Holy diver edition.

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Only you are okay maltanon. Rest of these romance speaking subhumans piss me off especially francophones. All this time I thought eternal anglos were evil, but it‘s the french.

>Only you are okay maltanon. Rest of these romance speaking subhumans
Am I reading this wrong or are you implying that we're Romance? If so, you're wrong.

Anyway, what happened?

No. Malta is malta. Romance speaking shitnuggets are noobs.

Why tho, what happened?

>the swamp jew trembles in fear of the ROMANCE BVLL

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>be me
>on call with IRL friends
>throw needless English words around during speaking
>somehow topic comes up about the Maltese language
>they groan about the language dying
Not sure whether to laugh or cry.

did you point out their anglophilia?

I sat in silence, pretending I did not hear anything.

Dead today, like home.


Hello fellow malteasers, what's up my gbins?

Jien biss hawn. Kollox sew jew?

*blocks your path*

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*unblocks the path*

Ijja ta, lestejt l-ikel, nahsel il platti u imbad naqa cikkulata~

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Salve Carmelo, come stai?
Sewwa wisq. Tiġi ta' spiss hawn? Ili ma nkellem lil xi ħadd Malti fuq hawn żmien.

tutto bene Camerata, tu come stai?

*teleports behind u*

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you two should become irl friends, malta is small

Mi sto provando a comportarmi bene perche che un altro user Maltese.
I'm sorry for the butchering of the Italian language.

T-too soon....

*turns around*

Waqaft naqa imma issoltu naqa shitposting fuq boards ohrajn u /gif/ ghal naqa nisa homor. Ragel semplici. Nahseb tkellimna qabel.

That would partially require that we exchange personal info on the 4chins and I don't have a burner phone

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>burner phone
wtf I want to watch the wire now

Nisa ħomor? Ġinġlin? Jista' jkun li diġà tkellimna, kemm tfakkarni fuq xiex.

Yup. Films probabli.

Actually got it from Breaking bad but hey ho. Enjoy, gianluca.

Int li taħdem fil-"media" u trid titlaq minn Malta?

Yup, dak hu! Dalwaqt intir, xgharejn ohra jew ekk

Jien dak li midħla tan-nisa somor/Mediterranji, u l-ħela ta' spazju. Jekk ma nerġgħux nitkellmu, nawguralek. Ma nixtieqx nerġa' naqbadha fuq dan is-suġġett għax għandi biżżejjed dwejjaq, iżda għalkemm taqbadni dieqa meta nisma' b'Maltin jemigraw, ma nagħtikhomx tort. L-anqas xejn.

Btw, to the Italian that shared Murmuüre with me yesterday, it's great. Listened to it this morning.

Ghadni niddubita li int hela ta spazju dude, allinqas dejjem niehu pjacir nitkellem mieghek meta nsibek awn. Nahseb wisq tixxutja lilek innifsek.

Iktar ghax semplici nixtieq nilhaq iktar f'xogholi. Imma ukoll, inhossni iktar u iktar "unwelcome". Ma nafx il-kelma bil-malti. xorta tibqa pajjizi.

Maltese language is truly fascinating, if only I could understand it

I just used chrome's translate popup out of curiosity and it's actually not half bad, just with a lot of missing words.

You could learn it if you'd like!

yea agree. i actually can understand some of the words too because they seem pronouncable in arabic

Hawn ma naqbilx miegħek. Ili l-fuq minn sena minn mindu tlaqt mil-edukazzjoni w m'għamilt xejn, l-aktar minħabba l-għażż, mhux ser noqgħod indur mal-lewża.

Nifhmek. U jien hawn bix-xewqa li mmur Għawdex lol.

Google has it's moments, yes.

Bilħaqq, nippreferi tikteb "unwelcome" la ma tafx x'inhi bil-Malti milli tikteb xi "anweklam" jew xi għoxxata bħal dik. Kif iġibuli demmi ilma meta jagħmlu hekk. Mhux milqugħ naħseb li tiġi bil-Malti.

Jien ma nahdimx 24/7 lanqas, anzi ili naqa nibilaw f'sormi.. Parti minna ghax jien ukoll ghazzien naqa, imma nghamel affarijiet bhal kitba u hekk allura xorta qisek dejjem "tahdem" f'industria bhal din.

Ghalxiex ma tmurx?

Id-duluri, le le. Cringe assolut.

Inti taħdem kif taħdem għax ix-xogħol tiegħek jirrikjedi hekk nimmaġina. Jien tant mgħobbi bi ħsibijiet illi iżjed naqta' qalbi milli nqawwiha.

Immur noqgħod hemm ridt ngħid. Skużani ma kontx ċar għax ktibt bl-għaġla għax suppost qiegħed nilgħab ma' sħabi lol. Ili naqra ma nitla' Għawdex. Xi sentejn naħseb.

Nibkiha l-lingwa tagħna. Tara barranin jinteressaw ruħhom fiha bħalma hawn hawnhekk u aħna nagħtuha bis-sieq flok naraw kif ser insaħħuha. Jien m'għandix Malti perfett però
ġieli naqra faqar ta' Malti nibqa' mbellaħ.

Ghandek ragun fuq il-lingwa. Nipprova kemm nista. xej xej, nista nsib erba maltin f'londra desu. Jew noffendi xihadd biha halli ma jtunix minkeb go halqi!

Tinkwetax, sejjer norqod nahseb jien. Ifhem ix-xol tieghi on and off. Freelance allura slow hafna. Difficli nghamel flus imma jien minimalist sew u mghandix xi vizji allura inkampa.

Lejl it-tajjeb gbin. Hu pjacir tilghab u prova ara lilek innifsek b'dawl ahjar. Mintix hazin daqs kemm tahseb. Passi zghar ghandek bzonn, ieqaf tahseb fil-kobor. Ghamel xihaga zghira. Ghada, ghamel ohra. Ibqa ghamel hekk. Il-hajja m'ghandiex skop ta xej hlief li tghazel li tghamel int.

God I wish the world would just come to an end, everything destroyed instantly no pain and no suffering. A massive fucking asteroid hitting the earth in like 4 weeks notice! Everything vaporised instantly when it hits,just 1 month to do the last things you would REALLY want to do and then eternal bliss and peace forever Washing off this plague known as the human species.

One can dream.

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I haven't fapped enough, I don't want the world to end

L-aqwa li tipprova. Jien nipprova l-aħjar tiegħi wkoll. L-agħar dawk li jiġu jaqgħu w jqumu. Imbagħad tarahom jifirħu għax l-Awstraljani Maltin jitkellmu l-lingwa. O jaħasra kieku nibda' nredden fuq l-injoranza li hawn ġo dan il-pajjiż.

Fhimtek. Jekk niftakar sew niftakrek tgħid li taħdem għal rasek allura tagħmel sens li ma jkollokx xogħol b'mod konsistenti. Waħda mill-iżvantaġġi ta' li tkun għal rasek. Jien speċi naf x'jiġifieri għax missieri jaħdem għal rasu wkoll u jkollu xi żminijiet fejn ma tantx jkollu xogħol.

Onestament jien qtajt qalbi. Ma narax li għandi xi futur tajjeb. Ħxejt ħajti bid-deċiżjonijiet ħżiena li ħadt u issa nbati l-konsegwenzi. Li nista' nagħmel hu li fil-futur qarib insib xi xogħol miżeru biex ta' l-inqas
nieqaf ngħix għal kollox minn fuq dahar il-ġenituri tiegħi. X'nixtieq jien fl-aħħar mil-aħħar ma jgħoddx.

Il-lejl it-tajjeb ħabib.

Fuck the warning, just obliterate us.

We still posting qt grils here or nah?

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Of course. The general got a bit cosmic this weekend. It was cool. Unfortunately now that the week has started, it all died again.

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bumper car

Sounds good to me

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Summer is approaching, /med/. How are you planning to spend it?

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The thread got semi-active during the weekend. It was fun.
>that pic
Il-Ġesù Alla muhhh dickkk

Nothing, most likely.

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She is Armenian apparently
First Kim Kardashian and now this thottie, what the hell are Armenians feeding their women

visiting iran, azerbaijan and georgia by car during ramadan feast, will do internship and visit japan afterwards
hoping to turn the internship into a part-time job

hey /med/, passing through
maltalad did you listen to the murmuure album?

seething, Dutch sounds like Hebrew

I don't know what but they should continue with it.

I did, it was great. Did you listen to Impetuous Ritual?

I didn't yet m8 I've been doing boring shit all day, will give it a listen before going to bed
glad you liked it

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Alright fren, no worries. I'll be listening to more Murmuure for sure.

based and I'll dig up some more weird shit in these days
have a good evening frens

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I'll try to do the same. Good evening.

Reminder: Wales is more MED than France and Italy

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And Malta more than Wales.

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Going to shooting galleries and beaches (for stuff like in your pic)

I didn't know Kazhakstan was Alpine.... Whoa....


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>his source is a meme map created by some mutt
No. But we will welcome you as honorary Med as we always have.

Am I a Med?

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Dios mío... El mestizo moro....

How accurate is this pic?

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Yes that's me I'm half Moor

She's a cutie.

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Gn /med/