>black bvlls
Uh, no, sweety... out of all of these countries, Mexico is the only one that is close to being 50-50. Please do a further research on the topic.
Paint the Caribbean and Brazil out of that map. We're BLACK BVLLS.
Nah, they're all dead
>Murrimutt flag
Checks out.
Why is it always a mutt poster making those threads
hapa cope
I'm white.
I'm Puerto Rican and only 16% black thank you very much.
So is El Salvador from what I've heard, and possibly Chile too. Those countries have little black input and are quite balanced in their admixture
Oh, and Paraguay maybe too
This. I'm Germanic (Spanish).
No blacks here, we were poor af, the only ones that had slaves were peruvian royalty, if we ever got some blacks it was because we unlocked the south of Peru and western bolivia
das rite
am I still a hapa if im 6% africanoid?
on top of that native americans already are closer to europeans than east asians because of the ANE component
based amerindian
Cute hat
This thing is retarded because it makes Argentina look leess white than Brazil.
we are 0% wh*Te
i measured the areas in autocad and actually brazil is less white than argentina on that pic, i think the green causes an optical illusion of some sort, because in reality there is more blue in argentina
I always ask myself who in their right mind in my lineage decided it was ok to impregnate a negress throughout the most racist decades in history, I've never taken a muh heritage test but I know there's some obscure nigger percentage in there and it baffles me
fuck off indio
fuck I wasted it
dont give me (you)s piggy
those quads mean you have high nigger admixture, you are probably a quadroon lel
dubs confirm marichiwhatever, and grow up this aint reddit, fb or nest
Piruw atiy paypata allin!
que significa eso??
What is the x axis? Also new and ssa?
arriba las chivas en machupichu
eso es quechua?