I don’t care if a cluster of chimpanzees in central Africa have more genetic diversity than the whole of the human...

>I don’t care if a cluster of chimpanzees in central Africa have more genetic diversity than the whole of the human species across the globe, you have bigger lips and therefore ARE NOT HUMAN!!!!

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Fuck mooncrickets desu

Is racism really a problem these days?
Do people still get offended if I call them niggers?

>have more diverse genetics
>not the most developed human societies

Darwin BTFO

Why are westerners so obsessed with whiteness?

Stop taking yourself so seriously mutt

Because they are insecure race-obsessed anglo-influenced autists

Only americans, Nazis had other wierd ideas.

Everyone should be hit with the niggerstick until they learn to handle the bant.

Based post, ill consider not genociding europoors now.

Woah, let’s not jump the horse now.

He is right, but it's not about lip size

White males are so very upset they are losing some of their power.

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>White males are so very upset they are losing some of their power.

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But this thread is someone complaining about racism directred towards non-whites. How is your statement in any way related to my question?

>westerners so obsessed with whiteness?
Fatties Brazilians and Mexes usually. Europeans normally identify with their nationality and not with some meme race.

Shut the fuck up.

>Shut the fuck up.

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gonna go with based

You'renotwhite posting was fun when it only targeted italians, greeks and spaniards. Now people post it unironically for any possible ethnicity.

>extremely diverse
>extremely unevolved

maybe diversity isnt our strength then


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Chimps aren't unevolved. They're evolved differently. They evolved to have stronger muscles, strong bite, smaller size, different digestive system and different feet because that's what helped them survive

It's our culture.

what are you talking about? western europeans hate whiteness and want to mix with non-whites

Evolution doesn't necessarily favor intelligence; natural selection is the force by which animals that have beneficial traits are the ones that survive. Therefore nothing can be said to be less evolved if it still exists today because it exists ultimately in the same lineage of life that began on Earth millions of years ago and has been naturally selected that whole time.
Genetic diversity can also help populations by giving beneficial traits of different populations into offspring. If those populations are far removed, different adaptations entirely can be introduced to the gene pool, for example, melanin to help against skin cancer or an adaptation to be able to drink cow's milk, not to mention immunity to certain diseases from both populations. On the other hand, these different populations have adapted to their environment, and the traits they had can be beneficial in their own ways. My point is it isn't as simple as you put it.

>Evolution doesn't necessarily favor intelligence; natural selection is the force by which animals that have beneficial traits are the ones that survive
But in the modern world shitting out 10 kids with your forced marriage wife who survive off of food aid is more evolutionarily "beneficial" than being a responsible, high culture, high intelligence college professor who can only afford 2 kids

>Therefore nothing can be said to be less evolved if it still exists today because it exists ultimately in the same lineage of life that began on Earth millions of years ago and has been naturally selected that whole time.
That's technically true but nobody will ever agree with you that 80 IQ amoeba are equal to 120 IQ chads just because they shit out more kids, which is only possible very recently with modern technology and society

>muh genetic diversity
>muh hypothetical adaptative advantage
There are genes that produce definitely more adaptative organisms, like ones for a better immune system and higher intelligence which at a macro level increases society's output of science which is the main driver of progress anyway

I honestly have a hard time believing people east of the Caspian sea and south of the Sahara are human.
They don't look human.

To me even niggers look human, but asians just look absolutely soulless. Like golems.

Yeah, the moon face portrays no genuine emotion.