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My Indian friend live near to me.
And he is clean and love climate my much more than yours :)

Do you live in hell? 37°C is the highest I've experimented, in my city anyway.

Yesterday it was 40( at noon?) and my room felt like austwitchz (at 2 ?) and I got out for evening walk in an autorickshaw (at 5?) and the wind that I was getting because of vehicle moving was so hot it felt like steam. There was no humidity/clouds I think

It gets to 50°C where I live, but it's dry. It probably gets pretty damn in India, outside of Rajasthan.


One of the few things we do better than Europe is embracing the air conditioner, comfy 19c inside right now. India needs to learn about these too

>only 40 degrees? Yeah well once in the middle of the Arizona desert it hit 42 degrees once so that's not so bad
Why are Americans like this?

Newspaper days it will only get hotter.how do people not believe in global warming

In Jan my city broke its hottest day on record.
Pic is my car on the way to work.

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Wasn't claiming some kind of victory you insecure faggot. Just joining the thread because it gets hot where I live as well.

My city has reached up to 42°C but it's usually a perfect balance of just humid enough to not destroy your nostrils but not humid enough to feel like dying

Just take a dip in you poo-filled river

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Just walked out and it felt like my body would evaporate

42 C is alright man. Most we get is 40 degrees in April.

Summer set really early this time, no?

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Okay it's 40 actually

ivan what

I moved from a city that was very humid AND went up to 45°C. I still think this new place is cold when it's only like 22°C

Why is it that hot there it's not summer yet?

lol 22C I need a blanket everytime I put my AC that low. Only reason I don’t want to move north or even to Bangalore because everywhere else is too cold for me.

I read a news article a while ago about how there are projections large regions of South Asia will no longer be fit for human life eventually, since the heat combined with the humidity means that people cannot effectively cool themselves by sweating since the air is saturated with water vapor.

Enjoying the weather here :)

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That's more than of a normal day in Riyadh during Summer.

That's why you gotta eat spicy food like people in Sichuan already do.

I live in a tropical paradise where the temperature is constantly 20 to 35 degrees Celsius.

ACs never accurately display temperature lmao. When you put it at 22 right in front of it will be like 15 while the rest of the room will be 26 or something like that.

Don't believe you have temperatures lower than 45

I thought you could take it? Don't be a weak cunt now.

I feel you

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