This triggers the Anglosphere

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Other urls found in this thread:,_2017.png,_2017.png

based and sinopilled

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Based Chinese. What's off-putting is that they're basically planning to make a trade route through flag related yet no media covers it. I haven't read shit outside of Chinese media on the Belt and Road initiative.

the E"""u""" will not allow you cucks to build it

Is it actually necessary use Athens and Venice or do they like to LARP as ancient Silk Road?

>Chinese corrupted totalitarian regime that 100% depends on the will of Western Gods is polluting Eurasia.
>Hoho you mad Anglos?
Anglos are Gods, they are our rightful owners and the rulers of the Universe. Chinese filth will only exist as long as the Gods (Anglos) let them exist.

Because it's just a usual chino propaganda and glorious EU will never chinese scum occupy Holy Western Lands. Anglos through American military bases will protect you, your family, democracy and prosperity of your nation.


We had here short period of enthusiasm pomped by media in this matter and numerous visits of the Winnie the Pooh in the country and revisits of our officials in China. We were supposed to be major trade hub due to our geography, Chinks announced plans of building huge warehouses and logistics centers that would operate trade between China and Western Europe. Relations were cordial, we even had constant visits of Chinese military fleet in our ports. And all of a sudden everything got fucked up, when officials announced that amerimutts will increase military presence in Poland and make it verylong-term. Winnie the Pooh stop visiting Poland, Trump and his henchmen replaced him, and Poland became a vassal of USrael conflicting itself against its own interests with China, Iran and god knows who else. Sad story if you ask me. Knowing "credibility" of anglosphere, we are going to be buttfucked like in 1939.

I hope that our next chancellor will be pr-bri.

I really hope the CIA funds some guerillas to blow up all train networks and fight the Chinese militias

chinks need to FUCK OFF

what China is doing in Africa compare with America doing in med-east.

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This. Let's welcome low tech French economy with nigger workforce instead.

>trusting the Chinese

>low tech French economy
Which of our two countries has a semiconductor industry again, I keep forgetting

what do people in france think of china and chinese? i thought france is the most china-friendly country in europe. i'm interestingly see the phenomenon that european countries take pro-china stance while south korea, japan, and southeast asia are increasingly taking anti-china stance.

You mean Konstantinopolis? Ancient silk road didn't have to do shit with Athens.

It is Israel destroying competition in the region with hands of its dumb mutt golem, though.

>maritime route goes through two of the worst pirate areas instead of the north east

I can't speak for all of France but I think it's quite obvious for most people that China is a police state whose influence should be avoided

>China engineers roads, railways, bridges and ports
>America engineers coups, invasions and drone strikes
Really makes me think.

>>China builds roads, railways, bridges and ports using stolen western designs

They were stealing stuff like two decades ago yet. Today they have more R&D centers than most of Western countries, and still investing billions in new ones.

>You can't build that road it's patented

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And yet every fucking week you still hear about a chinese guy being arrested for IP theft. And those are just the ones who get caught

yeah, so I always thought it was interesting. you really want to follow china, which is the country where human rights are the most oppressive county in the world? although you europeans always put "human rights" first. could there be a bigger comedy than this? we know that america is doing a lot of bad things and is not a good country than people say. but as a closest neighbor countryman who knows more about china and chinese than anyone else, i can tell you that chinese are uncivilized greedy peasants. you can see that there are only two words in their heads. one thing is money. and the other thing is power. for the last 100 years, the humiliations they have suffered from you (the west) have made them monsters full of hostility and inferiority/superiority complex to whites.

I wouldnt know. It is shitty West stealing Polish companies, ideas, scientists, doctors and workforce, not China.


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There's a difference between lawfully buying with mutual consent and straight up theft

>still no cars because of widespread poverty

for what purpose?

>look at my fake picture, doesn't china look good now

If Russians have cars, niggers can have them too

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but we don't have roads as nice as that one, so the joke's on you and my question still stands

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Learn mandarin. Not because it's useful, but because they tend to hide something behind all the documents they have.

Niggers are too dumb to build an infrastructure, let alone maintaining it. The Chinese operating in Africa is like a human trying to lecture math to monkey. The Chinese do this not so much out of nobility, but more due to their urgent geopolitical needs. However, they at least try to do smth as opposite to the West that keeps niggers in everlasting poverty and only opens evacuation routes for them so they could reach their shores and vaginas of their women.

>a human trying to lecture math to monkey
a fruitless and utterly pointless waste of time

Fuck E"""U"""
Fuck americans
and fuck white "people"

Asians and white people have comparable IQ at least. Fuck niggers and shitskins.

Can we range ban Poland please?

> "Belt" refers to the overland routes for road and rail transportation
> "road" refers to the sea routes

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Carpet-bomb us again, like you used to do, fucking nazi scum.

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>mutts, kikes and angloids btfo

Poland is the only fascist country in Europe right now. You think you're überhumans just because you're white, and I have to pay taxes to feed your disgusting 3rd world shithole. You're not better than the Africans you loathe so much. At least Africans don't shit on their investors on a daily basis and pretend to be superior.

>Poland is the only fascist country in Europe right now. You think you're überhumans

You confuse us with your master Israel, dumb Hartz4-shitskin.

The EU literally threatens to sanction you because everyone is fed up with you edgy nationalist bullshit. Where does your patriotism even come from, Poland's entire history revolves around being buttfucked by its more powerful neighbors. What is it that makes you feel so superior?

> source: jew york times

Meanwhile in real life this "patriotic" country is a vassal of the USrael and floods itself with millions of foreigners, while local govermnment pretends to "protect our borders". I can't even enter a shop now to not hear fucking russian language all over. I see niggers and shitskins in my town every fucking day in random locations. All this shit wasn't happening in Poland at all yet 10 years ago. And you fucking moron try to tell me that my government is patriotic? If it was patriotic, it would build real economy instead of agreeing on status of neocolony of BRD, and it would develop its own nuclear arsenal and modern conventional army instead of selling country to Jews in exchange for murrican military occupation. I AM A POLISH PATRIOT, this traitorous government ruling Poland today is a bunch of fucking traitors and foreign agents

Usually Poles brag about being a white ethnostate whith no shitskins whatsoever. It's funny to see you change the story whenever it fits your narrative better.

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>Usually Poles brag about being a white ethnostate whith no shitskins whatsoever.

We don't brag about obvious things, and it is true that so far we are a monocultural, well-organized and civilized nation with one of lowest crime rates in the world. But with current "patriotic" circumcised government it won't last for too long.

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based fingols

Can you give non-Polish sources for these?,_2017.png


Interesting. What % of them are Ukrainians?

Equatorial Guinea has good roads and 10000000 palaces for the president and his visitors and nothing else
Most corrupt shithole in the world


(besides italy)

Whatever china builds will be so deteriorated after a few years that it's more or less unusable

By the way, this data that i gave you are from 2017, because eurostat didnt publish data for 2018. In 2018 Poland gave 1,5 mln of temporary job permissions to foreigner-guestworkers which is 2x more than in 2017 ("only" 700.000).

>letting the army with the most manpower in the world build an intercontinental highway directly into your continent
wow so this is the famous euro education I’ve heard so much about

Yep. But you can't except much from corrupt shitholes like Italy and Poland

>temporary job permissions
Wow it's nothing

How to become an international delivery driver for the new silk road?

How "it is nothing"? That's exactly how Turks flooded Germany in 70s-80s. They were only "temporary workers" as well

It is like letting a country with biggest army on Earth controlling our sea routes. Oh wait, it is already happening and it is the USA.

Germs need to start cracking the whip down hard on these shitty parasite med/slav states. No more jumping boats the second someone offers you more gibs.

They built their first motorways and high speed rail networks years ago and those are still running with full and constant maintenance even as they've expanded to become the largest mass transit system in the world.

If you're waiting for them to "collapse any minute now," you'll be waiting a long time.

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You get a bunch of Ukrainains (=white Christians) who work in Poland for a short period of time and then go back. Poles act as if they were invaded by shitskins

The European Union is ready to finance the improvement of the transport connection between Mariupol and the rest of Ukraine, reported the press service of the the Ministry of Infrastructure after the meeting between Ukraine's infrastructure minister Volodymyr Omelyan and EU Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli.

Mingarelli said that Brussels is ready to support the projects for the improvement of the Zaporizhia-Mariupol railway link and the construction of the Mariupol-Mykolaiv freeway.

Kyiv and the EU are planning to conduct a feasibility study for both projects involving funding by the European Investment Bank.

According to Omelyan, the development of the infrastructure of the Azov region is an important project both in terms of enhancing security and in terms of economic and socio-cultural development in the region.

Mariupol is the largest city in the Ukraine-controlled part of the Donetsk Oblast.

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seeing USA infrastructure and roads id say you are preparing for civil war to undermine your enemy movement inside your country lmao

>it’s already happening anyways so we may as well pick an even worse option!
The brainlet’s parable.

Ukrainians are of Turan-byzantine culture and ethnicity. They are literally like shitskins: such values as human rights, truth and freedom mean nothing in their civilisation. They are just little Russia. They spread here not only crime, but also long-forgotten diseases such as measles

Alright then, enjoy your road connecting you directly to Russia. I’m sure they don’t plan on abusing it one day.

>enjoy your road connecting you directly to Russia.

Latvia is just a Russian port. They would go bankrupt without shipping Russian products. Chinese Silk Road is a chance for them to ship also Chinese products.

If you “products” you mean semen, then yes, they’ll be receiving a good amount of that from both of them.

Look at gdp per capita (ppp?) stats and it's up there along with japan. The population sees nothing of that sweet oil money it all goes to very few people

Also the countries are getting hugely indebted by china building their stuff there, it's all part if chinas plan

Better to larp and make those places become important again

The Greek delude themselves that they would become an important part of Silk Road only by the fact that they sold Pireus port to the Chinese. The Chinese own majority assets in most of European ports so it means nothing. Anyway, it will never happen because Balkans are just mountains, mess, critical lack of transport infrastructure, and constant destabilisation. Hence the Chinese would never use Balkan region as main artery of their trade with Europe. Instead, they are keen to use Black Sea and Danube route, as well as European Plain route (Russia-Poland-Germany). The most probable route is Mainland China - all these former Russian satellites from Central Asia and Caucasus (which is going to contribute to removing them from Russian influence zone) - Black Sea, Turkey and stuff - Danube countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and so on. But Romania being a close ally of the USA could make these plans complicated as they have control over Danube Delta. Russia is so determined to cut Ukraine in half to Odessa to take control over this route as well, and present itself as a broker of trade between China and Russia. Polar Silk road seems to be kind of promising too in theory but US Navy could fuck it up in the end.

The Greek delude themselves that they would become an important part of Silk Road only by the fact that they sold Pireus port to the Chinese. The Chinese own majority assets in most of European ports so it means nothing. Anyway, it will never happen because Balkans are just mountains, mess, critical lack of transport infrastructure, and constant destabilisation. Hence the Chinese would never use Balkan region as main artery of their trade with Europe. Instead, they are keen to use Black Sea and Danube route, as well as European Plain route (Russia-Poland-Germany). The most probable route is Mainland China --> all these former Russian satellites from Central Asia and Caucasus (which is going to contribute to removing them from Russian influence zone) --> Black Sea, Turkey and stuff --> Danube countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and so on. But Romania being a close ally of the USA could make these plans complicated as they have control over Danube Delta. Russia is so determined to cut Ukraine in half to Odessa to take control over this route as well, and present itself as a broker of trade between China and Europe. Polar Silk road seems to be kind of promising too in theory but US Navy could fuck it up in the end.

>Trusting the Chinese to build in your country when they have a long running theme of blowing out costs where loans wont be enough to pay it back, they force the host country to cede equity back to China with some extra land on top for 99 years, and now the Party owns a bunch of vital infrastructure they can be free to blackmail the country or just turn into military facilities.







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If we begin to consider all countries on planet as equal players having their interests and protecting them at cost of others, it will blur the image. Countries and cultures differ after all. USA/UK and generally so called "anglosphere" is a jewish-luciferian kind of 'culture' which is very whimsical and chaotic. That's why long-term and credible alliance with sea empires are impossible, because they change their mind very often. Today they support moral system A because it benefits countries that are important from their point of view. Tomorrow they are going to support moral system B, because system of alliances is going to change due to new geopolitical circumstances. Anglosphere is made of bubble-gum, that's because sea is constantly flowing, there is nothing constant in it. Meanwhile land empires are more predictable because their interests are more hooked into geography that doesn't change. That's why Third Reich was able to defend and support its loser-allies such as Italy even though it was against their short-term interests. The Anglo influenced by jewish cynical nature would never sacrify themselves for needs of others, they are present only there where they see a critcal danger for their own safety and/or critical interests and chance for exploitation. That's why i am so opposed to today's Poland's political class that copies our mistakes from XX century by tying us up to sea empires again, instead of finding our place on the continent between Germany, Russia and China that will never magically disappear after all.

I am a fan of Poland's most talented theorists of civilisation, by the way

Feliks Koneczny divided civilizations into about twenty types, of which seven types still exist. Four are ancient: "Brahmin," "Jewish," "Chinese," and "Turanian". Three are medieval: "Latin," "Byzantine," and "Arab." The differences between civilizations are based on their attitude to law and ethics.

For example, Koneczny claimed that in the Latin civilization, ethics is the source of law.

In the Byzantine civilization, organized religion is dependent on the state. In this type of civilization all means are justified to achieve political goals. Politicians follow ethics in private life, but in public they are judged by their skills, not by ethics. The legal government has absolute authority and its orders are not doubted. Germany under Bismarck was an example of that type of civilization.

In the Turanian civilization, the government is the source of law and ethics and stands above the law and ethics. The ruler cannot be doubted. Koneczny considered Russia under the Tsars an example of this type of civilization.

The Jewish civilization considers the law most important. The law is the source of ethics. The law cannot be changed. However, the same law can be differently interpreted, which leads to ethical relativism. Similarly to the Brahmin or Hindu civilization, it is sacral, with religion playing a central role. According to Koneczny, one of the elements of Jewish civilization is a belief in the superior role of one nation or race. Communist states, despite their atheism, are also products of Jewish civilization.

Shockingly, in his publication Hitleryzm zażydzony ('The Judaized Hitlerism') Koneczny claimed that Adolf Hitler was an example of the Jewish civilization type.