Why is their food SOOOOO bad ?
Wich one got the best food?
Wich one got the worst one?
Why is their food SOOOOO bad ?
england at least as fish and chips
What’s wrong with fish and the like?
Do you really think that Irish cuisine sucks or you just googled "Northern Europe"?
Try some Kalles Kaviar
tried it
its not good
they usually serve it with really fat greasy fries and the fish tastes bland and oily
>irish cuisine
chuckled a bit
what are some examples? i bet they have 1001 potato recipes
>Kalles Kaviar
We used it for hazing rituals in the gymnasium. 10th graders were forced to eat it and most of them had gag reflexes. Burgers should use that instead of waterboarding imho.
You had the right idea Alejandro, but you weren't thinking big enough.
Here I fixed your map.
never group me with wh*toids again or i will heem the shit out of you YTboy
manchild only eating burgers and hotdogs. Grow the fuck up
Isn’t it just caviar in a paste form? Doesn’t sound too bad.
What does this even mean? A "national dish" isn't even a thing anymore here, people just make whatever tastes good. Today I ate lentils with vegetables and some other shit in it, was good.
nothing good grows here and a culture of eating for survival not living for eating. there is a reason we worship frozen pizza and cheap lookalike taco, it actually tastes something and its not served with potatoes
>i bet they have 1001 potato recipes
I bet they don't
Lentils are nice, i recommend you add some chorizo or ham to add taste while you cook the lentils
ah i guess the weather just didn't allow much variety in the evolution of cuisine
based anglo
Looks diarrhea lmao
Don't understand the meme about our food desu
None of these can be considered objectively bad:
Christmas pudding
Sausage rolls
Cumberland sausage
Apple crumble
Viennese whirls
Lemon meringue pie
Lancashire hotpot
Pork pies
Mince pies,
Banoffee pie
Shepherds pie
Cottage pie
Shropshire blue cheese
Wensleydale cheese
Red Leicester cheese
Cheddar cheese
Bakewell tart
It tastes like salted and smoked fish, but it contains a lot of sugar and has a weird grainy texture. You need something like boiled egg or a bland cheese to balance it with.
>i recommend you add some chorizo or ham to add taste while you cook the lentils
I might try that someday, but today was a meat-free day.
Cheddar is the most overrated cheese in the world
Compared to the titans of food like Italy and France our food isn't great, but it's certainly not as bad as people make it out to be.
Not all these are the same dumbass
based finno-ugric brother, FUCK WH*TOIDS
tastes better than it looks
>meat-free day
for what purpose?
Can you specify exactly what is bad?
The lack of agricultural products not found in Northern Europe that you are used to in Mediterranean cooking?
Lack of local wine and olive production since we live in the frozen north?
Do you need to have olive oil on everything you eat like an American needs ketchup?
God, it's like Italians that need to have cheese that smell like feet on everything.
>British """"""cusine""""""
why cant m*doids do real meaty foods? everything is vegan or fish at most, do they not realize you are supposed to be filled by a meal
How many dishes from those cunts have you tried?
norwegian fish soup and salmon is great, ok they dont have spicy food and whats mild here thats extra spicy there but so what, i can add my paprika to everything
its actually good dumb gay mutt hahaha
that is delicious
how dare you
Yes I was nearly upset that we weren't listed.
You should also include Germany, they have tasty food but that's only because it's either fat or sweet or both, which are cheats.
Now hold on while I finish this kale mash.
>for what purpose?
For some reason, my stomach gets upset when I eat too much meat, so I have found that having meat-free days solves this problem.
I thought Danish food wasn't supposed to be that bad
hard to be creative if salt is your only natural spice. do you want salted lamb, salted fish, fish without salt, rotten salted fish, salted lamb head etc.
lol, if you aren't including Germany and Israel, we also shouldn't be included
Our national dishes are literally variations of German and Jewish dishes
>Potato pancakes (Latkes - jewish)
>Sakotis (Bankuchen - German)
>Kugelis (Jewish)
>Blood sausages (German)
>Kibinai (Karaite - Jewish)
>Cepelinai (variation of Knödel - German)
We are truly German - Jewish mutts
How about fish in salty water
I tried fish and chips and it was ok, the best part of it was the dip made of pea puree
Irish cuisine, like everything from that island of red headed faggots, is disgusting.
It's boring compared to French or Italian but it's true that you get too much hate.
For real man Eastern Europe has pretty bad food too but you dont hear about it bc of muh perogies
then salted of course
If some Spaniard told you this was Spanish, you'd love it.
efficiency, cooking is a waste of time that they spend doing science and working hard
don't insult my island
problem assimilating animal proteins? my cousin has that
This is why you are not nordic
Actually all of them have quite good food. Except of UK. The only delicious „food“ they have is scotch.
One of my favorite dishes
I thought the Irish had black hair.
What is that thing in the middle?
Looks like mustard to me
>dude potatoes lmao
other than that it looks all quite tasty
Shit I really want gravlax now
looks delicious, what is it?
looks tasteless and bland, specially the right side, 3/10
I eat it with avocado for maximum meme experience.
I'm gonna be honest and say I dont know a single dish from Spain
Its not tasteless at all. There's caviar paste in the middle and the fish already packs loads of taste.
They do, although also most red-haired along with Scots
UK has no food. Everything is from other countries besides the tea
paella is a pretty well known meme
tacos, burritos, etc.
not even the meme ones like paella, tortilla, tapas ?
burritos, tacos, enchilada, etc.
El primero es un guiso con carne, zanahorias y más cosillas
El segundo es carne con patata y cebolla en trocitos, se come con un huevo encima y remolacha
El otro es pescado (arenque) frito, está rico. En este foto tiene la "mermelada" típica sueca
this is, quite frankly, some of the most horrid shit "food" I have tasted in my life
wtf spain
I used to watch this Scandinavian cooking show on PBS and it was really cool, he'd always go to these beautiful outdoor locations, and the food looked pretty good too. You should always be willing to try another culture's food. I ate some chicken's feet at a Chinese place and they tasted like licorice, not bad at all. Life is all about trying new things
Now you do
ye true, never eaten it though.
always associated tortilla with mexico :DD
hablas muy bien español, enhorabuena
whats that? food in spain is very regional, i never saw that
mexican tortilla is a thin layer of cornbread
spanish tortilla is a type of omelette made with potatoes
Soy de España
Why do these people shit on our food?
Well most spices don't naturally grow here and very few people were stupid enough to travel all the way here for trade.
I guess because they're pretty isolated?
it's like fried pork rinds, absolutely fucking foul tell you hwhat.
meatballs aren't spanish, I think
>british food is bad
every region has a different recipe, in Galicia is called roxós
potato is life
Many countries have their own, Spain has its traditional recipes, like albóndigas en salsa, albóndigas con tomate...
Swedish coz they buy canned blood and make blood pancakes out of it.
>me want potat
okay grug, I guess we're tomatoniggers ourselves after all
Finnish berries mushrooms game fish and dairy is top tier
I dont see whats so bad about it
we do that as well, during the slaughtering of the pig woman collect the blood
Ah you should definitely try it. Honestly, I think food culture is much better in other countries because many more things are available (and at cheaper prices). Fish, meats... For example I've never seen rabbit at the supermarket here, and you can always find it in Spain.
Welsh cakes and biscuits are good tho.
I don't hate lard it's just chicharrones are gross
I thought they were more well know 2bh
you mean blood pudding? It's delicious, especially with some bacon and lingonberry jam
That's Latvia's flag
ooga booga