Hi i'm from Belize. Ask me anything.
Hi i'm from Belize. Ask me anything
also how its going over there?
Is your country better or worse than Guatemala?
Do you get a lot of foreign tourists? I like to snorkel and I know Belize has a lot of coral reefs.
Other than the border tension with Guatemala, I guess it's pretty okay over here
Are you the "your mom" guy?
How often do you see our Dravidian BVLLS hanging out with african women?
I would say both of us are about the same in terms of crime and corruption.
Yeah I believe we do get a lot of tourist I see loads of them everyday.
I visit Mexico this summer do you recommend visiting your cunt or should I go to Guatemala or should I stay only in Mexico? How is the bunda in Belize, is it only mulatto or also mestizo bunda? Show Belizean girls plz.
Pity I was planning to move there
hablas espaƱol??
wtf hey where are you from??
A little
The city
are you belizean?
king parks ??
what do you think of us burger bois?
creole,mestizo or coolie??
Most Belizeans I interact with either worship or are indifferent to Americans
why are you @ing them??
Dude I honestly don't know
South belize is white?
i can't Belize people still remember my shitty memes
Western and Northern Belize has Mennonites, other than that it's just tourists here and there
Accept your fate and join Guatemala already.
Accept your fate and join Mexico already.
how shit colored are you?
shittier than brazil
whiter than you Muhammad
Why are u such a colossal faggot?