Greece hates the EU

>Greece hates the EU
>Doesn't Grexit

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They voted for it in 2015 but got cucked by their goverment

How else are they going to get their welfare money?

haha yea let's just exit from the union that keeps then even alive, wouldn't it be a good prank to just exit

because theyre too incompetent to control their finances so the germans own them now

Actually we did but the referendum was irrelevant and the government betrayed the vote.
such is life abloobloo

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>how can we fuck up our country even more?

They don't pay welfare in Greece.

Greece is one of the most powerful countries in the continent.

Greece had strong growth before the crisis and now it has the highest growth again. Greece is still richer than most countries in Europe and Greeks are among the wealthiest Europeans.

This is due to their natural superiority.

This is why the second amendment matters

hello ibikey

>Greece had strong growth before the crisis
GDP increases if you take on debt

tsipras is a left cuck so what did you expect?

>government has to save retarded population from economic suicide

That's why countries take the loans.

People are idiots and they shouldn't be allowed to decide for themselves.

I would not call them retarded. Their government is retarded, but not the people.
I don't know why, but our Greek brothers seem to dislike all their governments. I guess it's because of scandals and corruption in the past decades.

Only democratic countries are wealthy.


this but unironically

>Only democratic countries are wealthy.
thank you for weakening the state and let the privates take all the power. Novus Ordo Seclorum

>let me get my shotgun and start a civil war
Works in theory but usually doesn't materialise
Both the right wing and the socdems were/are cucks too. Abstain is the only other choice.
>economic suicide

They can't, I feel bad for happened desu, textbook example of loss of sovereignty, and this is happening to a lot of EU countries in a very insidious way.

The French are so cute and dumb. I still don't understand how they managed to have a great empire at one point.

I am Greek