How big is fitness culture in your country?

How big is fitness culture in your country?

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Not very. Look how many lard-asses live here.

Huge, it's ridiculous.

fitness culture exists here, but it is completely different
it has 0 aesthetics and so on, its just a barrel chested, 300 pounds guys going for that construction worker look, and the goal is to lift a smaller car not to look any good
they go 20 liters of milk daily diets and try to bench 200% body weight on day 1

disgusting, we have like the world best national bmi for a western nation and the streets are full with fit chicks in skin tight lycra.

Attached: fitly.jpg (1080x1350, 229K)

all normie lads go to the gym. me? lift dumbbells in my room

fitness is the most popular "sport" here. followed by volleyball.
the statistics is skewed of course because every physically illiterate dumbass who signs for a gymn is counted as one even when they haven't been to one in years

>ywn get that body


Offer her 10k through dm
>literally get to shit over that body

She made herself look manly on top

Post body so I can give you advice on your workout.

you mean that actual body or the chick with that body? first one is a two month thing, the latter is a two shekels thing

post yours

Must be getting ready for the racewar

too big. girls are all about working out their ass and wear tights to show it of. a shame, love me a tight fit girl but the niggerbooty is such a turnoff.

both would be desirable but the former is ideal. Would be quite proud of a nice body like that desu

Don't know how big, but it's certainly a thing here

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sure as fuck hope you have a twat between your legs or you're eyond redeemable in my book

Notice that you never see men wearing that kind of shit or doing these meme exercises. They're sluts, pure and simple. Retarded laws around alcohol & consent as well as shit like Yes means Yes has killed the bar scene. Now women simply use gyms to be picked up by Chads. They don't care about health or self-improvement beyond what makes it easier to be noticed by high status men.

If anything, the bar scene was great because it drove these whores and chodes away. Now they're infiltrating otherwise productive spaces and turning it into their personal whore zones. There are already female-only gyms, so I really wish there were male-only gyms.

>Inb4 if you don't want women to infiltrate male spaces you're gay
That argument is precisely what women use and precisely the fucking issue: men hanging out among themselves is automatically gay. Hanging out with friends is a "sausage fest" and soon simply cracking open a cold one with the boys will be considered analogous to whipping your dicks out and rubbing them together.

where are her tits?

Blessed & Righteous.

the only proper way

Attached: alwaysmaxx.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

too big

This is a porn video.


Not high enough, sadly.

Only in the high class. Brazilians are overweight because of bad habits. In the beach cities is kind of big too. I don't care. Only like martial arts.

>I'm a nice guy

>not being Home Gym master race
>not lifting naked
>not drinking your own cum after fapping for extra protein gains and tension release after liftan
>not doing 15 scoops a day
you goofed up bro

What? Being Jow Forums is so normie. Even poor class do this.

Nope, far from it. I just hate thots.

Home gym master race but that's gay.

If only

Every Brazilian has a pudgy belly. Poor people eat only shit. Middle class struggle with weight and high class is very healthy and fit.

I can not stand disgusting thots like her.

Yeah, she has a nice body. But she’s a fucking dirty whore

why don't you show us your wonderful physique then?

Nigga, literally what? I'm talking about young people. I'm pretty sure in your class there were Jow Forums normies. They are everywhere, even in favelas.

Because it's not an argument, roastie

lol... how could anyone get this mad over those pictures?


Pretty popular, and of course since this is America it gets degraded into the most vulgar and tacky thing possible with legions of morons destroying their bodies with steroids and bad nutrition all in the hopes of volumizing themselves to absurd proportions, as in that picture. Any gym you go to will be filled with women in absurd yoga pants designed to flaunt their absurdly large muscular asses and a bunch of dudebros doing more or less the same. Meanwhile we are still a nation of fat unhealthy fucks.

Because she’s a dumb fucking whore.

yeh and they're great to look at.

Yeah she looks hot. But she’s probably a disgusting person. Not only that. But girls her type encourage more girls to become sluts because “muh empowerment”

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I agree with his, what he says is my reality too, 80% of the guys are skinnfat

I live in the countryside

It's huge here. Look at all the cross fit stuff. There's just a bunch of fatties too.

fitness has become such a meme at this point it's really annoying, some people entire personalities revolve around a gym.


>There are already female-only gyms, so I really wish there were male-only gyms.
We have powerlifting gyms which arent necesseraly male only but its very rare for girls to show up here. Ive seen only a handful in 2 years

i have a normal bmi and i've never felt more self conscious about my body than when i walked by the banks of lake geneva

It divides between socioeconomic backgrounds.
The less money=you're more prone to be fat.
There is indeed a niche culture of fitness in the country, but it is predated mostly by high class People, they live a healthier lifestyle because they are educated on it, meanwhile the poor don't receive this education,gained by PE teachers, parents or their social circles.
We aren't one of the fattest countries in the world because of coincidence, the Chileans aren't being conscious about their bodies, and even some ridiculously mock fit people or the ones that are trying to get fitter, by saying that it won't change anything ,that they are compensating for something else or that "real men" aren't that fit, even that fitness is for selfless "faggots"

I will change my surname to Silverberg, convert to Judaism and move to Israel.

t. Klokov

Not much.

Not that huge, but sports culture is a different thing.


Teenagers are obsessed with it.
I'd say 90% of teens in Sweden today are all about bodybuilding culture.

Not fitness, they don't really do that much cardio, or fighting, or any like real sport.
But they are all about countring calories and benching.

My gym turned from being comfortable into literal zoomers playing PUBG on the bench press and the squat rack. I’ve stopped going to the gym for two weeks now because no matter how late I go they’re always there being loud and noisy.
Doesn’t help the owner is a 39 year old man who plays with them just fuck off already fucking cunts

im a welder
i can always weld bits of scrap iron to make a bench
people actually pay to lift heavy things? baffles the mind, really

>pour cement in a container
>stick an iron bar into the cement
>congratulations you just made the weights for biceps curl, bench press, skull crushers, triceps curls, deadlift, blah blah
going to the gym, playing lottery... this is all paying the stupid/poor people tax
good thing its easier and easier to identify low iq people, you dont want to give such people any important opportunity in life

>t. boomer

Fitness culture exist here but it's not really big, it's bigger than some years ago but there are still many people who should go to the gym and doesn't.

>people actually pay to lift heavy things? baffles the mind, really
Being so poor in Serbia I understand this, but in the first world things are different.

big among the rich and the new generations

Serbia isn’t first world?

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When I was in Spain (in da Norf), everybody was jogging.
Hungarians might be the fattest Europeans, we have a terrible diet.

France isn't a gym country

It peaked in 2015-16 I would say. It was just absurd. It's still way too big though. I miss when there were less normies at the gym.

Pretty big here
Also quite annoying

Pretty big. It's normal, I don't bat an eye when I see a ripped dude or fit girl. But it's also normal to be a fat cunt and I don't bat an eye when I see a man with a huge gut or a woman with sides that reach near her knees.

less talk more Jow Forums girls

forgot pic :o

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>go to the gym at 4:45am
>it’s full by 5:30
Southerners are supposed to be fat and lazy, stay out of my gym reeeee

You don't sleep a 5 AM ?

Thanks for the bloativation



>that hairline
>all that fucking makeup
I'm all for musclegirls but she straight up looks like shit

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>that hairline


I just filled ammo cans with sand/cement.

it's dumb, but trendy. I have a lot of firewood to chop, I'd let people do it for free, but they prefer to pay for gym so they can make facebook updates and get selfies of their work out routines

What bar scene are you talking about? I thought this picking up girls in bars thing is american only

I go to the gym like 4 times a day and do random machines with random weights and some miscellaneous cardio. I feel like I should have a gym plan but that's a lot of work.

nice blog

germ swine.

>raising the entropy of the universe for nothing
It should be mandatory to connect gyms to the national energy grid.

Gyms are filled with Africans and Arab manlets where i live

Very smol.

It is pretty big here. Don't see the point in going to the gym since if you have the right mentality you can do it anywhere. Maybe if you want to become a big stiff idiot

Imagine her asscheeks milking you dry

Poor little pierre.

The Mutt is strong in this one.


I think gym culture was at it's peak 2-3 years ago but a lot of people work out compared to 10 years ago.

I'm still fat though and my remaining muscle mass is wasting away.

I have a fit gf (I'm average).
While it's hot to look at and all, she's very heavy for her size, it's harder to pickup and throw around like less fit girls.

Also, buttslaps hurt her (and my hand) more than average girls.
Still great to look at though, especially seeing the defined muscles moving around when roughed up in sex.

Becoming too big in the sense of dude gym lmao for my taste, while at the same time, most people become fatter and unhealthier.
The gap of retards widens.

>Still great to look at though, especially seeing the defined muscles moving around when roughed up in sex.

It's a thing. Not as big as in Brazil or Colombia, but certainly popular

Like everything else, it is affected by the national feeling of apathy and resignation, most people don't care. They might go cycling or jogging once a week, but that's about it.

It would probably hurt.

>Becoming too big

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