
b-b-but we are the good guys

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go learn to fish. We'll have your fucking tiny irrelevant little island in our Empire by the time we're finished. And you thought the Brits were bad.


Youre English you cretin

The streets will run red with the blood of remain voters

how do i print string in python good sir
thank you good sir


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nothing wrong with octopi
nothing wrong with top hats
nothing wrong with stroking other countries

Umm hun can't you see my flag.



Well, rorke?

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look at her

Debug.Log("string in python good sir");

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hate this cunt but hes not wrong

considering what he posts i would think he indeed does stalk ladies and is indeed a nasty cunt

You make the same braindead posts every day can spot you a mile off

youtube.com/watch?v=2Z-sfo3qbUE enjoy
>how do you suggest he stops the dog barking?
bark collar or fix his anxiety/boredom, he's clearly not right. All dogs bark but this one literally only takes 30 minute breaks before continuing to bark at nothing, it's driving me insane
have one, went to toil today with 1 hour of sleep

Who /friendless/ here?

love sniffing my gfs arsehole

i am supremely based!

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ok yeah maybe he is a stalker and a cunt, still aint a nonce

go on undateables


Good guys don't go imposing taxes without representation, massacring their own people, burn down churches full of women and children, and then still lose.


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why are your eyes so close together

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>Moni outing you as a nonce after spending the evening with him

Tears in my eyes

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yes my g

one coleslaw please
hold the spoon

HOWLING at the thought of some braindead Mick keeping a secret dossier on suspected posters in a Notepad file on his desktop. Can't imagine how virginal you'd have to be.

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Banned from the Jow Forums, okay
I never much liked posting there anyway

They said they only wanted well behaved boys
Do they think pepes and wojaks are just fucking toys?
Fuck 'em, I've chosen to make my stand
Against what I feel is wrong with this chan
Just sit there on their overfed arse
Feeding off the sweat of less fortunate class
They keep their fucking power cause their finger's on the button
They've got control and won't let it be forgotten
The truth of their reality is at the wrong end of a ban
The proof is 8ch they had to understand
Seeing the squaddy lying in the front yard
Seeing the machine guns resting on the fence
Finding the entrance to your own front door is barred
They've got the fucking nerve to call it offence

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>HAHAHAHAHA, fucking hell. Let's talk in the new thread. This is gold.

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why do we love this? do women's aresholes have pheromones or something?

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Think I'd be in utter shock if I saw a tranny paki abomination screaming about interracial relationships and pakis in the street. Would probably have to pinch myself to check if I was having a nightmare


yeah i'll give him that

He's right though

Think about suicide daily

stop flagfagging you bent neek

It was just a day, he didn't even accept my offer to watch a film (offered to buy tickets)

you're a nasty rude person, thats why you have no friends, you would have to be new here to feel pity for you

Padraig got his extended family on the proxies

Can not believe there are actual mugs in here that have met moni irl and now reside in his demented little blog

girl at work has piercings just like this and was showing them off so i asked her about them and how they do it and she starts telling me and the manager was right behind me and he says "she's half your age user. you can't ask that. i'm going to write you up" so i tell him to do whatever he wants nobody cares because he'll be gone in 6 months like all the other managers lol

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yeah that's because literally the only thing on was star wars the last jedi

Had some pretty intense cocaine dreams last night

Dreamt Bruce Willis was in an avant garde animated film about drug adddicition and homeless people were bothering him but he was trying to get out of the game then all his flesh fell off which was then followed by like a montage of black and white Disneyish cartoons apart from they were really gory and insectoid

life at the call centre

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I'd watch that lad. Write that shit down and send it to an animator.

>Armed police are in a stand-off with two suspected burglars who fled onto a rooftop when officers saw them tampering with a motorbike
2 more n's about to be shot dead in London lmaooooo

just be low inhibition bro

>cunt tip

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Careful or you'll burn out the electric in your caravan all of you posting at once.

it was really entertaining in a horrific sort of way

corrrrrrrrr the size of that head

who the fuck asks people if they're a virgin
lmao wtf

The wife

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just fucking lol if you’re not heightmaxxing and neckmaxing

any jungle in guy?

just be english

looking for a tune but i cant remember the name. its acoustic guitar and its about some small american town and how shit it is basically and the singer is happy he left it. the video is a cartoon animation, almost like a childs drawing.

think the song is called something Falls.

any help?

not him but you've been posting here for years and you always spew vitrol at us to make yourself feel like le based brit when in reality you're a saddo expat

Don't trust him

he cute

Sounds fucking dogshit whatever it is

I'm addicted to shitposting.

voted leave coz I don't plan on living much longer anyway

experience taught me that the better/best remembered your dreams, the shittier your sleep was
get almost perfect recollection of my dreams after a night of drinking because i never get into deep sleep

my streamerfu got banned

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Ah, yes. Inequality

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Southern france, italy or spain lads?


is this it?


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Chloe Montague


think the ol' toil is wearing me down

Oh 190 you scamp, what are you like!

was wondering about this just now unironically

when my pet rock does xanax they have literally no dreams


Brexit? Doesn’t necessarily mean brexit.

Mark getting steaming as a rocket again

Like me Brexit like how I like me drugs.

Mark's not long for this world.


Does the weird paki convicted nonce still post here?


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wifey just wrapped this around a brick and threw it through our front window

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>nice to meet you im Moni!
>whats your name?
>good to meet you user, are you a virgin?
>also you eating that coleslaw?

Matress spring has since stabbed in to my arse cheek

Post chebs

Dad nicked the coleslaw off my plate once. Gave him food poisoning.

Yep, Amer Hussain of Rochdale still posts here. Though we found out earlier that his real name isn't actually Amer.

The London Mattress


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