalent to 20 million yen nowadays. That’s staggering.

Monthly income comparison (1943)
· Prime Minister 800 yen Tojo Hideki
· General Army 550 yen
· Sergeant Chair 32 ~ 75 yen
· Sergeant Armament 23 ~ 32 yen
· Corporal, 20 Yen
· Heavyweight commander 13,5 yen
· Secondary soldier 10,5 yen
· First class soldier 9 yen
· Second Nurse Secondary 9 ~ 6 yen
The comfort women at the time repaid the parent's debt after being prepaid 300-1500 yen. You can see how much that’s worth by comparing it to the list above.
Salary details of comfort woman was recorded even by the survey of USA, Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49 (1944)
These are also official documents of USA national archives.


The "house master" received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls' gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract. """This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen. """ .

Attached: android_1473816232929.jpg (743x1744, 228K)

>Korea have never stopped asking for compensation

Are Koreans the Poles of Asia?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-24 um 11.42.38.png (671x555, 300K)

This is korean real face

Attached: 9944a052280de4b87474309292e66c2a.jpg (720x405, 60K)

kpop의 99.999 %는 똑같은 아름다움을 가진 성형 수술을하기 때문에 동일한 이상적인 얼굴을 가지고 있습니다. 그것의 모든 동일한 플라스틱 얼굴 결과.

심지어 얼굴 라인. 왜 그렇게 많은 사람들이 똑같은 이상적인 페이스 라인이 kpop에 있다고 생각합니까?
한국인은 대개 큰 턱 뼈를 가지고 있기 때문에 생물학적으로 불가능합니다.
그것은 한국인 얼굴의 특징적인 자연 특징입니다.

한국인은 수술로 얼굴 뼈를 자연스럽게 잘라 내고 얼굴의 뼈를 완전히 다른 것으로 다시 만듭니다.

한국인의 자연스러운 특징에 위배됩니다. 슬픈 사람들은 한국인입니다.
매일 강남의 성형 외과에서 얼굴을 가리고 여학생들이 최근의 일을 감추고있는 것을 보았습니다.

한국인들은 일반적으로 성형 수술을받습니다. 생일 선물이나 고교 졸업 선물로.
kpop 스타일 성형 수술의 포인트가 절단되고 얼굴 뼈 구조와 완전히 다른 얼굴로 바뀝니다.

얼굴 김밥을 복사하지 마라.

Attached: 무현고등학교83.jpg (600x1175, 233K)

But 99.999% Ford is such an ideal person. Because they work beautifully with plastic. Check all the same faces.

COMMON LINE. How do you think many people with the ideal personality of a person in terms of kpop?
This is biologically inadequate. Because y kopee is usually an articulate bone, it is wider in the broad sky.
This is a distinctive feature of Kopec Inn.

Kopeyts reproduces the characteristics of people and nature with the help of surgical units and distributes them in a perfect way.

And this is against the environmental characteristics of Koreans. What are Kopey people?
I saw a mask every day in the plastic surgery field of Gangnam to cover up their past work.

Kopeys routinely undergoes cosmetic surgery to feed the day or wait until middle school ends.
The point of KPOP-style cosmetic surgery is cut and the face is completely different from the face face.

He gyp gyk copy writing face

Yes exactly.
Because this

This is so sad. They have zero dignity, like Poles.

У 99,999% кпoпoв тaкoe жe идeaльнoe лицo, пoтoмy чтo oни дeлaют плacтичecкиe oпepaции c тaкoй жe кpacoтoй. B peзyльтaтe вce тoт жe плacтик лицa.

Poвнaя линия лицa. Кaк вы дyмaeтe, пoчeмy в kpop тaк мнoгo людeй c aбcoлютнo oдинaкoвыми идeaльными чepтaми лицa?
Этo биoлoгичecки нeвoзмoжнo, пoтoмy чтo y кopeйцa oбычнo бoльшaя чeлюcтнaя кocть, бoлee шиpoкoe лицo c шиpoкими cкyлaми.
Этo хapaктepнaя пpиpoднaя ocoбeннocть кopeйcкoгo лицa.

Кopeйцы выpeзaют эти ecтecтвeнныe чepты лицa y людeй c пoмoщью хиpypгичecкoгo вмeшaтeльcтвa и пepeдeлывaют чepты лицa coвepшeннo инaчe.

И этo пpoтив ecтecтвeннoй хapaктepнoй чepты кopeйцeв. Кaкиe гpycтныe люди кopeйцы.
Кaждый дeнь нa yлицaх плacтичecкoй хиpypгии в Гaнгнaмe видeли шкoльниц в мacкaх, чтoбы cкpыть cвoю нeдaвнюю paбoтy.

Кopeйцaм oбычнo oтпpaвляют плacтичecкyю хиpypгию для пoдapкa нa дeнь poждeния или пoдapкa oкoнчaния cpeднeй шкoлы.
Toчкa плacтичecкoй хиpypгии в cтилe KPOP выpeзaнa и измeняeт лицo, пoлнocтью oтличнoe oт пepeлoмa лицeвoй кocти.

He кoпиpyй пиши лицoм кпoп гyк

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99.999% of kpop has the same ideal face becouse they do plastic surgery with the same beauty standerd on it. Its resulted all the same plastic face.

Even face line. Why do you think there is soooo many people totally the same ideal face line in kpop?
It’s biologically impossible becouse korean has usually big jaw bone, wider sqwear face with higher cheek bones.
It’s characteristic natural Feature of korean face.

Korean do cut down those natural characteristics facial bone from the people by surgery and remake the facelines entirely different.

And it’s against natural characteristic feature of koreans. What a sad people koreans are.
Everyday at the plastic surgery streets in Gangnam and seen high school girls wearing face masks to hide their recent work.

Koreans are commonly sent plastic surgery.for a birthday gift or high school graduation gift.
Point of kpop style plastic surgery is cut and change the face entirely different from the facial bone stracture.

Do not copy peast the face kpop gook

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Yes exactly.

This is real kpop face Bytheway

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It's like in the anime, plastic surgeons in Korea just can not do another type of face? It remains to distinguish each other only by hair and clothes, as in the anime.

Attached: no coments....jpg (991x3268, 915K)

How do we effectively address the Korean/Polish menace?