Why do they have half naked women twerking on daytime television?

why do they have half naked women twerking on daytime television?

Attached: latin america.png (825x825, 164K)

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Heat makes people horny all the time


Lol,These days all that you have here on TV are morning shows, soap operas and the news

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Why not?

Why you don't have half naked ladies twerking in children TV? That's weird

has anyone here ever seen mexican soap operas?

kids watch that stuff man
what do you do when you're at the doctor's office and there's a tv and there're just twerking women and you get a boner or if you're watching t.v. with your daughter and out of nowhere you here, 'VELOCIDADE SEIS VAI VAI VAI VAI VAI VAI VAI" and some MASSIVE asses start shaking on your screen. What do you say to your kid?


I unironically watched like 30 episodes of some mexican soap called "la reina de corazones" or some shit to improve my spanish volubility

I'd say study so you don't have to do that in the future

watch como dice el dicho

Same but with La Rosa de Guadalupe

Stop projecting your puritan culture.

You guys have the biggest porn industry in the world and your culture literally encourage women to become sluts

>kids watch that stuff man
>what do you do when you're at the doctor's office and there's a tv and there're just twerking women and you get a boner or if you're watching t.v. with your daughter and out of nowhere you here, 'VELOCIDADE SEIS VAI VAI VAI VAI VAI VAI VAI" and some MASSIVE asses start shaking on your screen. What do you say to your kid?

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>hey can you not shake your ass in front of my daughter
>stfu you puritan bigot

because they're based. Nothing a puritan would understand.

>hey can you not shake your ass in front of my daughter
>stfu you puritan bigot