Catholicism edition
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zdrastvuite! ja ruski! i eto maja familija!
the fuck
just hanging out and stuff
What a sad thread. Have a pity bump
disgusting necrobumper
dumb goose
Somebody help her for fucks sake
somebody already did. bullet to the head. it's in heavens now and jesus has to pick up its poops
In catholicism is a catholic girl can be marry with an atheist man or anything?
Nice English, retard. Get the fuck out of here with your insultingly low iq.
Why would anyone marry an atheist in the first place is the real question.
Hahaha, this :-DDDD
estonia is atheist so we are out of here
Attention, attention everybody. I have proposition to make.
I propose that from now on this general will be called /binkas/.
Who's in favour say "binko".
would be kind of nice to be in heaven throwing poop on puny earthlings
lenkija edition*
fixed that for you OP
pussy got that wet wet got that drip drip got that super soaker
i thought these things were only in Alaska
moose only in alaska? lol
I mean to say that I thought moose were a New World animal, like buffalo and raccoons. There was a land bridge between Asia and America 10000 years ago so I guess that's why they are in both places
stay in school more
im sick
why yes
ah yes
nu tu blet..
Binkell B. Binkas
As you can see, they live in Nordics+Baltics and parts of Eurasia and then in Canada/Alaska.
Post more, retards. This isn't the /balt/ I fought for so hard to take back from the weebs
Kazys Binkas :DDD
this is just like real life. we fought so hard against gommies and yet things suck
Nice weather in the Baltics today?
Have a chance to attend a Traditional Latin mass for Palm Sunday lads, should be good
Ok, this is binkas
all this shit im going thru a crisis
if u do this for me ur the nicest
Anyone going to the Runway run 2019 on 6th of april in Šiauliai?
How’s Jerusalem going?
oepsie woepsie
Määgiv kiisu :DDD
Ė agirdit daunai?
>kuusi palaa
>kisa kissa
>tuli tulli
You Finns of all people should understand by now that words with completely different meanings are similar in Finnic languages?
lambad määgivad, kiisu-miisud teevad njäu
njaa kassid teevad ikka mjäu
Unised Kutsud :D
Sleepy Invitations
We understand that and thats only making it funnier.
i guess the Baltics aren't the safest place to live
>We understand that and thats only making it funnier.
Kutsu is "invite", kutsu with a softly pronounced s is doggy.
If another Latvian dares post in this thread... oh I will show him!... a taste of my fist is what you latvian fucks deserve........ you will see... you'll get it straight at you...
Taara avita
based post
aasa riisipuder aprikoosidega on top tier snäkk
Knowing some words have different meaning is just rocketing the comedic value.
Funny we use word Koira
>eki ee/dict/ekss/index.cgi?Q=juudaline
juudaline -se 5 s Sõnaveeb
põrguline (hrl. kerge kirumissõna). *„No siis tee, juudaline, kord ometi lahti oma suu ja ütle midagi!” sõitlen end mõttes. O. Luts.
Kutsu is flattering word idk english meaning for it. dog is koer and cat is kass but people also use kutsu and kiisu
kutsu (soft consonants which Finns don't have) is doggy, koer is dog
koer = koira = dog
kutsu = ? = doggy
peni = ? = mutt
Reconstructed Estonian in 1200AD is comprehensible to all Finns, well at least anyone from Turku.
virgin freaks
Lithuanian car thief
pizdonian bootlicker
why do you steal cars
just borrowing
>starts speaking slavic
No wonder you are poor.
ok slavstonia
depressing number
And we have Russian prostitutes, does it bother you? Good fuck. Next time you get caught stealing Porsches don't start spewing out Slavic Russian, like you usually do.
I've camped a lot and never saw a moose my man
besides, meese are not even as dangerous as geese, let alone snakes, wolves or bears. baltics are the safest place in the world wildlife wise.
t. Slavic man of Lithuania, renders to Slavic cursewords
*bites you*
Removed 3 ones last summer
14 is legal here.
*gets incurable brain disease*
had one last year too
ticks suck. i get a couple every year. so far no diseases, but if you start piling up years the odds are strongly towards eventually getting some kind of fuckery in your blood
ticks were spread to the baltic forests by the russians to kill the partisans in the 50s and 60s
we should do the same. spread some malicious insect in their land so they get sick and die
speaking of insects. i can already hear the niggersqueetos coming. the weather has been too favorable
Kutsu = Calling
Peni = well means nothing without s, but grandfather had dog called peni
Peni is a word with disguist, "fucking dog".
my relative has some problem with his hand because of tick. hand goes numb and cant move