Why are these worthless, leeching cunts so arrogant???

The other day there was a thread about Brexit, and most of the posters from these countries gloated at Brits. It's really unbelievable how fucking ungrateful they are, but also stupid.
First of all, UK played enormous role in all those countries becoming independent. Secondly, UK is one of the three powerhouses in EU, which dragged their sorry asses out of poverty and misery. Why would you be happy about them leaving??? Especially now that german economy is slowing down, barely avoiding recession even. And it's not even about money, UK was a counterbalance to germs in EU politically. Do you want to be completely their bitches??? Even more, germs are happy to deal with russians, no problem. And also trying to undermine whole NATO with their meme European army. I mean, you joined NATO and EU, to get rid of russians, and now germs just spit on all that...
Like seriously, I'm starting to think that you actually deserve commie occupation. And I hope germs just drop the whole facade and start outright replacing you, like in good old days.

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based AND redpilled
slava ukrajini

The threat perception is different, UK isn't undermining NATO, in fact the opposite.

>UK isn't undermining NATO
I didn't say that though.

>replacing you
Interesting you mentioned that

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*you should mention

who fucking cares about europe
its the 20th century. its all about emerging markets right now, not your old and busted no-growth white man land

It's similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Just switch knowledge and experience by wealth. Those countries are in the "mount stupid" which makes them very arrogant.

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You say UK is bad for leaving the EU, then talk about Germans who have 0 threat perception from Russia (until they're at their border) and make gas pipelines, meanwhile UK is solidly supporting NATO. In fact, they're in my forests.

>Why are these worthless leeching counts so arrogant???
Ah yes, moving all our industry, buying our companies and firing our employees while taking all our skilled workforce out of the count with already lower than Japan fertility rate and blocking our ports because they invested in other Adriatic counts + blocking foreign investment.
>b-b-but they built a new trash processing plant that stinks up the entire half of the town with EU funds!!!

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I still don't understand what are you trying to say? Yes, UK is solidly supporting NATO, while germs together with frenchies clearly want to get rid of it and make their own army.

we give a shelter to millions of your kin

Germany and France will not care if Russia annexes you, UK (and US) possibly will.

>UK (and US) possibly will.

you really believe that?

i'm not. In fact i support BREXIT. Why they should pay for our stuff? We don't deserve anything.

That's my fucking point. France and Germany are also dealing with Russians already, like Nord Stream 2.

They are dealing with the Russians
You're not in the EU, Ivan

ARe you trolling me or what? Why do you just repeat what I say?

None of these things is the responsibility of anyone outside of Croatia.

You give them a job, not a shelter. It’s almost impossible to get a shelter for a Ukrainian in Poland.

>First of all, UK played enormous role in all those countries becoming independent
independent from who? The UK fought tooth and nail to help the Ottoman Empire keep us subjugated

Lying poleshit. You exploit Ukrainians for own benefit. Ukrainians coming to Poland don't leech, but work for minimum wage.

ffs frogland

>First of all, UK played enormous role in all those countries becoming independent.
They have been our enemies in two world wars that destroyed our nation.
Fuck them. Gott strafe England.

Attached: gott_strafe_england.jpg (297x322, 69K)

Russia conquering back Estonia. Best day of my life.

based bulgarposter
BFF, best allie

Attached: buldoom.jpg (700x960, 132K)

what is minimum wage in poland like 15 euros / month lmaoo ahhaha

What am I talking about, maybe from inside the EU and NATO, Germany doesn't care if Russians shoot down planes or use nerve poison in the UK, or take your country, we do, that's why Lavrov hates us. A Russian already got me a ban of 2 minutes. This shit goes deep, Merkel was commie youth party in East Germany.

How is it being germany's buttboy?

good, Hungary was a prison of nations that has not a single right to any of the territory it claims besides muh feels and medieval maps. Maybe Transylvania should be yours, but besides that you should shut up and be glad that the average retard on the street has no idea you're a bunch of Axis collaborators.

Shouldn't you know it. Ukraine has been a colony for pretty much forever unlike Hungary.

I fear they even may unite into some unholy uber commie union...

WE FOUGHT ALL THE TIME. Be it poles, russians, germans - doesn't matter. We value freedom

How come people aren't freaking out with immigration? It's like they don't have any understanding of mathematics, or those figures.

Yeah what about Crimea? Not a single shot you fired.

Crimea is not our land. Populated by Russians, belongs to the Tatars. Why shed the blood of Ukrainians for a shitty resort with a million russian traitors?

>belongs to the Tatars
It doesn't though, you utter cuck. They are invaders, who terrorized us for centuries.
And Ukrainians were earlier in Crimea, than they are. There was literally a medieval Rus' principality on the territory of Crimea. Not whole, but still. Rest was under Greeks.

Most of those countries ARE 80 % of Britains current workforce

>Merkel says she won't invest or let anyone else invest in the port of Rijeka because she already invested too much money in Koper and Trieste
Well if you go by the logic that our pm is a little eu cocksucker and let's the Germans to whatever they want here then yes, it actually is an internal problem.