What were your fondest memories?

What were your fondest memories?
Mine were
>causing the entire Kil'jaeden server to crash and be offline for 2 hours
>perma sapping a new player until he logged off
>grinding with frens
>watching a DK boxer fuck everyone up in world PVP

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The youtube video of the dwarves dancing to Dschingis Khan

>riding on my nightsaber from Dun Morogh to Menethil Harbor to get on the ship.
>Get my 100th mount
>Downing Lich King in heroic mode
>TS with the guild

My fondest memory about WOW was convincing my father to buy this game for me only to find out you needed an additional subscription.

Had to exchange it for Tomb Raider IV The Last Revelation

>guilds off tank broke his keyboard in half due to being benched

>watching a DK boxer fuck everyone up in world PVP

but world PvP died in vanilla

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playing 3.3.5a on a free russian server right now as a rogue
man assassination fuccking sucks literally no dps

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I remember running home from school in excitement knowing WoW was waiting for me

I dont feel excitement anymore bros

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Please don't remind me

i will never understand phenomenon this game, you literally have to spent incredible amount of time to be good at it

I never played this nerd shit

Allies summoning the elementals in alterac valley, 8 hour AV was pretty good


part of the charm, also your complaint is why the game changed so much

>raid leader screaming at us because we kept wiping because we were all distracted watching the south park ep
>spending a summer in college doing arenas all day with friends in the same house
>seeing the same people in bgs regularly and finding rivalries with them


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>swimming from Westfall to Yojamba Isle and see trolls for the first time
>soloing SFK waiting for all the cd's to refresh before each pull in order to get Jordan's Smithing Hammer
>finally getting a new computer in order to play BC and visiting Hellfire Peninsula for the first time
>going with friends to buy wotlk together
>cot4 hc timed
>cataclysm heroics

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>12 years old
>Playing boomkin (big mistake)
>Zul Farrak for the first time
>Oh god the intense pulls
>Oh god the scarabs
>Oh god the mummies
>Felt like I was in a movie fighting along Sergeant Bly
>I get the sweet-ass kilt from priest
>Epic showdown with mercenaries
>That last boss
>Level exclusively 44 - 49 through ZF every day and blow all my cash on blue loot on AH like [Twig of the World Tree] and get Fiery Weapon on it because flames are cool
>Do battlegrounds in 49 and kick fucking ass with moonfire spams and finishing off with my stupid fucking burning giant stick
>Last thing alliance shitheads see before they die is my furious owl face

>Glitching underneath Stormwind with my friend in Wotlk
>Glitching into old iron forge, the top of ironforge, and the farm on top of wetlands
>Bypassing the invisible wall to hyjal in vanilla with my friends

Goldshire, adventures around Elwynn Forest. Warsong Gulch 10-19 pvp was so much fun after school as a child.
Man get better IQ

>Trying to scrounge together a whole gold as a level 13 druid because I chose the wrong talent tree and I wanted to be a cool bear
>Some dude gives me five gold back when this was a fortune and wishes me good luck
Paid for my skills and water for a long time

Not really. I mean to be good at it you only need to learn pushing buttons in an order and staying out of the fire. For the charm was the whole new world. Everyday I met something new in that game, then one day I didn't. That day I stopped playing.

When I got rank 1 title in TBC

I once went to goldshire on a RP server and it was a horrible experience

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There is no such thing as a good casual player, he is correct. You need to invest thousands of hours to be a good player.

Yeah you need to invest hours to learn the frost mage rotation in vanilla. Grinding the stuff to have good gear and accessories (potions, flasks, profs etc) won't make you a better player. They only make your character stronger. Also I didn't spent days farming reps and shit, because I wanted to be a good player, but because I wanted those mounts, those items and those titles.

One time someone kited an unkillable demon into Shattrath and everyone was hitting/shooting at it for hours.

The game used to be dumb fun shit like that, I don't even recognize it anymore. Admittedly I had fun raiding Zul'dazar to get Against Overwhelming Odds but then Blizz patched the fun out of that too so you could no longer finish that quest in a raid.

I unsubbed as soon as I completed this set. Better luck next expansion maybe.

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This isn't a vanilla wow thread only. And in vanilla wow nobody cares who was best in PvE only PvP, like always. The fact that you are bringing up PvE tells me you are a casual.

>You are a casual if you don't like PvP
Das rite whiteboi PvP is the cancer of the game. Fuck PvPing. Fuck arenas. Fuck battlegrounds. Fuck duels. Fuck world PvP! All hail raiding and pve!

>Chatting with some random players with Finnish names while leveling in STV. Later became friends, played in the same guilds and eventually ended up being IRL friends, and still are after 14 years.
>Completing Benediction after finally getting the piece from that chest boss and doing that class quest near Stratholme.
>Downing twin emps for the first time since it was a wall for us and also the last boss we downed because the guild's officers left to a better guild in hopes to clear naxx40
TBC was fun too, and Ulduar part of Wrath. Disliked most of Wrath and never played Cata and beyond. I did try Legion during the launch and it was fun for a month, but the same appeal isn't there anymore.

I haven't played arena seriously for like 2 expansions, but all good players in the game are good arena players unless you are playing in Method or something. I raid mythic and players are generally bad at the game, like substantially worse than the average R1 arena player.

>he plays anything else

Good for you, I haven't played since Wrath. (Except for a month in BfA, but it was meh)

You missed the best expansion of all time: MoP.

I heard Throne of Thunder was kino. Also I wish I had some of those nice dragon serpent mounts.

I'm not that old

I never played WoW, I only played Warcraft 3.

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