Sweden please adopt us
Sweden please adopt us
In the past you almost became a part of us but it was cancelled last minute I think but I can't remember why
Cause P*les cockblocked the deal
I have forgotten the name of the pact or deal. What was it called? I would like to read more about it. I think Lithuania is cool, especially that you were pagan so long. Did Lithuanians like or dislike Polish rule? I think it would have been cool if you would have created a Baltic state together with Latvia and Estonia, or have been part of Sweden which Latvia and Estonia also were. Both alternatives would have been nice.
Union of Kedainiai
There was no Polish rule, it was co ruled, though Lithuanian nobility were heavily polonized.
Yeah, it would have been, especially since we have much more in common with nordic than with neighboring slavs
Ohh it was way earlier than I thought it was. Long before the Great Northern War. It's interesting how some Polish and Lithuanian people were very pro-Sweden in those times, but some were also staunchly anti-Sweden. Maybe for the best because a lot of Lithuanians also died during the Deluge.
Lithuanians were always pro Swedish
De facto Lithuanians rulers at the time {Radvilos} wanted an union with Sweden instead of with Polish.
If Sweden and Lithuania were in a union at the time, it would be the undisputed great power in the region. There was a short period of time when Sweden, Poland and Lithuania were in union under Sigismund III Vasa. Sigismund was catholic though and Swedes weren't gonna have any of that.
Oh , what could have been
We were protestant at one point as well
Poles ruined it as well
Daily reminder that Lithuanians have more in common with nordic than slavs
>There has been a lot of migration back and forth, meaning that at least some “ethnic” Lithuanians are of Nordic descent. Although during some genetic study, it was shown that most Lithuanians are related to Latvians, Estonians and Finns.
>Ethnic Lithuanian culture is similar to that of Nordic, primarily because of years of contact, which has brought Scandinavian culture to Lithuania. Food is also similar, due to climate (and other geographic aspects); then again, it’s also similar to Slavic because of constant contact.
> Lithuania is a Northern (European) country, thus a lot of its geography (except for mountainous areas), climate, some architecture, and even the aforementioned culture is similar. Lithuanians were never fond of their contact with Slavs, therefore they try to associate themselves to Nords more (as genetically they COULD be considered Nords), this especially came around in 2009, when President Dalia Grybauskaitė assumed office (currently serving her second consecutive term), she is known (and supported) for her northern-oriented policies.
>most Lithuanians are related to Latvians, Estonians and Finns.
Since when are Finnish people not Mongolian?
*adopts your anus and fills it with cum*
Heh nothing personal
We would have lost you to the soviets anyway and you would have forced us into a world war.
fuck off we're full (literally)
We are all mongolians
There would be no soviets, cause no Plc partition, so no Lithuania in Russian empire, thus no soviet union cassus belli.
For the added bonus, would've never lost Vilnius.
really nice looking flag honestly you guys should change to that one
I agree
Though proposed nordic cross design us fugly
My brother!
>faggot op created that image
>pukes all over his keyboard.
yes sweden please adopt shituania if you want an ulcer on your ass.
Yes brother
You're just mad cause you're never gonna be Nordic
I shit on nordics (whom muslims are currently subverting)
and I shit on shituania ( whom will be subverted in the near future)
Success breeds jealousy
Don't insult my brother litauen like that you slavic trash. clean my toilet.
So you want to make Lithuania cucks like Swedistan ?
We just want to dissociate ourselves from slavs, and since we kinda fit into nordic criteria and our national policy is nordic orientated, so why not.
Unlike Sweden, Lithuania has centuries old traditions of multiculturism and tolerance
>Orthodox, Jews, Protestants, Muslims always found save haven in Lithuania since 15 century
>There was records of blacks in Lithuanian courts in 16-17th century as low ranking court members (jesters and stuff).
By the way, Sweden is our main investor.
Bump for our nordic brothers