rangeban when?
Rangeban when?
sorry, forgot about your internet connections
Would rather rangeban you obnoxious gooks
now this is based
lol u mad europoor?
Fick di
Finns have more obnoxious posters than all of those countries combined.
99% of those are just me, and im still providing more variety than europoors.
but i guess 80iq subhumans like you just love debating about whose white all day?
your shithole was rangebanned on krautchan for shitposting too much
frankly you should be rangebanned here as well
yeah, your just mad as fuck that im not letting you larp. now go make another thread about race you white faggot b4 i heem your bitchass
Seething shittoid desu
subhuman mongol you ruin the board with gay erp
yeah, u both mad as fuck LOL
Buttmad mongrel
You forgot sc*ndis
Rangeban when?
Can't you just go to ylilauta, at that point?
I need to be the Cancer of Jow Forums for just a little longer before I screw up some other website.
Wow YToid insults really cut deep, im so hurt!
No, fuck finnchinks too desu
das rite YTboy, its an ethnicity and that doesn't change by moving to another continent
>European is an ethnicity
I don't think you know what that means...
I honestly think finn posters are the most based on this board
near identical languages and cultures. definitely an ethnic group. sure theres little differences, but what ethnicity doesnt have those?
German, Irish, Italian are ethnicities/nationalities, European is just a classification usually based off of race/heritage/location of birth. It doesn't really mean much in comparison.
here is where the europoors are exposed, 14/88 of them wouldn't be called ethnicities if not for their cuntries. same goes for their languages(dialects).