Why aren't there any danish image boards...

why aren't there any danish image boards? I see you trying to share wins on b/ sometime but it doesn't ever seem to go anywhere

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share wins?


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I love danes
They are very nice people

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I'm pretty sure she's trying to say she fucked a Danish guy and wants to post his nudes on an image board

this is stockholm (copenhagen?) syndrome
d*nes are terrible people that oppress the proud independent people of Greenland and the Faroe Islands

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The Greenlanders and Faroes are allowed to do whatever they wanna do, and live however they want.
They're wonderful people

I hope you're doing nice up there, brother

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Danes occasionally post on ylilauta check there

those proud people can declare independence whenever they want

filthy imperialist apologia
1946 never forget
justice for Faroes, indpendence now!

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If they want to become independent, then more power to them!

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At least my deceased adoptive mother was the best danish parent I could ever ask for
Same with the friends I lost thanks to my low IQ
I don't care if they opress us because idgaf about my own shitty people
I hate my genes and wish that I was born anywhere but this depressing shithole

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why don't you move away then
you have d*Noid citizenship and are eligible to live anywhere in the EU


Are you some kind of magic elf? If i catch you how many wishes i'll be granted?

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I second what said. If you can move here, and you feel you can be happier here, then i recommend doing it.
Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy

>faroese government can't agree on the terms
they could declare independence today and everyone would be fine with it as long as they don't waste our time

I'm a big scary mogoloid looking freak that will eat you alive for survival and no, I don't grant you any wishes
Now run if you value your own pittyful live little russkie

Christian X pls leave


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danes are cool my favorite scandis

spoken like a man who has never felt the pain

no i have never felt the dane pain


ok idk what happened to this thread, I just wanted to know why you don't have your own native language Jow Forums/anonib

It's because danes aren't as autistic as other countries like sweden, finland and norway
Although it one of the best places in the world to be an autist I think
I mean they have extensive knowlegde about autism in general (I think)

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danes have no national language, they communicate in primitive grunts and handpointing and have no written language

skandicoons are still too wh*te for anything so based.

this 100%, tried learning all the scandi langs and danes swallow their words and don't even pronounce half the word

learn Icelandic white man

he will commit suicide once he starts learning about verb conjugation

still easier than spanish verbs but spanish doesn't have noun declensions