Will a white/European girl ever date a CHI?

Will a white/European girl ever date a CHI?
Is it over?

Attached: American%22White%22Nationalists.jpg (1200x857, 166K)

No, male CHI and asians can only date their respective races

The fuck is wrong with her hands?

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happens all the time in California

All the time. The Med/Latin appearance is the most desirable in men.

>stays behind a literal barrier for whites and mutts

Meanwhile, in the presence of the BLACK BVLL...

Attached: typical alt-right women.jpg (1000x455, 131K)

False. Punjabi Indians are the most desired

Looks normal for a guy.

>altright 'women'

Latinos (specifically castizos) are the most desired because we’re dark enough to pass for exotic but still bordering white, yet some roastie can virtue signal without feeling forced to put up an act and say she’s dating a poc.