WTF guys I went traveling to Uruguay and the country is just so... bland...

WTF guys I went traveling to Uruguay and the country is just so... bland. It's like a computer simulation of a generic South American country, the food is bland, the people are bland, the landscapes are bland and so forth. The only place I've visited that was interesting was Colonia del Sacramento and I saw everything in the town in about 3-4 hours.

Did I miss anything? I swear if you ask me what's the most interesting aspect of Uruguayan culture is I'd say it's the people carrying around mate chimarrão bottles everywhere

Attached: uruguay.jpg (964x536, 148K)

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That's because they're one of our states and not a real country

Should've smoked some weed. My friend moved for work and has been cultivating some babies at home.

ur a gay

It's mostly Pampas, of course it's gonna be bland.
Montevideo is nice though.

t. drove through the city

By "bland" you mean no drugged up favela hoodmonkeys knifing you for the equivalent of 20 cents on every street corner?

Stay in your jungle, monkey


that's becausae it is a british invention, same with countries like NZ or belgium. These are bland and have no personallity

Interesting point. Buffer states might be boring.

You had to go La Paloma.
I went to Uruguay once and I loved La Paloma

Uruguay >>> Huezil


OP es un maricon.

thanks for the tip, bro
I'm planning a winter trip and since it's so expensive I didn't want to stay long

>uruguayan culture

Attached: 037.jpg (857x1910, 247K)

>I visited a 3 million people """country""" without a single touristic attraction

Like, what the fuck were you expecting?
It's like saying "oh man I'm traveling to Europe" and then you visit Latvia or Estonia instead of Spain or Italy

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You should've gone to the Murga, would make someone like you happy.

I guess anyting is bland for people from a caribbean banana republic where everyone acts happy for no fucking reason

Attached: murga.jpg (3543x1552, 1.61M)

>the food is bland
kill yourself

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>a vos te parece que los Uruguayos somos aburridos Martin
>Yamandú una señora se robo 7 millones de dolares y se fue a vivir al Chuí

>a un Uruguayo lo invitan a una orgia y termina recogiendo los condones del suelo Yamandú

Malaysia with the roasts

>Uruguayan culture

I think you made a mistake there, dude.

they literally have no culture, they just consume argentinian media all the time

also they only have ONE (1) decent size city


Attached: 700.jpg (200x313, 10K)

>tfw your mere existence causes butthurt amongst your neighbours
Now I know how russians feel like.

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But it has three U's in its name. It sounds so dark and mysterious, how can it be boring?

>"Mme Colette started to open her eyes," wrote the anonymous eyewitness. "Her interest turned to enthusiasm when Andrade and [teammate Alfredo] Zibechi, in costumes and to the sound of drums, started demonstrating the dances… She ended the party eating asado [barbecued beef], Uruguayan-style, spearing the meat on the point of her knife." Colette's report of the party in Le Matin said: "Uruguayans are a strange combination of civilisation and barbarism. Dancing 'le tango' they are wonderful, sublime, better than the best gigolo. But they also dance African cannibal dances that make you shiver."


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