
Attached: ll.png (850x1198, 2.14M)

190cm is a JF. if he was british he'd be called 6'2 master race.

How is it so qt?

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poop lol

suck my arse

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a JF is the mayor of london

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yanks seriously need to FO

is there anything more painful than an ausfailian trying to be funny

antisemitic turd


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im gonna do it

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white people be like yoooo staying in a thread until 310 posts is just too god damn spicy

where abouts?

You think God is a drinking man?

What would his drink of choice be?

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>antisemitic turd
google palestine mong

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yeah this, can't stand yanks or JFs at all really
they're cringy mutts who think they're clever and funny when they aren't in the slightest

haven't heard the mayor of london being mentioned outside of 4channel in years, mad

He's from South London.


Need to get my hands on that paint they've made

br*tain needs to be abolished. br*tish people are stupid and ugly.

I cannot sanction your buffoonery

Interview at the pub tomorrow.
Couldn't even take 3 weeks of NEETdom.

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Agree, but Spain needs to go first tbqh

Thoughts on the Jussie Smollett case?


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whatever tariq nasheed says

>British soldiers train using a video game
>One soldier gets tired after being forced to do this for hours
>Kills his friends in the game
>British government decides to try him for going rogue, as if this was in real life

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love a bit of blacked

Want a gf for the following reasons:
-To put penis in vagina
-To lick her bumhole
-To finger her bumhole

Do you expect to enjoy working there?

>this scene
Argentina = BASED
Netflix = BASED

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Tough day at the factory, Jarosław? :)

theres more than 1 god you dumb jews


what's this then

Should be alright, I know a few people that go in there regularly. Hopefully I'll get it and be able to pay for my course.

praise wooden

rip meredith kercher, beautiful english rose

may the yanks who murdered you get what they deserve

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>tub day at de factowy jaroslab

this is your brain on bleached fish passed off as cod.

not a big fan, but I like the one with Marcia Hase

P... off you f... c...

you have to go back, pollack


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currently spectating this youtube video (with 55k views) with an alleged ex-alt right member talk about how he stopped being far-right
he also has dark features, a massive schnoz and seems to be faking empathy in it
very very interesting haha

cant enjoy any porn with black men
is this the classic white fragility, or am I just a racist piece of shit?

/brit/ overall has a tone of Comic Pessimism
Contrast this mood to the attitude of leftypol (Tragic Optimism) or rorkes (Tragic Pessimism)

He's not always that hairy sometimes he shaves

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the very first scene of a film called Desire. it's a shit film but that scene was rather risque, especially the sounds she was making.

if gayness is wrong why is the colon the perfect size for the girth of a willy

I wouldn't lie to you mate

>Peace of freya, child
fixed the extra f for you, brother and peace be upon you too

no it just means you aren't a complete cuck (yet)
you realise porn is made for self inserting yea?

And why were you watching it?

don't use the c-word

You absolute w...

Pizza is like a flat circle

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You're a b...

if I have daughters I will call them Freya and Imogen

decided the dark souls games are too hard for me

I watch videos of other men fucking girls I find attractive, pretty sure that makes me a cuckold

supposed to be taking up a new job but toilberg is dragging his heels with my references

shut up zizek

Imagine haha

go back where cockbreath? im english VERY unfortunately.

Why was he trying to shoot """God""" with physical bullets? surely a man of Rusts intellect knows """God""" is merely an intangible concept

Write "God is" and let autocorrect define your theology

try an exit bag

no one will miss you

He who fears death can not enjoy life - Sá sem óttast dauðann kann ekki að njóta lífsins - Qui craint la mort ne peut jouir de la vie - Quien teme la muerte no goza la vida - Chi teme la morte non può godere la vita - Wer den Tod fürchtet kann das Leben nicht geniessen - Den som frygter doden kan ikke nyde livet - Den som fruktar döden har ingen glädje av livet - Hann ið óttast deyðan dugir ikki at njóta lívið - Inuuneq nuannersumik ingerlanneqarsinnaangilaq toqu ersigigaanni

watching a tiberian sun playthrough

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Any good names for my daughter? Due in six months, girlfriend is French

can't just ignore 50% of a post like that mate

is it normal for men to imagine the fanny of ever woman they see

watching a tiberian sun playthrough

"God is good for you"

Freya and Imogen

no comment

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i self insert as the black because we both have massive willers, skin colour is irrelevant

"God is a spacker"

I will fucking stab you, cheeky wee cunt you are




>using autocorrect
oh my daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays

u first weakling.

I am from the city of Inverness.

cannot even begin to imagine the state of your pineal gland

God is a good man

yeah yeah pooooo pooppooooopopopooopoo
yeah uh were my poo niggers @

poo poo pooo poo poo yeahyeah
uh 1 2 12
ayo niggers

i'm not a mentally ill virgin freak like you lad

i meant autocomplete

listening to spanish bombs by the clash
no idea what the song is about but it sounds nice

bizarre pseudo middle class dogshit name
see above

>god is a woman
but he made man in his image?

beddy bye byes in 2 minutes