Why couldn't I be born like this? Why did I have to turn out an atrocious hairy brown Afro-Asiatic sand monkey?
Why couldn't I be born like this? Why did I have to turn out an atrocious hairy brown Afro-Asiatic sand monkey?
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i wish i was like that too
> Swedish
that's old Sweden friend. New Sweden is ORANGE
>be me
>100% Slav
>blonde hair, brown eyes
sister has blue, brother green and I must end up with fucking shit tier eyes. Thanks Obama
Tadzio is the purest form of the European phenotype.
Ugly nose desu
Tell me about Björn, why does he wear the sailor uniform?
It's for the movie Death in Venice. He plays a young boy that get stalked by a german creep in Venice.
> Why yes. My name is Björn
swedes are homo sissies
Be proud to be KARA BOGA
>YWN stalk a 10yo Polish boy in Venice while Mahler's adagietto plays in the background
wait? thats a dude????
this movie and Salo make me think of euro boomers as very fucked up sexual deviants
would smash tbqh honest (no homo btw)
ugly face desu
All Bosniaks I know have light hair and eyes. Mutt.
30% of people are sexual deviants. They've done too much and need to do more perverted shit to get off
Him and robert plant are competing for most luscious hairdo.