What are Missouri women like?

What are Missouri women like?

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Why do you love Missouri so much?.

The five largest ancestry groups in Missouri are: German (27.4 percent), Irish (14.8 percent), English (10.2 percent), American (8.5 percent) and French (3.7 percent).

I would cum inside 2,5,7, and 9

My German american friend from Missouri did a DNA test and she was 70% British, 14% German and 2% black lmao

how do I get a sweet loving English-American gf

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As a Missourian, they peak at around 14-19. Then they just get fat and ugly.

just be yourself

Midwesterners who cook ribs


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Hit or miss. Either smokin' hot or obese trailer creaturas on meth

number 34 with extra mayo


Show me state more like show me the exit fuck this cold shithole

this cute girl i used to talk to a lot in highschool

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Bottom right is the only good looking one there

They aren't even human there.

absolute shithole in fact every midwest state is

>not the middle one holding the ball
>not tubby #33

I visited Jefferson City and every girl who worked in the hilton hotel was hot

They're all trailer park blobs who use heroin.

I also talked to this girl a lot my last semester of highschool. i still have a few pics saved on my phone lol

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Imagine the smell.

thats pathetic lol


Apparently when our foreign exchange students came from Germany our women here in rural missouri are a lot more hot than over there.

State that lies and claims blues was invented there instead of Mississippi.

I wish I could live in Springfield Missouri. I've never been but it seems comfy.

Outside the major population centers, Missouri is a shithole with few jobs, low wages, shit infrastructure, shit schools, and meth heads everywhere.

My fellow Missourians, how will you vote on the state wide poll to recombine St. Louis city with St. Louis county?

There is a strong Klan presence as well.

After the 1960s there was a white flight out of St. Louis, and crime got bad. It's caused a self-imposed racial divide with the majority of whites living in the suburbs. The remainder of the city is still divided by income and race, seen here Green is African American, Blue is Whites. The Clan keep it this way in some of the suburban cities by buying up low income housing and selling it to "nice", white families. Most of the people are unaware of this happening.

Then comes the drugs, meth is a problem in Missouri. That issue has been listed below by others.

There is a lot of low income poverty there

that's a thing? wow didnt know that. im a saint charles guy here and i will vote no to reuniting them

It's not the "rural" problem, really. Meth was a 90s-2000s thing, you don't really see it anymore. It's more of when something makes news, it's usually bad. That's how the media works. Of course, there is the MU fiasco which has actually been going on since Rickey Clemons waived his "magic stick" with the MU President's wife - who was caught on jailhouse tape telling him to not trust white women. That rolls into MU today, which is not highly respected in-state. Ferguson created problems too and Kansas City's crime rate is ridiculous, like many large cities. When something negative is in the news about Missouri it usually has to do with either MU, St. Louis or Kansas City.

Yeah something has got to be done about the two big cities. There were over 300 carjackings last year in St. Louis

In large parts of southern Missouri, you get the same level of bigotry as you'd expect from the worst of Mississippi. Rural Missouri is very KKKhristian, very bigoted against the LGBT community, and very pro-Orange Man. Drugs are everywhere. The big cities have their own problems. The state produced the genius politician who said women can't get pregnant through rape (implying a woman who does get pregnant through rape secretly wanted it and therefore it wasn't rape).

Is KC really that bad? I lived there for a while but in Johnson county. I went into the downtown of the city for conventions and stuff but if there were ghetto areas I've never even known where they were.

My dad gets really nervous when I go into the cities. My friend and I once went 1 mile from the Arch and long story short this black guy gave us help we didn't ask for and then he suddenly demanded some money. I gave it to him even though I knew it went straight to drugs.

based and racistpilled

Nuke the bootheel. That would solve 80% of the state's problems.

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Reminder that Missourians are the most oppressed people in the US

Homophobia is based. The idea of two cute boys having to be on the dl and passionately kissing on a hot summer night in such an unaccepting environment is just so hot. Love that taboo aspect.

where my osage county niggas at

Can you install extra flags real quick so I can nab your flag?

I have lived all my life in the bootheel, Potosi, and St. Louis.
I don't have a good job, but I save money with intent to leave; would much rather be on a coastal state, even if its some ghetto place. Everyone says Texas is good too but I have such low qualifications I doubt I could compete with the Mexicans.

Can smell the tuna from here

Not even a little true. Average German girl who is a student literally looks like a model, mutt

As they say in Missouri
I ain't going back to Missouri