I have finally decided to leave this horrific website forever.
I am simply sick and tired of this horrific website.
It has no purpose, no meaning, no goal.
It just goes on and on and on.
I am sick and tired of wasting my precious time in here, in this meaningless and benefitless website.
Plus it's full if negativity and the people here are horrific.
They are evil, immoral, rude, unpleasant, disgusting perverts.
So I am happy to announce that this is my last thread ever on this horrific website.
Once I see that this thread appears on the archived threads list I am going to immediately close the browserr tab, delete all browsing history, close the browser, clean my smartphone using CCleaner, restart my smartphone and NEVER visit this horrific website again.
I repeat I will never visit this website again.
Goodbye forever Jow Forums.org and 4channel.org.
Goodbye forever Jow Forums.org and 4channel.org
Other urls found in this thread:
same time tmr
See you tomorrow
see you tomorrow x
Farewell Shahar. You are my favourite retarded jewposter
Enjoy reddit.
>t. My name is Shahar, in Hebrew it means Dawn. This is my last thread ever
see you in 5 mins shahar
Okay, see you tomorrow, have a nice
See you tomorrow.
Haven't seen that film in years
yeah no
dont let the gas chamber door hit you on the way out kike
should I save you?
Does that mean you're a phoneposter?
Well you probably browsed shit boards anyway.
One last piece of advice: you dont remove bad habits. It doesnt work that way. You REPLACE bad habits with slightly better ones. Examples: you dont fight obesity by stopping eating food. You fight obesity by eating less food or less calorie dense food.
Same food analogy applies to Jow Forums. You still need an activity. Vidia? Sport? Porn addiction? Pussy whipped by wife? Whatever you pick, in the end it will as big time waster as it is Jow Forums now.
Good luck kike. Try doa6. Its free on steam / console :-)
Just look "Shahar" on desuarchive, he literally makes these threads about him leaving all the time
Is it worth the price? The only fighting game I played is blazblue
Its literally free to play. You can try it out for 0 money korean bro.
And considering you are next to japan, you will always have userbase to play with.
>It has no purpose, no meaning, no goal.
>It just goes on and on and on.
Wow this sure doesn't sound like life in general
אראה אותך מחר, שחר
No, you will not see me tomorrow.
I am leaving this website today forever.
You've been saying that for the last 10 years
same, i was off this site for 2 years then i came back for no reason
cya l9r virgins