Every generation after the baby boomers and the hippies has less sex overall (demographic trend)

>every generation after the baby boomers and the hippies has less sex overall (demographic trend)
>Gen Z has less interest on sex than Millenials
>Huh duh modern women are whores because I saw some whore and cheating pastas on r9k
>can't wait for women to be replaced with robots

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Are the first two things true?

more or less

acording to most of what I've researched, yes.

demographic trends.

It's true in a sense yes. For example back in the day you had no internet so only past time was fucking.

>The average age at first intercourse in the United States is currently 17 years old, with only 16 percent of teens having sex before they turn 15. The percentage of high schoolers who say they’ve had sex has been dropping for 20 years, and now stands under 50 percent. The number who describe their first sexual activity as “unwanted” has dropped by a third in less than a decade, and now stands at well under 10 percent.

Though, OP does ignore that girls being sluts is more visible in the modern world, because of internet.
But it has been dropping, stuff related to it.

The same amount of sex is occurring but it is less evenly distributed because of modern dating apps and websites which allow multiple women to select the same most desirable partners

>people have less sex overall
>but women are whores and have more sex


>people are having less sex
>but women are whores and HAVING MORE SEX

both statements contradict.

Women are having more sex than ever

Not acording to data.


I think the statistics are wrong.

Majority of me having less sex compensates that data

>women accept in previous decades to have more sex when they were more shamed
>women lie about sex when they're more accepted to be whores

>but muh blackpill propaganda

Here is the thing. Back in the day, women would go out to meet guys to fuck. Those were generally extroverted women.

Now, introverted women are having more hook ups because they can stay in their room, chat with guys on Tinder and have a chad come over and pound her pussy and leave.

Some thousands of years ago, a single male was the father on average of 17 diferent women kids.

we don't see that today.

Have you ever been surveyed ever? probably not. Ask anyone if they have ever been surveyed.

Not me, not my friends, not my entire school, etc

Okay, roastie

>retard can't tell apart single anecdotes from global demographic trends.
ok retard.

>but muh propaganda
all the science incels use can be debunked in five seconds of google.

Women are having more sex. It’s just under reported.
I haven’t either and I don’t know anyone who has. One thing that is funny, my local news did a local survey, and they went to a local uni and interviewed the most nerdy students who said “i’d Rather watch porn and play video games”.

>women accept in previous decades to have more sex when they were more shamed
>women lie about sex when they're more accepted to be whores

>can't wait for women to be replaced with robots
Good idea, just do the same with men too.

Yes. Women will admit now that they’ve “had a few hook ups”. Which would never happen in the past. But they still won’t say “I fucked 15 guys”

So, by your own logic.

women now are more ashamed to be whores.
however this would mean society now is less tolerant of women being whores.
so, after decades of social propaganda for women to be whores, women are more ashamed now to accept they have more sexual partners?

So, by making society more sexually free, women are more ashamed to be whores?

How does that works?

Everybody is a virgin here except me.

They are not “more” ashamed. As I said, they will admit to hooking up.

I work with a girl who has literally called herself a thot. Once she was flirting with a guy who has a gf, and another coworker her”what are you doing? He has a gf” she actually said “I don’t care, I’m a thot”. I asked her once how many guys she’s been with and she said “numbers don’t matter”.

>le memes

So, women are now thots and say numbers don't matter, but on general they will admit to having less sexual partners than hippies?

how does this logic works?

so by being more whores, women now report to have less partner than baby boomers?

Yes. Because they are being taught that numbers don’t matter.

I also used to know an introverted girl. She was cute but shy. She would typically just watch TV, go for walks, and listen to music. She never went to clubs or bars. That same girl was fucking a different guy every other week. How? Tinder. She would sit in her room, and chat with guys on Tinder, and occasionally have a chad come over to fuck her. If tinder didn’t exist. She wouldn’t have fucked so many guys.

A handful of whores aren't representative of all females.

So, women are told that they can be whores and fuck all guys, by their media and everyone tells them is ok to fuck all day.

However, stadistically, women back in the 50's will report more sexual partners than modern day millenial women.

So, women when they were more sexually shamed by being whores will accept more sexual partners than when they are told to be whores?

Again, how does that logic is possible?

Should we promote more sexual liberation so women in a few decades feel more pressure to accept even less sexual partners than modern day millenials?

It seems the solution, because shaming women to be less whores, seems to produce them to admit having more sexual partners.

>but muh anecdata
google why anecdotes aren't used in science, dumbass.

I remember how that Ashley Madison site aimed to connect cheaters to each other was hacked. Turned out that it had tens times less women than men and even among those many were bots or inactive.

women has less testosterone than males, however they have a bigger sex drive than males, acording to r9k.

Where are you getting stats on the 50s?

you know google exist, retard?

literally google "do millenials have less sex"
or "sexual recession"

>>every generation after the baby boomers and the hippies has less sex overall (demographic trend)
>>Gen Z has less interest on sex than Millenials
I bet it goes something like
>girls who have had sex by the age of 18: 90% -> 90%
>guys who have had sex by the age of 18: 90% -> 75%

Sex is a spook


average women loses their virginity at 17.

you have no real evidence beyond made up stats from r9k.

90% of males have lost their virginity by 16.


average sex happenings in a year HAS DECREASED as well.

dumb retards.

people are now having less sex, even among couples.

There is no use in trying to argue with incels.
It's pointless.

I know, is funny how most of the mainstreams beliefs of Jow Forums are pseudoscience.

retards keep using anecdotes as evidence.

Why are you so bothered by people having less sex?

my meyer brigss is the one that enjoys debating.

sometimes I make pro black history threads on pol.


I just told you I enjoy debating, that's why I made this thread.