Future of ASEAN edition
beautiful map
What I don't like about the metros here is that they're not very friendly for PWDs and the elderly. I mean the MRT doesn't even have escalators (or ones that still work), and only has one or two elevators per station which more often than not are broken.
>Jakarta as area (i forgot) of Federaton of China literally chimping out against chinese rule
Kek, whats with Nippon with their fetish of Jakarta riots against ethnic chinese, i saw another animes on it and Jormugand as well
It's def more expensive than charcoal briquettes, also thinking the instalment which needs more cost as well, but the process of making charcoal briquettes is less environmentally friendly compared to this is one of the considerations of moving to biodiesel. Creating an alternative fuel is not only about the cost, it's also counting whether it's environmentally friendly or not, whether it's effective to reduce waste, whether it's effective to utilise the waste, etc. It's def not a simple math at all.
Honesty, what govt try to do is to reduce waste. That's why there will be large-scaled waste powerplant in the future because it reduces the waste as well as produce electricity.
I think this is enough. I need to finish reviewing papers by tomorrow morning. Night all.
We're Chinks killer in nature and Jap probably know it.
I'm guessing you rely on the meme pictures about the MRT.
I take both trains everyday MRT still wins in that regard.
WTF, we have a renewable energy lecturer?!
I thought /asean/ were just losers and neets.
I'm just a master's degree student, mind you.
Okay, now get out of 4channels and do your thesis
Taiwan people will speak indonesian and vietnamese in 5yrs
What you feel don't matter fatso
>Not larping as Neets
>you will never experiencing as loser who stuck in their room rather than in some office with middle aged men at almost midnight
Fuck this company should be handed to my sis
we eat vietnamese foods and they always speak vietnamese language at their home so the lang goes on so goes the indonesian one
The future of ASEAN is to be ruled over by Vietic BVLLS
Based. Taiwan will once again return to Austronesian hands.
fuck u i will burn your chuyen tien everywhere
retake the mainland have your own reconquista and also put dalai lama back to his thrones will ya?
plz bring cina here
but DPP assholes won't let us do it and we young man don't wanna die for old mans orders
bobo kaka udah tengah malem
What energy is renewable? Wind and solar need a lot of rare earth metals.
is sumatra as bad as indogs make it out to be?
i have an indon colleague that says anywhere not in pulau jawa is a hellscape. i'm still skeptical.
Hey /asean/
I hope you help him and take my words seriously.
When I was young, an Indonesian housemaid used to work for my family. She lived with us for 8 years. She was like my big sister and now I want to find about her. Unfortunately, I'm not finding here on Facebook and my parents cut off their ties with her.
I really want to know what happened to her :(
american know that the answer is biofuel like e85 or b20
define hellscape
She's doing okay
Last time she called us was very long ago. She called us from a Saudi phone number and told us that she were struggling with a Saudi family she was working with. But my mom told her that she was no longer in need of a maid since we (her kids) had become grown up.
It's Underdeveloped comparing to Malaysia, ofc he will say bad things about it.
Even Borneo better than s*Matra
you'll get stabbed if you walk alone whether it be at day or at night
No energy is renewable, the second law of thermodynamics will turn everything into heatless state of equilibrium.
there are many foreign people who also looking for their former caretaker during their childhood from Indo, Whats her name?
Medan? Yes
Go find out yourself, considering your parent is just a dick like any other employer in Saudi.
It's Ona or Una. I don't how it's written in Indonesia. She was from Jakarta and most likely she was from a conservative society. I remember waking up at to a.m. to her praying "Tahajjud". The saddest part was her love story. When she worked for us she was already engaged to someone and idk if they got married later on or not :(
It's either Onta or Unta
my babysitter let me suck on her titties ask me anything
based and mommypilled
probably Javanese ethnic based on her call name, there are many case like this as well, a former kid looking for their second mother
Yoshinoya overrated atau ekspektasi gue ketinggian?
>Ona or Una
Maybe Onah
Kinda doubt her originating from Jakarta, or maybe she was an immigrant in Jakarta as well. Where is she now tho?
What do tits feel like?
>Where is she now tho?
I think that's exactly what he wants to know too.
salty bags of sand
I thought he's already know if she's whether in Saudi or Indonesia
Depends where. Medan is notorious for crime but I personally never had any bad experiences there. Sumatra can be quite comfy in certain areas.
woah hold it right there, thats a nice place for those unfortunate Bangladeshi, Indians or Afghan immigrants
Piss off, mate. It's not that easy. Reading moege is my medicine for my mess mind but I can't even read any moege since the new year. Fuck.
Renewable as in the "source" of getting the energy. So wind turbine and solar are counted as renewable energies because the wind is the source of energy.
And that's why I prefer to use "alternative energy" term instead as the source of energy is not from conventional source, like coals, gasoline, etc. The current trend on alternative energy is converting waste to energy as according to the paper I read, no materials can be recycled infinitely. It has finite recycle times, for example paper can only be recycled thrice then after that the quality is beyond usable. Then again actually I'm not focusing on the input of the energy, but on the process of processing the input to the output as I'm a mechanical engineer. So I'm not really that deep at the alternative energy itself, but more on utilising that energy.
Now, I'm really going to go now.
>So wind turbine and solar are counted as renewable energies because the wind is the source of energy.
and sun light is the source of energy which is considered as unlimited source
looks like Western Canada desu
wow great, more mudslime people
We are citizen of earth, there are only one race, human race also nationalism=bad
are you chinese?
what makes you dislike mudslime people so much?
Chinks are always salty 24/7 on anonymous imageboard because they always got cucked by PRIBUMI BVLLS irl
It's samosir island. It's very comfy.
Canada mentioned
We own your shitty country's economy, fucktard.
And we got our hands on you neck, 98 best day of my life
Not all tho,
Pribumi privillages may be unfair, but for me i take it as a challenge in life. Need a bit of stress and pressure in order to be able to previal.
Also after reading the "Why Nations Fail" book, i have my thoughts that why my previous (and now current) prime minister tried to tingle with the nation's economy making it unfair for chinks. He may have piss off many chinks, but at least he's trying to save the country from chaos and more racial violence.
Keep miskin, lmao.
100% javanese
Fuck off paimin
Good night /asean/
Fuck off pedo
shes legal u dum dum
Not on the first pic you scum
>my sister will probably have around 1 - 2 kids (or none at all)
>my bro will become monk, so no kid
>my dad want to have a lot of grandchild
>mfw I'm the only one able to give him a lot of grandchild
Anyone have this problem?
hi there
are you the world famous white sex tourist infected with AIDS who lives in Thailand?
No, ผมคนไทยครับไม่ใช่ฝรั่งสายเยติดโรค
how often do you find Asian female - white male couple walking outside?
What's the problem? Just get a gf, marry, and breed.
Not much outside of touristy places. I lived near the famous market in Bangkok, most of the times I saw white female - white male though but of course there would be Asian female - white female one but not that often as people think.
He wants like 6 grandchild at least, I mean I'd love to but imagine taking care all of them at once. Well at least I was able to encourage him to make more kid by himself.
How's Siam Paragon lately? Did you vote in the election?
>Siam paragon
Haven't been to that place for month, I can't really tell. All the cool kids now go to Icon Siam.
>Did you vote in the election?
I did.
months* fuck me, I should be sleeping right now.
I have been in Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam
but I have decided to never go to visit Thailand because I think that place is infested by whites and I dislike whites.
whats your opinion?
pengen ngentot gan
It's up to you, I won't force you or try to change your mind since people opinion will change over times ( even if it take decade s ). But I'm gonna tell you that there plenty of places that doesn't have any foreign presence in it.
Wait: Siam Paragon is old and busted now?
Just ignore Peru, he doesn't deserve to be here. He sounds more like a /b/fag or a Jow Forumsfag than an Jow Forumsfag.
Well it still Siam paragon like the day it was open, but many Thai attention now inclined to Icon Siam, soon Emsphere and Bangkok mall. About that Peru guy, I can tolerate any kind of posters. I don't mind.
But he hates whites and he's a racist.
>but many Thai attention now inclined to Icon Siam, soon Emsphere and Bangkok mall
But do they have event halls and pop-culture events like Siam Paragon?
Well there is a hall on floor 7 and I don't really know much about it since I haven't been there yet.
Let him hates all he wants, even though he's being a racist just let people be. Like I said I don't mind.
Say if I want to travel to peaceful place(s) in Philippines, which place(s) would you recommend me? I don't like crowded place though
Don't go to Boracay, too crowded (even with the new regulations). If you want to try a lesser-known place, try Sagada (hiking), Siargao (surfing and beaches), or Baler (also surfing).
Neat, thanks a lot
sawatdee krap