>Yes, I'd like a Happy Meal, please.
Yes, I'd like a Happy Meal, please
Other urls found in this thread:
incredibly based
I don't go to McDonalds that often
My preffered burger is the Double Whopper.
Usually get 2 Double Whoppers for lunch
Based but unironically
Mcdonald's clown used to scare the shit out of me when I was kid. Did this happen to you as well, guys ?
>I only eat halal, none of that western shit
How often did you come across Ronald McDonald statues in Saudi Arabia? Your fear might be because McDonald's is not halal
I have never understood the fear of clowns
I had a dream when I was little that he took a fire hose and blasted me down a staircase with it, shit was scary.
Meh. All restaurants in Saudi Arabia must abide by the Islamic way of slaughtering animals.
They are fucking scary. I'm 20 and I still feel uncomfortable around them.
Are you the vodka user?
>All restaurants in Saudi Arabia must abide by the Islamic way of slaughtering animals.
>they have halal McDonald's in Saudi Arabia
bruh what's your point ?
Bastard. I hope a Somali refugee will rape you.
>Yes sir, I do want my specific plastic toy. NOW!
i just think it's funny, would've thought they wouldn;t tolerate something as degenerate as mcdonald's in a religious state
>are these mlp figures
>5 happy meals pls
absolutely based
Pick one and only one.
>I'd like to have one of the birthday party hats as well, please.
We literally have KFC in Mecca near the Kaaba. I like to eat from western restaurants but their sight in the holy city annoyed me so much. Saudis don't really care because Wahhabis in general don't know how to appreciate Islamic heritage.
Absolutely and utterly based.
i would say the big casino looking thing they erected in mecca is your biggest problem. so, the saudi royal family are obsessed with big buildings? they left their mark on london as well.
Alright alright enough internet Pajeet time for bed remember you need to wake up at 4 am.
He may look better than me but at least I'm white
Toys in Happy meal are shit nowadays
Change my mind
is this the most degenerate western video ever?
what's degenerate about a restaurant/fast food?
>I just shit my diaper
No but I never liked clowns in general.
McDicks adjust their menu to local laws/customs/tastes. India and France have very different menus then what you'd find here and I imagine SA is the same.
last time i heard, you can buy beer at mcdonald's
Doggos were best.
>no, i don't want a plastic straw, thank you. saving the environment is important, think about the ocean life. anyway, here's your tip and have a good day
>>Yes sir, I do want my specific plastic toy. NOW!
Kek the bronies at McDonalds getting happy meals in asking for dhilarious children's toys while cringey was also hilarious.
Supposedly only one restaurant in the U.S. does. I think a few taco bells serve drinks. Shake shake serves beer and wine. Fast food places serving alcohol is still pretty uncommon in the U.S.
might've changed it by now
Yes, my son will take the girl toy.
>italian opinion discarded