How popular is hockey in your cunt?
If it’s not popular, why not? It’s the best sport ever invented and the most fun to both play and watch.
Special guests: USA, Canada, Finland
Honorable mentions: Sweden, Russia, Czechia
How popular is hockey in your cunt?
If it’s not popular, why not? It’s the best sport ever invented and the most fun to both play and watch.
Special guests: USA, Canada, Finland
Honorable mentions: Sweden, Russia, Czechia
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we /hoc/ now
There are die hards, and everyobe has a favorite team but it seems like most peoe dont watch it much. The hype all seemed tomdie out after the lockout years ago.the nfl is the big boy here, and alot of that has to do with the over the top, epic production and football culture. The nhl somehow fail capture that. Baseball, basketball and hockey have way to many games for people to plan watching it and get excited i think. Hockey is the least watched out of those 3 btw. In some ways i think the nhl should revamp how it all operates, because it is mostly purists watching it. Idk, there is nothing wrong with that, but im annoyed how hard it is just to watch my favorite team and know when, where and what channel they are playing. Im just rambling sorry. Basically it isnt that popular here for some reason i cant put my finger in.
And yes you are right, hockey is easily the funnest sport to play, but idk about watching, i think i enjoy football season more.
Real shame since hockey is nearly whites only and the NFL is full literal ungrateful niggers who shuffle around and run 10 yards every few minutes.
American football should be destroyed.
I'm a kongs fan, they dabbed on the flames today
Why the fuck does any of that matter?
These Boston niggas thought they’d buck on us ahahaha
Based kangz