Well, Article 13 just passed, nice knowing you lads

Well, Article 13 just passed, nice knowing you lads

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Holy shit, based EU.

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>yuro free Jow Forums
Fucking finally. South America era starts now

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thats not a good thing user, its worse when you start your life

Nothing will happen.

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you got a licence for that meme m8?

Post all your memes so I can keep them save. For a tiny fee, of course

Hmm? This is the copyright thing?

post your last memes lads

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>no europeans
now you will see brazillian shitposts like you never seen before

broadly speaking but yes

I have a folder with aproximately 1000 rare apus
how much to store those in one of your vaults?

but memes fall under caricature and parody and wont fall under this directive??????

Caricature of what?
Unless you edit every time, you're just reproducing someone else's content.

unlucky lads

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>Euros now have to make original content
>or they have to post ILLEGALLLY
So EU are you a good boy or are you....[spoiler]devilish[/spoiler]

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I have paid my meme tax like a good goy

Why would Jow Forums have to comply when its servers aren't in the EU?

When we leave the EU, all current EU laws will be signed into British law as part of May's "Great ''''''''''''Repeal'''''''''''' Bill".

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No, that’s not how it works.
If I post something copyrighted here, then Jow Forums is responsible for that.

based norway outside of the shitshow that is the EU

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lol nice

Don't do it nigga chinkmoot will ban us

That's it! We all emigrate to Norway!

Won't this take years to actually be taken into effect?

this will mean the janny can send us to jail (for free)?

Member states have 2 years to adopt this.

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And if they fail to reach the deadline?

also everyone, that if the people of europe decides to go into a riot for that law, the goverment can undo the Article 17(formely 13) and just note it as a bad choice

EU takes another L

Don't worry, our countries are too incompetent to actually monitor any of this shit.
This is a much bigger problem for Germans or other Western Euros.

Fuck w*stern Europe

except when the companies themselves are forced to regulate it

you are not going anywhere m8 :^)

ummm no sweetie, we're leaving with no deal on April 12th

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norway and switzerland has to follow eu laws, that is the price for free trade with the eu.

Only if Jow Forums is a video/music host.
If its just an image forum and earn less than they need for servers, than no.
And just limit picture posting to 4chanpass. Than moot can sue the money back from the poster.
Besides if everyone post his own content, nothing will happen.
The rules are just made this way that the big ones are gettng targeted who makes millions with video upload.

Why? The ones using it more than writing are a minority.

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I will miss you, Suomi...


Based article 13
I will be free at last

Thank you EU for killing normiebook and google

this is what you get for the years of bullying us

Based peruvian animeposter.


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No, you are paying for free trade with us.
We all know how far you'll go for oil, Hans. Article 13 was only accepted because you wanted your Russian oil and you needed to placate the french.

Why would French of all people push for this?

Thanks for not allowing us in EU

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Can Euros say NIGGER?

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>oh no what am i gonna do without my daily 4chanz maymays

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Finally no more eurotrash in Jow Forums, can’t wait for this law to be effected.

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YEEES, Mohammed. this is the copyright thing.


i think we can

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how do you feel to live in hell hole with no freedom?

What if I live in a third world country

>mfw image upload gets banned for yuro posters
>mfw yuros will have to choose from a list of pre-approved memes to attach to their posts

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>thinks it only affects maymays
based retard

Like I want to fucking escape.