Jow Forums
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International #1033
I'm talking about racism. I'm not saying it's asserted racism, but latent racism. That's it, I'm sure...
Gf Showdown
/fr/ - le francofil
Am I the only one here who hates all asians?
Smart and Based EU countries thread
ITT: Jow Forums in 1800
Why is the capital punishment not supported in Europe?
This is what freedom looks like
What ethnicity is this?
Are girls shallow/superficial in your cunt?
Do people desecrate their body's in your country?
What makes girls cry in your country?
I MUST breed a brown girl
Portuguese call me "bife" as soon as they hear my last name
Come home, white man
Greta Thunberg and her parents. What went wrong?
>Peruvian """"""""""""""parenting""""""""""""""
Nooooooo, you cant only play videogames and masturbate to anime porn every day for the rest of your life...
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Have you found your Jow Forums bf?
I know more about your country than you do
I can't stop listening to Arabic music
Greta Thunberg
Why do Puerto Ricans get their own flag on Jow Forums? They're part of the USA
How do you get hyped up to bash the fash in your cunt?
Do brits like Oxford? I lived there for 6 months due to university-related reasons and I miss it
Is this the west?
American """"""""""""beer""""""""""
Why haven't shitskins destroyed the Pyramids and all the other monuments in Egypt...
/ita/ il filo di umaru
I wanna marry her ;_;
What did you look like as a child? What was childhood like in your country?
16 days until Brexit
Post your room
How do I stop looking like such an underaged gayboy? I am 25 and look 13, it is not fair
And thus, we officially entered Asian century
1. your cunt
How does the averagre shopping street look like in your cunt?
Who knew British food could get even worse
/hell/ GR Hellas General, Ελληνιkό νήμα
I am a proud Nordic man
Open the catalog and this
Post more of pic related
This is a greek identitarian
N-no no you can't just bomb a school these kids are innocent!!
Best thing about your state/country/district/area
Only post here if you’re the child of first generation immigrant parents. Where did your parents come from...
What's the worst capital city you visited?
/deutsch/e heberfraktion macht euch bemerkbar
2019 is 23% gone
Your country
To visit:
Watch jav porn
1. Your cunt
Your ethnicity
Do you want Korean gf eat live octopus?
Tfw no qt muslim turkish traditional wife
What sort of thing do people protest in your country?
I want to live in Germany/the UK but I’m an Arab guy so I’ll be looked down upon
Spaniards hot and tough
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
I am in support of French becoming the global lingua franca
With MODERN chambers, it takes from 1.5 up to 3 hours to cremate a body + up to 1.5 hours to remove ashes safely
Assortative Mating
How do i get a Jow Forums bf?
Hilo /lat/ino
Be Pole
Would you take a ride on a tram in Ukraine?
Nearly 9,000 mosques have been built over the last decade in Turkey...
Guess ethnicity of this Russian politician
Why do non white girls prefer white guys?
Is this accurate, Jow Forums?
Guess the country thread
What's wrong with the police in Sweden?
Do wh*te women really do this?
What happens here?
ITT we all live in the same house in Venezuela
/ita/ - il filo
Always wanted to move to France
23 year old virgin with circumcised penis
I'm half-Armenian, half-Russian
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Do I have the chad physique ?
1. Your cunt
Is it okay to be brown in your country?
/éire/ /Ireland/
What sounds do animals make in your native language?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Do women get away with rape in your cunt?
What ethnicity would you say are those lads, without cheating
How cool is Croatia on a scale of 1-10?
/plugs/ - Share your plugs and sockets
ITT:Post your favorite African country
What is living in Russia like?
Post your rejections Jow Forums
I’ve had sex with a lot of ladyboys and shemales from numerous different countries and I confidently say that:
Will this man defeat Germany?
Jow Forums in 1945
Do europeans know most if not all other countries on their continent?
Your native language
Finland loves Israel
European Parliament resolution of 26 March 2019 on fundamental rights of people of African descent in Europe
/deutsch/ Brenton-Chan Ausgabe
Russia will become a first world power in 20 years. How do you feel about this?
Que pinche verga se fue al carajo el españolete q weon conchesumare sos un sarpado bellotudo no mames we se resafo de...
Americans! Leave us alone with your disgusting hormone injected beef and GMO's
Do any of you have a mic?
Le bathtub fishe
Gentlemen, you know what to do
Post cute anime Israeli girl here
A pro China thread a day
This American couple makes $500,000 a year and still feels average
Do you miss the currency you had before the Euro?
What are the best accents in your country?
/luso/ - o fio que morre na madrugada
I miss 2000s
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Are American mother-daughter relationships really like that?
Argentina is not that shitty, fight me
How did protestants manage to get more wealthier than Catholics and Orthodogs?
Do you have good genes? Everyone in my family has Alzheimer
Tfw wealthier than the average swedish, german, and portuguese at only 22
After many months our nigga Jakub Marian is back
What was sex education like in your cunt
Sverigetråden - NEET-Drottningens upplaga
Your honest thoughts on Russia? Me, personally...
What is difference?
What will EU article 13 mean in the future?
Prettiest eye color?
Hi from USA
Imagine how wonderful it would be to have a brown foreign gf
How do you say JEWISH BVLL is your cunt's language?
What the fuck is the point of not being in the EU when we're just going to bow and implement every single fucking...
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Are there people more repulsive than Arabs?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2169
What's the easiest language for an English speaker to learn?
What is the usual reaction of people in your country when they see two men cuddling or kissing each other in public?
Am I the only one in here who hates the Japanese?
Do you love Poland?
I literally cannot think of a more useless, worthless country than Italy
Did Mongolians rape many Russian beautiful girls?
Imagine being a goodlooking female and killing yourself
Diplomacies of Germany, Poland...
What causes this? is it ṦÖỸ?
/fr/ - le francofil des urodèles
Are you guys actually faggots or just LARPing retards?
Let's see which country has the best NSFW anime lewds. Emphasis on boobs over butts, please
Wtf japan let the cats in
Does this happen in your country?
1. Your country
I cry myself to sleep every night knowing I am not and will never be European
Let's see which country has the best Safe For Work anime lewds. Emphasis on butts over boobs, please
Cake sans can't get a bf in Japan
Have an insightful conversation with Europeans about bread and rice
I need names for the rest of these autism lions
Retarded americans can't understand how earning 700 bucks per month is the same as earning 380k per year in america
Are there japs that speak spanish or even interested ib learning? Serious cuestión
So Eurofrens cannot post anymore ? How sad
Pleb brother wants to show me "epic reddit post"
What's the best sort of islam to convert to?
If you were gifted a free two weeks vacation to Canada, where would you go, and what would you be interested in seeing?
If you had to tell your child self one thing what would it be?
Why white people do this?
This is what fascism looks like
Kurva anyátok
Why do Russians like Florida and California so much?
Am I the only girl around here who thinks that guys nowadays are more sexist than 50 years ago?
Tell me beautiful newscaster in your country
N-no no you can't anally rape those surrendered enemies they are protected by the geneva convention
Why are Americans so good at speedrunning games? All the tops are always USA
What happens after you kill yourself?
How do you say: "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" in your country?
White girls do not want nafris
Russian men look like THAT?
Do you love Japan
Wtf is wrong with Americans? Literally raping innocent brit bois and bragging about it on twitter...
/cum/ - California Utah Maine
The King
El ayuwoki :v is the best latam meme
White women are so elusive and impossible to approach
Does anyone else here have brown eyes?
40% of japanese prefer to masturbate to cartoons to having sex with real women
What's with Anglos and having 2 party systems?
Article 13 Passed
/plugs/ - Share your plugs
I just turned 20. What should I do with my life?
What phenotype is this?
How do you feel about nationalism in 2019, Jow Forums?
What do you call this in your country?
Could Canada win a war against the United States? Indubitably!
His country has death penalty
Why are Koreans so autistically proud of their Hangul alphabet?
He died for our sins
Mexicans aren't whi-
Q: Boeing or Airbus?
Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop...
Think about the thousands of hours you have wasted on Jow Forums that you could have spent on doing something...
/ita/ - il filo
Why did facial hair become taboo in Asia?
Your country
His "country" hasn't committed acts of genocide
They'll actually pull this off this time right?
Chinese officials even admit that Communism is just a slogan these days
Come play Jow Forumsernational Reversi!
Sverigetråden - Norrskensupplagan
Paedophile capital of the world
Who was responsible?
A..Amerimutts have no culture!
What the hell, Mexico? You were supposed to save our dropping birthrate
Fuck these assholes
Do Americans just don't have a cuisine anymore?
/lat/: Hilo latino
“A whopping 35 percent of all African-American men descend from a white male ancestor who fathered a mulatto child...
Do you want to find love in Norway?
/nachtschicht/ früher /deutsch/
Hello girls (female) of Jow Forums, pls be my gf, also pls be pretty, thank you
I am going to purchase this pack of spaghetti tomorrow, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it
How big is fitness culture in your country?
Do you sleep a lot? I do
Why would I need a license to watch TV
I currently watching Neighbors 2 : Sorority Rising with Chloe Moretz at the French TV with French voices
Non anglosphere users of int
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Aussies banned
1. Flag
Why aren't there any danish image boards...
I wish I was French every single day of my life
Is this what Bosnian girls look like?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1839
Countries who voted for Article 13
Why do people do this to Brazilians?
Your state/province/region/republic/etc
Why couldn't I be born like this? Why did I have to turn out an atrocious hairy brown Afro-Asiatic sand monkey?
How much do you pay for a can of this in your country?
Reminder that any Jow Forums thread started by these three flags should be hidden and ignored on sight
Describe the average posters from your cunt
Awrite m8 that'll be £14.50 wassat? you want ketchup? 30p
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why are Americans such weebs?
Post photos of your current president/PM when they were younger
Gets bullied because of superiority:
Funniest things by Britain
/DetektivConan/ ehemals /deutsch/
Polish name thread, we smash our dicks on our keyboards, mine is dbzvvzvdbdbdbdbs dvvzvsvsvzvsvzvz
I heard you guys hate Canadians
What are Missouri women like?
Africans in Europe
American literature
Shit, Eurobros, I'm so sorry
Germans are the most bullied group on Jow Forums
Daily reminder that Lithuanians have more in common with nordic than slavs
/ita/ - il filo
What's even going on in Bongland now?
Left or Right?
Tell me about the UK
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Youtube views equal science skill
How accurate is this triangle?
Thoughts and prayers, America... I didn't think it was this bad yet
I wish I was English every day
I'm a black man and I have the following questions for you
Girls in school uniforms are sexy they should be mandatory in all countries
Culture Pals /cp/
1. Your cunt 2. When did you lose your soul?
That wirr be 50,000 Yen 外人
How much hair do you have in your legs Jow Forums? Are you a hairlet?
Americans want to keep out this
What was sex education like in your cunt
Great Art
Yes, I'd like a Happy Meal, please
Burgers are food of the people
Sweden is a wine country instead of being a med or beer country
Why is there such a cultural divide between southern and northern europe?
Rangeban when?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
/ita/ - il filo umaroso
Should I go to university in Greece?
How many times per week do people vacuum clean the house in your cunt?
Latin Europeans or Germanic Europeans Jow Forums?
Xi Jinping for 6-day European tour including 3 days in France
Tfw richer than most Americans
Which country is the GREATEST country in Europe?
I'm so tired of being american
Please keep your eyes on your own paper
/DetektivConan/ ehemals /deutsch/
Sweden - Lithuanian friendship thread
Face it Euros, you're obsessed with us. We're living rent free in your head
Do you want to find love in France?
Do you go to the gym/workout in your cunt?
You're president of mexico
Fuck, is it what most Italo-Americans look like?
Will a white/European girl ever date a CHI?
>Dutch """language"""
WWI started over Serbia
Why do white women have such long legs?
Do Euros really do this?
Who here TEAM CREAM master race?
Learning Dutch or Norwegian ?
/ita/ il filo
I hate every person on the British Isles. I hate that I'm genetically linked to those "people"
It's your own responsibility to save and invest for your retirement! The government shouldn't be forced to pay pensions...
Why are germanic countries so autistic with copyright?
If i was american i would probably have had a cute girlfriend now
Sverigetråden - en fin tråd
I have been trying my best to have friends for months, but I'm still always alone, I have a lot acquaitances...
So I heard the news. Eur*poors BTFO
Somali """""universities"""""
Hello. I'm a middle class American. I was raised by TV sitcoms. I think I invented morality...
Tfw no korean highschool gf
Why don't poorer Mexicans just move closer to a wealthier part of Mexico?
Wtf why are you throwing out the crust! That's a waste of food!
Why are women allowed to dress like this?
There are almost 1 billion men in South Asia that look exactly like this
/fr/ - le francofil
Government-sanctioned virtual currency coming
Hi user!
What is the island of Jersey like? Are the people there more Norman French or British? Is it a nice place...
Would you fly with Boeing?
Western Med>>>Eastern Med
Holy fuck Mexico look what you've done you absolute madman
How much do you pay for university tuition in your cunt?
Slavpunk thread
>All Asians look alike
My first time trying to cook goulash
Your vagina
1. Cunt
/anglo/ /brit/ /canzuk/
Honest opinion on Germany and it's people? Me, personally, I think Germans are honest and hardworking people...
What do you think of European mutts?
Are they evil? Should we restrict their power inside the EU?
"Moderate Muslims"
I don’t care if a cluster of chimpanzees in central Africa have more genetic diversity than the whole of the human...
I just love building another Franco-German empire
How do you deal with depression lads
My oneitis has the body of a 12 year old, looks like a boy, is a tomboy...
1. your cunt
How many immigrants has your cunt taken in this year?
Euro hate thread
What was his name, and where did he come from, again?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Will I be able to find a white gf in the USA if I immigrate there?
Whats this vagina called in your hymen?
You can post ITT if you from 2nd or 3rd world cunny
Do you like French cuisine, user?
R*ssian """"men"""" fear this
Sverigetråden - Miljöupplagan
Would I be welcome in italy?
I suffer in first world
What the fuck
My country is ugly as fuck. Everything is dirty and third world...
RIP european memes
1. your cunt
Wtf Spain!
Do you want to find love in singapore
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Well, Article 13 just passed, nice knowing you lads
How do we make Louisiane french again? Do american anons ever hear about francophone influence...
/ita/ - il filo
How do you say "black bull" in your language?
Do I look European or Amerucan?
Guess how much is this?
You have to admit: The United States of America really is the best country ever!
For me, it's the Lenovo T60
I'm considering plastic surgery, do you know anyone who has had plastic surgery?
Pick your jesus
/hell/ 書記の千花 edition
ITT: 1. Poster above you
There were no Greeks in anatolia
Could this street corner pass as a local in your country?
1. your language
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Watch as the European Parliament starts the dark age of memes
Japan is better
Do you want to find love in England?
A 19 yo american au pair grill has just been raped by sicilians
I support Israel
Are you an English native speaker?
Why won't you pay attention to the quiet girl nerdy girl?
Is there a link between dark skin and how awful a country is?
Why is this country so fucked?
I am in debt of 37,640.26 Shekels
Do first worlders assume that we third worlders are ignorant, uneducated or obnoxious by default...
I currently have 20 000€ on my bank account, what would you do with that money? Would you invest in something? If yes...
/cum/ - كندا الولايات المتحدة المكسيك
'Haha what? Sex? With you? Dont make me laugh, dirty chink. Everyone knows yellow men have tiny chingchongs'
This fucking dictator actually made some French subway station closed
Linguistic origin of European country names
How easy is it to sexpat in Iran? will I get beheaded?
Why are they on this board so autistic?
How popular is tuna where you live?
Be American
Are you all ready for the Merkelreich?
My fucking sides. I can't stop laughing. This can't be real
What's this called in your country
Do you feel trapped in your town/city/country?
Why is this country so fucked?
Being a kurd in a country full of t*rks can be hard
Visit my 101 year old grandpa
Jow Forums Reversi
Is your country depressed?
Chilean anons post made me horny now im craving a BWC again
It's breakfast time here post breakfasts from your cunt
You wake up in America
How common are turko albanians in turkey?
How popular is hockey in your cunt?
Kurva anyátok
Tfw I had my boipoopy fucked by my first white cock, 23cm and fat
Hilo /lat/ANO
Americans hate baseball now
I have literally never had sex
Is this true? hahah
Why do they have half naked women twerking on daytime television?
Do you love California, a Castizo nation?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I find it ironic how under Western influences they have become more leftist and less traditional than their Communist...
L want rock... l want rock in my boiplaylist
Korean DNA and Origin
Americans are like... very fucking stupid dude
Mao wanted to totally get rid of Chinese characters and Latinize like Vietnam
Could she pass as a local in your cunt?
Lmao look at this dood
Post a worst region which should be independent from your cunt
I've finally saved up for that trip to East Asia! I'm finally going to lose my virginity!!
There seems to be a high correlation between how irrelevant a language is and the number of grammatical cases it has
This is Khalid Chaouki, italian politician
How do I get an American gf?
If dubs i will get raped by niggers
Why can't all these useless countries just merge together?
Shut the fuck up already
#Long straight black hair
Do you want to find love in Turkey?
Trying to get a croatian qt in my school. did i already fuck up ???
Why do Brazilians do this?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Sverigetråden - Mysiga morgonupplagan!
Did you know that Vermont
How come Christianity never took off in Japan like it did in South Korea?
You can't import non-whites into your country, you'll destroy the racial demographics!
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
I want to leave this fucking country...
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Why yes, I'm American. How did you know it?
1. Your cunny
What's this called in your country
Why do mexicans hate themselves so much???
López Obrador asks the King that Spain apologizes for the abuses of the "conquista"
/fr/ - le francofil franco-français
What could have been
EVERY SINGLE Jow Forums post you ever made is sent to all family members,friends and co workers
May 2nd, 1945
Do you like or dislike your country
Thanks Germany...
"Hola guapo, como estas?"
God i wish an american girl was doing this to me
Everyone hates Britain and loves France
/nachtschicht/ früher /deutsch/
Normies at work are talking about at what age they lost their virginity
Best Europe
I'm helping my gf to pay her college
And its beautiful
Americans pretending to be germans
It's been 20 years since Columbine
Whats with this meme of German engineering? sure they have a high output compared to other european countries...
/cum/ - Free Love edition
What was the worst bullying experience you had in school?
What's your opinion of Peru and Peruvians?
/v4/ + friends
Why have they sucked at war for centuries?
How do you deal with loneliness
What exactly is wrong about being a weeaboo? Japan is clearly the best nation on Earth
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Why do white women love Asian men so much?
I herd u been talkn bad bout black people on dat Jow Forums, whyte and azn bois
What do you think Japan will be like in 100 years?
/hagen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Red Countries: Good food
What were your fondest memories?
American education
Names of kids in your country that tell you their parents are scum
Why are spanish people so needlessly aggresive and confrontational on online forums?
Do Yuropoors really do this?
Hi i'm from Belize. Ask me anything
Is Japan truly racist or is it a meme?
It will never be 2005 again
Do you have beaches in your cunt?
How is incest seen in your country?
Could this man pass as a local in your country
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/fr/ - le francofil franco-français
How hard would you fuck her?
White men; the absolute state
/lat/: Hilo latino
1. your cuntry
Post your local Mosque
This shit've ruined us and i'm 100% sure
Which food from your cunt makes you feel like this?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1700
Why are american toilets like this? How do they avoid being splashed when you have a dump?
What do you do for fun?
How are chicanos treated in your cunt?
What is the problem between india and pakistan?
If your country recognizes Kosovo, you're an asshole
ITT: powerful comics that just make you say "damn"
Daily reminder that Lithuanians have more in common with nordic than slavs
Are you ugly?
This is my room
ITT: Post current, unaltered maps
Is it possible to earn Japanese respect and be considered one of them as a gaijin?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2168
What's the average street price of an LSD tab in Prague and the Czech Republic in general?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
What's your kind of woman Jow Forums?
Would she pass as a local in your country?
Dicks? get that gross shit out of here
European paganism
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Jow Forumsernational rock music thread
Are they Nordick?
Norge, what was good and bad about not belong to EU?
Why are Americans insane?
Whats overall the best state to live in America?
Why do British do this? Stop this faggotry...
Why is their food SOOOOO bad ?
Do you love Ariana Grande?
Finns and Estonians are sooooooo overrated
1:your cunt
No-no nono you can't impregnate non whites you are betraying your race!!!
If i cut your internet will you die?
I'm Korean and I support the genocide of non-mongoloids of xinjiang. Based PRC is expanding mongoloid clay...
Is Belarusian a real ethnicity? Why does this country exist?
Your country?
Chilean news
I used to love the USA
WOAAAAAAH no wonder why all girls want Italian meat in their punanee. They're WHITE, MEDITERRANEAN and STRONG BVLLS
Name 1 Belgian person without google
Daily reminder
What is your stance on European federalism?
Me? Dating wh*teoids?
Sweden please adopt us
Your cunt
What do people from your country think about bears?
Kazakh anons needed
Being a woman is better than being a man
I pledge allegiance to Israel
Is Jow Forums high IQ??
Tfw countrylet
Whats going to happen with the shartbois??
That story about that one steelworker user in China has convinced me that China will never become a superpower
Will they ever come back ?
Why do people move to USA?
Hello, i am from russia. How much should you earn in your country and how should you look to get girlfriend like this?
Why are Brits pathological liars?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship