Fuck, marry, kill

Fuck, marry, kill

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Marry Eesti
kill the rest of them except Latvia

Fuck Estonia
Marry Lithuania
Kill Latvia

Fuck Lithuania
Kill Latvia fatties
Marry Estonia

marry esti fuck lithu kill latvia. only correct answer

marry lv, kill ee, fuck lt

Marry estonia
Fuck Lithuania
Kill Latvia

only good answer here

>not marrying the only first world country of the three

First world girls are whores anyway

Let them have their fun.

fuck this thread :(
thank you for not killing us

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fuck and marry eesti
kill the rest


Kill no one because they are all frens

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have a wank so i lose my urges to do any of those things

why nobody want to marry Latvia?
I'm sure she would make a good wife
t. Québec

marry estonia
fuck latvia
try to kill lithuania, but it's too cute and I'd fail

Marry Lithuania
Fuck Latvia
Kill nobody

>choisir les Laitons plutôt que les Estoniens race maîtresse

et bien MOI, je m'engage avec la Latvia, aux moins si personne en veux, personne va venir m'la volée.

Now come with me Latvia, you are my wife now.
I do not care to have sex or kill neither of the other 2.

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>la Latvia
on dit « Lettonie » en Français (ou «Laitonie » pour les intimes).

ah bon, asteure j'suis aux courant, j'le savais vraiment pas.

Marry Lithuania
Fuck Lithuania
Lithuania kills herself

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Kill L*tvia
Kill Est*nia
Marry Lithuania

Marry Estonia.
Fuck Lithuania.
Kill Latvia.


Marry them all

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obliterate all three

typical russian. Calm down, Ivan

you know they deserve it anthony

marry estonia, serious, reliable, fellow uralic, true nordic country
FUCK latvia, they are good nazis, hotblooded russkikiller badboys
kill lithuania, they ruined the polish-hungarian personal union that could've been glorious polish-hungarian commonwealth to push their own shitty union
barbaric savages, off with them

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*Annex all three.

marry eesti
fuck lithuania
kill latvia

what a mess