My fucking sides. I can't stop laughing. This can't be real

My fucking sides. I can't stop laughing. This can't be real.

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yeah i'm thinking mexico's based

holy fucking BASED, im a Mexican now

What is based about this lel?

Spain has gotten out scot free from the hate because the convinced everyone in LATAM that they are 100% spanish. With DNA tests available now, Mexicans are having an identity crisis.

I unironically agree

>massacres and oppression

Attached: aztec-human-sacrifice-codex-photo-researchers.jpg (900x658, 180K)

Now Portugal should apologise to the world for creating brazil.

And UK for creating Australia?

Better than being a wannabe white Brazil mutt that is proud that his ancestors got cucked

It’s more fucked up when a different group of people do it to you,
Conservatives often site that natives were already killing each other before whites.
Which is true but it least it was there own people,
There’s something messed up about another group of people from another place far away with superior weapons doing it to them.

His ancestors were the bulls too

Take advantages from west like Japan and SK did is being "wannabe white"?

Aztects WERE a different group of people you fucking burger huffing retard

Oh come on,
In physical appearance there is no difference between an Aztec man and a neighboring tribesman

No, it's not based. It's pathetic. Every single ethnic group of the world is basically strong tribes raping women and dominating weak tribes. Before Europeans natives always were killing amd dominating each other.

Look at his dood

>It’s more fucked up when a different group of people do it to you,
No, it absolutely is not.
Two different groups fighting is normal.
Murdering your own people you're supposed to care about and protect is way beyond fucked.
>Which is true but it least it was there own people,
American natives weren't one people you fucking idiot, that's like saying all Europeans are "One people" (Which I know some people do, but pan-european identity is a fucking meme and the people who believe in it are brainlets)


Take UK as example. All Europe cucked Britons, from vikings to romans. The concept of "white" is 100% New World.

Free Chechnya!!

And who is talking about it? Murrican?
And what about NA indians? Or, should I say, Near East or Balkans?
And before you start eating shit, remember; aztecas, mayans and other "civilized" indians used to sacrifice their slaves, not their own people.

>Be Mexico
>Killers and mafias are plaguing the country
>Country is becoming more and more like a favela shithole
>It's rather easy to kidnap some illegals and use them for human trafficing
>Instead of adressing all of this, the government prioritizes to make some yuro NEET country to apologize for sending some moors 600 years ago
Bolivia tier

Our ancestors were mostly the "cuckers" tho

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I wish i could do that.
But you know, Putin and Kadyrov are friends...

Yeah sorry for stopping Mexicans from sacrificing humans to their gods.

kys chicanos

Leftists are a joke

>Pathetic! If you think about it our crimes were not crimes at all because of X and what about the cartels?!

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I hate you sarcastic faggots

Their country won't even exist if it wasn't for the king of Spain

Considering most of them are but descendants of the same ones who engaged in all of this, it seems a bit weird.

Be humble King Manolo or whatever his name is. Apologise.

>We send some of the worst people there to see what it's like.
>They rape and conquer.
>They never come back
>Now their descendants ask us to apologize
No one in my family even went to the Americas why the hell would I apologize for something I didn't do?
It's the criollos who should apologize, the ones still in power.

I bet the next thing AMLO will do is to demand Drumpf to apologize for the wall and the Mexican-American War

Perdon :(
Ten el loro de vuelta

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Yeah nothing ever came back not even monthly supplies of gold & silver

Oh yeah because the natives were angel, bullshit

War and conquests are ugly, they always are. Both sides did terrible things

They've been independent for more than 200 years, you stupid toothpaste. They should be mature enough to solve their own problems

>lets see if we can get gibs by appearing butthurt over 1520
further proof that Cortez was one of the maddest men of all time

Nothing more based and alpha than feeling guilty about your ancestors.

they should apologise
they set back mexico hundreds of years

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sounds they got inspired by East Asian hatred and eternal compensation

How is crying like a bitch based?

This kind of worthless populism always make me think that's basically polliticians saying:
"Shut the fuck up low life, here big bolas!"

And the mentally not very fit average voter in such countries then does accordingly thinking his life will improve significantly from this nothing.

This, they drained the coolest lake in the Americas and turned it into a giant favela

Attached: mexico-a-city-on-a-lake_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 1.52M)

>white people are going extinct
“Oh no the injustice! Worse than the holocaust!”
>white people make others go extinct
“Pathetic! What about the cartels? What about *mental gymnastics worth olympic gold*?”

>have one of the most advanced cities in the world
yeah im sure euros never sacrificed people

Has Spain ever formally apologized to Mexico?

Not to my house.
Did you get spices and south east asians or ABC islanders delivered to your house?

>white people
>make others go instinct

cringe and fake pill

for what?

No honestly Mexicans should appologize themsleves. It's them that are the children of the people who did it not Spaniards that where squatting in Spain.

>Which is true but it least it was there own people,

All brown people are the same to you?

>B-B-But muh wypipo did dis!

>Defending our own people from a foreign threat right fucking now somehow means we are required to not only care about other peoples, but threats to other peoples from 500 years ago

Spainposters SEETHING

This request isn’t meant for you personally is it now?

We apologized by trying to reconquering them in the 1860s. Is that good enough?

So because you don’t care you go out of you way to think of reasons why it’s not your fault?
Doesn’t sound like not caring

This happens all the time, I remember when Jamaica asked the UK to apologise for slavery. I reckon it's just the politicians trying to make people more nationalistic or angry or whatever

I'm tired of hearing the same brownie subhumans spouting the same bullshit everyday non-stop. It's why I'm voting for the Falange to see if they do some ethnic cleansing already.

Where should people draw the line?
Everyone says Germany and Japan should apologize for WWII, Americans to natives.
Should Britain apologize to Ireland, India etc?
What about the Mongols?
I personally think the whole apologizing for your ancestor thing retarded desu.


If people didn't keep bringing it up I wouldn't even think about it, but since they do I have to formulate an argument to make them shut up so I can go back to not thinking about it.
Ignoring people is rude.

>plz feel guilty wypipo


t. Constantly demands apologies for nuclear bombs and US conquerors raping women on Okinawa

>most advanced cities
>fell to a ragtag band of a dozen mercenaries
it was indeed a nice and interesting city, but it wasn't the most advanced city of that time, it was the most advanced city on the continent and the continent was at least 4000 years technologically behind the old world

>Mexicans stealing the very identity of blacks so hard that they’ve coopted the REPARATIONS NOW meme too
This is fucking gold

No one fucking asks apologies for Atomic bombs, wtf?
Raping women are a current occurring problem though.

muslims should pay reparations for invading europe
turkey should pay reparations for nearly exterminating us and for 150 years of occupation

The right wing loves sudacas. They'll take as many memezuelans as they can to replace Iberians.
On the other hand the left will take as many Ndongos as they can to replace the Iberians.
The only way to prevent this is through basque nationalism.

White people are minorities in their own cities and soon daycares too and nobody is going to apologize for that:)

whites should apologize to the world

>Be some literal who tribe in Mexico
>Constantly btfo by Aztecs
>"White" (Spanish) people arrive with gunpowder and btfo Aztecs
>"Yeah we are free now"
>They btfo you too and fuck your wives



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their cities had more sophisticated irrigation systems than any european city at the time

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Even more sophisticated than Constantinople?

why would we apologise for creating this great nation?

It's funny because the nukes actually were a completely indefensible act of cruelty which only happened because the US wanted to end a way they had already won slightly faster.

Pretty sure Constantinople got buttfucked at the time

they did not fuck around with hygiene and cleanliness

> sudacas still showing their inferiority complex
I see that nothing has changed in centuries. Well, nothing *can* change when your genetics combine the worst of Europe with the worst of the New World. Whereas we did even worse things to the Dutch, Belgians and Italians than to the Mesoamericans, you will never see the Netherlands, Belgium or Italy complaining about Spanish domination from the 1600s. Germans got over the Schwedentrunk and Poles over the Deluge, so they won't ask Sweden to apologise. The peoples of Europe ravaged by Árpád's Hungarians or Napoleon's Frenchmen will never ask Hungary and France for an apology. It's only inferior peoples who blame their own shortcomings on others.

>researching ONE tech in the farming tree puts you at parity with someone wearing plate armor and wielding gunpowder aboard a transcontinental ship
Retard apologism

Or maybe Japs were suicidal zealous fanatics who would drown any land invasion in millions of corpses, you fucking cuck.

then will mexico apologize for sacrificing their own people to the sun god ?

They should just deal with it I think, might makes right. Same goes for the rape of Okinawa

do they really not have anything better to do ? like get rid of cartels or something ?

what apologism?
they put all their skill points into the civil skill tree and none in the military skill tree :^)

There was no land invasion coming you fucking mongoloid, Japan was months away from unconditional surrender on the back of the naval barricade alone.
"The bombs were needed to avoid a land invasion" is American propaganda with zero basis in fact.

Actually yes
Constantinople unironically got better after it fell to the Turks in 1453
But this on the other hand was pretty phenomenal i size and scale
Unlike Egyptians and indians they didn't use domesticated animals to haul / bulid either
It was entirely built through human Effort

It's a literal island nation you retard.
Just blockade them and force their surrender.
They just wanted to flex their nuclear muscles to Stalin so they decided to genocide thousands of Japanese civilians.

>rape of Okinawa
>make it faster
nukes would get the fastest demise of imperial Japanese military before invasion and air raids occurred

Yes, it's a rejection of their own heritage, proof that they are just generic moderns craving gibs.

>We did even worse things to other Europeans
Yeah , i don't think so
Nice Cope

So nuking some weak sods is wrong but genociding them isn’t?

>Imagine believing this

>m-muh Nanking
Literally NEVER, EVER happened.

There's a difference between "Wrong" and "Unjustified"
The Spaniards wanted land, so they killed the people who were living there. It was wrong, but there was a purpose.
The US nuked Japan for literally no reason.

>American education
Your own natives would regularly side with colonial whites to slaughter a tribe they hated for a long time

european crops didn't need irrigation
If anything for the european staple crops at the time lasting humidity was just as perilous as drought, since people didn't have fungicides.
Egyptians had elaborate irrigation systems that lived on, the middle east still used irrigation. Also the Dutch had way more advanced waterworks, canals, screw pumps, windmills and all. The Mesoamericans were a relatively young civilization and an isolated one. They did have nice cities, but also did the Sumerians and Egyptians, and the Nahuatl people were more like on their level.

Their city was more grand and elaborate than a current rural American town, but that doesn't mean they were advanced.