I'm considering plastic surgery, do you know anyone who has had plastic surgery?

i'm considering plastic surgery, do you know anyone who has had plastic surgery?

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Why do u want plastic surgery? You’re not white.

> tmw I knew the flag before opening the thread.

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What do you want to get done

what kind of plastic surgery?

Im going to SK for surgery too lel

One that understands anatomy can usually tell when someone has had P.S. because they look out of balance (to full on disproportionate) and you can't unsee it desu.

P.S.: I'll proportionated imagery is quite common around posters here.

nope, too expensive

>live in sk
>don't know anyone who had plastic surgery
Just like, try and talk to somebody?

99.999% of kpop has the same ideal face becouse they do plastic surgery with the same beauty standerd on it.
Its resulted all the same plastic face.

Even face line. Why do you think there is soooo many people totally the same ideal face line in kpop?

It’s biologically impossible becouse korean has usually big jaw bone, wider sqwear face with higher cheek bones.
It’s characteristic natural Feature of korean face.

Korean do cut down those natural characteristics facial bone from the people by surgery and remake the facelines entirely different.

And it’s against natural characteristic feature of koreans. What a sad people koreans are.

Everyday at the plastic surgery streets in Gangnam and seen high school girls wearing face masks to hide their recent work.

Koreans are commonly sent plastic surgery.for a birthday gift or high school graduation gift.

Point of kpop style plastic surgery is cut and change the face entirely different from the facial bone stracture.
And so many of korean is doing it
Do not copy peast the face plastic kpop gook.

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i want high nasal bridge

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dont ruin your natural beauty you dummy

you look cute

a guy that looked like a paki (and still does), he now votes for the far right...

Plastic surgery won't fix ur autism.

>better looking confident autist
>ugly insecure autist
pick one

what's the point being natural but die a virgin? i would rather be a cyborg who can get raid easily

that's not you
there are no real east asians on the Jow Forums

i assure you the nose is not the problem causing you to be a virgin
its more about you being insecure about it


Ya look cool tho

changing your face is easier than changing your mindset

>what's the point being natural but die a virgin?
plastic surgery is not gonna help you with that

you'll just end up looking like this but still being a virgin

be honest with me, are you sexually aggressive with women or are you timid like me?

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nobody cares about your nose
id be more disgusted about dating someone with plastic surgery than dating someone thats insecure about their body

your nose looks fine.

why do you want fix it?are you okay?

PS:rhinoplasty is difficult surgery.

You look fine, Kim.


Plastic surgery isn't going to help in that department.


But you don't need rhinoplasty to me.

btw Do you know 여우 라인 surgery?

The only surgery I would do is dick enlargement. 15 cm is suffering.

While we're on the topic - is there any plastic surgery for lip thinning? I'm white and I look fine in every respect except for the thick nigger lips.

>15 cm is suffering
have you ever had a gf?

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I'm already out of balance

it's not, maybe front face looks ok but my profile looks like wtf
i'm not a virgin actually it's just a figure of speech

I've had plastic surgery

wut? looks good lad

It's fine, you look good. Getting plastic surgery will make you stand out.

Yes. But I live in a land of hung monkeys.

kys faggot

Hahahaha, I bet you are not!

well i decided to do the nose job