What was his name, and where did he come from, again?

What was his name, and where did he come from, again?

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His name was Nikola Tesla, a grandson of an Eastern Catholic and a born citizen of the Kingdom of Croatia.

Nicolas Tesselat you waste

Nicholaas van Tessen. He is dutch.

Mykolas Tešlius, the inventor of fat.

Nikolai Tesla, Mother Russia's son

King NIGRO Techaraka the third is undoubtly MADAGASCALIAN

Nikolay Tesloğlu, famous Turkish inventor.

Hey completely off topic but what does the - oglou mean in surnames?

"son of"

Nikola Tesla, latvian poet

Interesting. Alright thanks lad

Nicolau Alberto Tesla, famous Portuguese navigator

Nikolaus Tesillaus, modern Greek philosopher

Clearly, Nicolás de la Tesla. He was a proud son of Spain.

Milko Kalaidjiev, a popular singer from Bulgaria

It's literally me?

Nicoltaro Teslquen, famous mapuche warrior.

Nicolau Teixeira, crappy Brazilian electrician who installed awful circuit breakers in my house.

Teszla Miklós, Hungarian freedom fighter

actually albert hitler, but nobody told him

Nick "tezza" Tessmith, creator of the electric kettle.

s'cuse me?

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Nicolaas van Texel, famous Dutch polder engineer

Niccolò Tesla, popular italian scientist

Nicolatl Testli he was mexican

Nicolaie Teslescu was pure DACIAN BVLL