Whats with this meme of German engineering? sure they have a high output compared to other european countries...

whats with this meme of German engineering? sure they have a high output compared to other european countries, and they're far better than Chinese tier, but their tech is really nothing special. I think their philosophy is basically to just overpower everything and make it aggressive, at the cost of simplicity, practical use, and ease of replacement. A place like Japan (inb4 weeb) makes much better tech, fulfills practical use, easy to fix/replace, usually relatively cheap, at the cost of being "boring" which is a stupid criticism. Even America does a better job of balancing out fun and power with simplicity.

Attached: BMW_F_850_GS-6.jpg (3335x2500, 673K)

German engineering was a thing 30 years ago.

Now it has become as you said it:

Overpower everything and make it aggressive and charge a premium price.

>A place like Japan (inb4 weeb) makes much better tech
Literally name a few that aren’t camera’s or pathetic weeb cars

Hattori Hanzo katana. It can slice through tungsten and when you sharpen it it goes through most modern battle tanks armor

Also in case you are really interested and are not some incel from /o/ wondering why nobody likes your Honda.
Germany has the largest account surplus in the world, higher than China and Japan. Their engineering includes everything that moves pretty much which is more than just care and phones. Power plants, windmills, semiconductors, all sorts of machinery. Go to any factory on earth and there will be Siemens inside.

how are japanese cars pathetic?
headphones/record players by audio technica
razor blades and accessories by feather
motorcycles by kawasaki or honda
movies and anime, call me weeb but it sees far more success in this industry than any other country besides USA
skin products like shiseido
fishing accessories like daiwa

In the age of shitty modern cars assembled by mexicans and bulgarians, engineering doesn't matter anymore
>good tech
Sony is fucking garbage for the most part. Canon and Nikon are ok. Toshiba and Fujitsu are so low quality, they should be scrapped and recycled to portable loos for indians to poo in. The rest is ok

sony computers used to be pretty good and their palm device vaio, if you were old enough

Sony computers don’t even use Japanese parts.
There’s American processors and Taiwanese motherboards inside
This is all consumer junk. You talk about engineering and all you can name is a bunch of consumer items.

give more examples besides semen