I'm 25 with no friends who else?

I'm 25 with no friends who else?

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we are all friends here

Bumping here. Loner for life.

no friend

why do you think you have no friends?

I wouldnt mind if chicks didnt care so much.

25 here. No gf but a couple good friends. Life is suffering.

fuck off normie


هي أكيد نتصور طلعت في الليل كلمها واحد صاحبها و لا رمالها حجرة على الشباك حب يعمللها واحد و مدهولها وراهولها من الشارع و كيف الدباغ طلعت طمعت في عصبة بلعلها بونية في خلقتها

I dont give a shit about frens I just want a gf.

wow so it's more common than i thought

a g*

25 is around the age when you should stop giving a shit about friendships altogether you childcel. get a wife and go have kids

you can look forward to being 32 with no friends like me. being social doesn't get easier with time if you don't practice.

well m8 it will get worse if you don't do anything

what should i "do"

are you working?

are you in uni?

I'm working, its a professional real job, large amounts of my coworkers are married with kids

My coworkers are 30 , married with children and even then every now and then we go and get some beers

between beers we started to actually text each other wondering how things are going, making small chit chat, etc

Hmm good post

I don't need friends. They always betray me later anyway

why do you even feel bad about this when you have so much more than many people

You can’t get a gf without friends. She’ll think you’re a sociopath

I am 23 year old friendlet. I could just start texting my high school friends but by now the chemistry will be off. I work too much to have a social life anyways

I havent had a friend since '12.

I'm 32 with no friends.

no friends
no family
no girlfriend
no job
no car


I had friends when I was a kid but I don't think I've ever had a real close friend.

Opposite here.