Hi i'm from Belize. Ask me anything

Hi i'm from Belize. Ask me anything.

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also how its going over there?

Is your country better or worse than Guatemala?

Do you get a lot of foreign tourists? I like to snorkel and I know Belize has a lot of coral reefs.

Other than the border tension with Guatemala, I guess it's pretty okay over here

Are you the "your mom" guy?

How often do you see our Dravidian BVLLS hanging out with african women?

I would say both of us are about the same in terms of crime and corruption.

Yeah I believe we do get a lot of tourist I see loads of them everyday.


I visit Mexico this summer do you recommend visiting your cunt or should I go to Guatemala or should I stay only in Mexico? How is the bunda in Belize, is it only mulatto or also mestizo bunda? Show Belizean girls plz.


Pity I was planning to move there

hablas espaƱol??

wtf hey where are you from??

A little

The city

are you belizean?


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king parks ??

what do you think of us burger bois?


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creole,mestizo or coolie??


Most Belizeans I interact with either worship or are indifferent to Americans

why are you @ing them??

Dude I honestly don't know

South belize is white?


i can't Belize people still remember my shitty memes

Western and Northern Belize has Mennonites, other than that it's just tourists here and there

Accept your fate and join Guatemala already.

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Accept your fate and join Mexico already.

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how shit colored are you?

shittier than brazil

whiter than you Muhammad

Why are u such a colossal faggot?