Do you like or dislike your country

The country you are currently living in, do you like living there, or do you wish to move?

I am proud to be Canadian

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I like everything that isnt a big city here

living in my cunt isn't so bad, but I'm proud of the wars they've started

It could be worse

It could be better

>but I'm proud of the wars they've started
shit, that's supposed to say NOT proud

It's ok. As much as I fantasize about living in an old historic European city I'll probably stay here forever.

I want to live somewhere like Japan but the software engineering salaries here in the US are like 2-3 times higher.

Stay here my dude, I'd rather get shot here then slowly see the native population get replaced by arabs.

lel that makes more sense.

Depends on the context. In general I probably wouldn't be considering moving away permanently if it wasn't for the Uganda-tier economy.

As opposed to white Americans being replaced by Latinos and Asians?

At least Asians have some culture and Latinos don't blow themselves up in the name of Allah.

Dont hispanics have like 5 times the murder rate of european muslims?

Absolutely love Canada

I'll let you guess.

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I like my country as a comfy home, a family that raised me and molded me.
But like any family, they can be fucking trash and you just want to get away from them at times

Yes, I do like my country. I am proud of it as well.

No, its clown world here, I gotta get out asap

Im lucky to be Argentine

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I love my country (California)

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I secretely love my country but don't tell anyone, especially not other Poles or they'll bully me for it

I hate leafland and am actively planning to move to Australia in approx 8 years

I like the ease of living in the United States, but I don't particularly like our social culture.

I've spent roughly half my adult life in India and considerable time elsewhere. Last summer, for instance, I worked remotely from a Mexico City flat. It was nice--I was comfortably upper-middle class, could walk or take the bus anywhere and had easy access to all sorts of restaurants and street food. Mexicans aren't as casually polite as we here in the States, but they're far friendlier, exceptionally warm and very hospitable.

India's a bit more of a cluster-fuck, but I love it regardless. Same principles apply: the locals skew toward unbearably friendly, especially if you can communicate in any South Asian language. I speak passable Hindi and that's enough to open doors just about anywhere; whenever I manage a few phrases in Bangla or Telugu, I get treated like a wizard.

So, in a sense, I appreciate the privilege of being different abroad; but I also like the nuances of social cultures in Latin America and South Asia, wherein friendships are more casual but certain other interactions are comparably formal. And, despite not being an extroverted person, I like being able to go outside and see other human beings. Here in my part of America, you scarcely see people outside of parks--folks think it's too cold in the winter, dreary in spring and hot in summer. So they drive everywhere, whether it's to a park a quarter-mile away or to Wal-Mart in another town.

Here is a picture I took of a man pooping near Rushikonda Beach in Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.


>hate Leaf
>wants to move to Crocland

hm... kinda brainlet it seems lad.
What exactly do you think is better in Australia?

living in my cunt isn't so bad, but I'm proud of the wars they've started

the one targets criminals, the other targets literally every random person

you can dodge the threat of gang related murder by not being affiliated with a gang but you can't dodge the threat of terror attacks

Yes, I'm proud of being Chilean and I love my countrymen

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forgot the pic my bad

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damn I'm jelly
i want to go to france and live the rest of my life there

Leaf. This country is so damn big.

I moved from ontario to new brunswick. I don't like the culture of east Indians and city life.
At 26 moved to the poorest province with a good job. Cheap homes, no shitskins, french girls, and mountains. Its nothing like BC but I love it here.

Also don't be proud to be Canadian. We don't even fulfill our UN commitments you goof. We are the asshole in the circle of western friends.


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Anyone whose proud to be canadian is almost definitely a chink or shitskin fob that thinks buying a house makes them canadian lol

It’s not the worst country to live in but if I could live in a European country I probably would. 6.5/10

I like the geography, hate most chileans to be desu

Yes I like it
Too autistic and too many foreigners tho

Sure. I love the nature and peace. Media is garbage tho but that seems to be the case in every country these days.

this desu

follow your dreams
everyone told me I couldn't do it
now look at that.
They laughed @ me, now I laugh at them.

Never give up user

Maritimes in general seem really comfy but the economy is kill apparently

Was it really worth the move considering lower salary?

I love it but some things have to change and soon.

very disturbing mosque-prayer noise pollution
rampant air pollution
litter everywhere
nerve-wracking traffic jams
people are breeding like rabbits, it's insane

it's very hard to not dislike this cun

I think that's how most of us feel, regardless of country. Big cities have a way of attracting the absolute dregs of society.

I like Ukraine, I wish it had better roads and a less corrupt government but all in all I think it’s a pretty cozy place if you can get a decent-paying job

I used to think this until I left the city. Doing to the interior of BC and everyone is very trashy. I prefer living in cities or at least by the coast because it's nicer visually. You have to realize that most people suck and being in a city or country doesnt change the fact

>it’s a pretty cozy place if you can get a decent-paying job
so it's not cozy

nice thread.
l'm proud to be Japanese, of course.

Shut the fuck up

It is, if you don’t plan on working at mcdonalds or mopping floors. If you have some skills especially IT or top notch English then it’s pretty good.

no Chicano, I won't.

t. David Kun