This is what fascism looks like

This is what fascism looks like

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Other urls found in this thread:

His Jow Forums phase was pretty obvious.

are you retarded

Nanda desku ne?

This is the idol of Aussie shitposters

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A true threat to society.

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fuck that nazi.

subscribed to T-series because of him

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but this poster is a kiwi



same shit really 2

the kiwiposter is giving the aussieposter a run for his money

t. 11-year-old

>pewdiepie is a nazi
t.30-yr old boomer

he is now in Japan!
Pew-sama! hoooooo

Well, in addition to "jokingly" paying Sri Lankan kids to hold up a sign that said "Death to all jews", using the hard-R N-word on his stream, following and engaging with Notch, Ben Shapiro, Ethan Klein, Logan Paul, Boogie1488, Ian Miles Cheong, Count Dankula, Jordan Peterson, Steven Crowder, Laci Green, Palmer Luckey, Lauren Southern, Bunty King, Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Butch Hartman, Dave Rubin, KEEMSTAR, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Jontron on Twitter, including having at least Ben Shapiro and Stefan Molyneux on his stream, constantly fash dogwhistling, GamerGate rethorics and probably a lot more I could have mentioned had I given enough of a fuck about him to really dig into his story, the crucial part is his total unwillingness to act apologetic or reflective on all this.

So, while I think he may be too stupid to actually engage with the very real politics he espouses to a degree where he could be said to be actively fascist, he most certainly is sympathetic to it.

And New Zealand convicts

unironically kill yourself

dog whistling is a very real thing

Fuck pewdiepie.
Subscribe to tseries

it is a bullshit conspiracy concept, that this word secretly means x to y people, because I feel that way

The phrase "dog whistling" is a leftist dog whistle.

>Stefan Molyneux on his stream
Fucking source now!

>Subscribe to tseries

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>ethan klein and boogie are fascists kek

based canuck

whether you agree with the term when it's used or not, it's still a real phenomenon, left or right

remember lads

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what a low quality shitpost, didnt pewdiepie apologize for promoting a video on some anime or something made by a white nationalist and didn't he apologize for using the dreaded n word.
>laci green is a fasicst
This is one spergy conspiracy copypasta

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>words have a meaning
"Dog whistling" is also a way to call your opponent a dog.

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Brenta-chan a cute!


well if your example is pewdiepie I highly doubt it, does coded language exist:yes, but one you need some semblance of proof at least, and what people call dog whistling (pewdiepie as an example, but also others) is absurd

I found it in a reddit thread with 48 upvotes. Pretty sure it's unironic but who knows


im not even white

so it is actually from reddit, go figure.
Probably unironic too, cause well it's reddit and reddit has a habit of being a community for internet spergs

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>his total unwillingness to act apologetic or reflective on all this
As it should be. Literally nothing wrong with any of that.

Those south Indians didn't know what a jew was

I am not a weeb degenerate subhuman either

all you need to know

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He is a massive faggot who has a cult following. What good is he? T-series employs thousands of indians and from what is known about them they are a fair paying and decent company. Meanwhile this shit probably keeps all the money he makes to himself, and he somehow antagonized a entire company who is feeding entire families

why are you indian posters like this
well pewdiepie is not a company who deosn't hire people so his profits are his

>I have a youtube account and subscribe to e-celebs and various other online entities

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Shadman art never ever

>Meanwhile this shit probably keeps all the money he makes to himself
>Please read the communist manifesto.

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His content is complete garbage.
He literally just takes memes from reddit or Jow Forums and adds some unfunny commentary.

>cult following
>90 million subs
nigga ur stupid but i agree that hes a faggot

Lately the videos have been really bad, but putting out new ones every day takes its toll I guess

There's nothing wrong with fascism.

Your implication here is that any of this is a bad thing. Let me tell you something sweetheart, it isn't.

>This is what fascism looks like
>that exalts nation and often race above the individual
>that stands for a centralized autocratic government
>headed by a dictatorial leader
>severe economic and social regimentation
>and forcible suppression of opposition through exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

You got 1 one out 5. Surely NZ education actually tells people what Facism means.

Let's divert the topic. Post some top kino channels. No eceleb faggotry

I did the same.
I'm sick of hearing about that faggot cringelord.

if fascism is a normie youtuber ruining memes, then the NZ education system has managed to fail more than the American one

pewdiepie is so fucking gay and unfunny how can anyone watch his shitty videos

Yes. Felix Kjellberg is a nazi, and he has an army of 90 million brownshirts. It won't be long before he starts civil wars "as a joke"

The people here don't actually watch it they just support him because he pisses off the mainstream meteor. Retarded in it's own right but it's a lot better than unironically watching and enjoying his content

>laci green
Notorious neo nazi, don't you know?

>Meanwhile this shit probably keeps all the money he makes to himself, and he somehow antagonized a entire company who is feeding entire families

Pewdiepie has given away more money than we will ever see to charity. The first prize he ever won on a competition was given to charity back in 2012 worth $10,000. By 2015, it's estimated he'd given away over 1 million dollars to charity. His cringemas live stream has given 1.3 million dollars itself to charity. Recently he raised $250,000 for Indian children labor rights as a sign of goodwill to T-Series.

I dont even watch his shit and even I know this.

Reddit is literally where all the nazis on this site came from in 2016, though.

oh shit yeah you're right, almost forgot ethan klein too, the jewish neo nazi

lets pretend like this eurotrash faggot didnt bite off of you

pewdiepie is cool i guess

Would never think 4channel would care about the most Reddit youtuber of all time but here we are in 2019

lefty/pol/ is at it again

Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie


>most reddit youtuber
>literally a fascist


I'm not interested in your bait. Pewdiepie is Reddit incarnate and that is all he is.

Then better kys asap

stay there

i like a prawn as much as the next man

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