So Eurofrens cannot post anymore ? How sad
So Eurofrens cannot post anymore ? How sad
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You got loicense for that meme m8?
Imagine being so dumb that you fall for "le europeans will be banned"
But won't you be jailed for posting images now ?
you were saying?
Wtf I thought this wasn't Jow Forums
lol we cant post images lol
Nah, the EU doesn’t care about the Chans, they want just sweet Google and facebook money for themselves
The law means that companies from the EU have to prevent the upload of media that contains copyrighted material. As you can't make sure for everything that it isn't copyrighted - you only can make sure that it isn't copyrighted by one of the big companies like GEMA, but not for every single creator - people who are not a slave to such a company won't be able to upload stuff anymore at euro websites. This is a law to slave the people to these companies. If you are blocked by international websites you can just use a regular vpn.
So If I were European I won't be able to shitpost about Disney anymore ?
How can Europeans be so fucking retarded
At least if they were consistently retarded I would understand. Europeans are like someone who can do advanced calculus in their head but can't figure out how to tie their shoes
First the local governments have to crack down on their citizens, search homes, confiscate memes, the whole thing.
Companies have to prevent the upload of copyrighted media. So if anyone is going to jail it's hiroshimoot for letting me shitpost.
And if Yurop gets rangebanned I'll just use a VPN
I will just move to China + Hong Kong VPN.
And how exactly you posted that?
I bought a pass
Suit yourself I suppose
euros on the right, article 13 on the left
Wut ?
I cant post pepes :C
Is it true that you can use any kind of VPN with a pass? Might get one to rid myself of this evil flag once and for all.
>be european
>vote to not allow yourself to post whatever you want online
>pay people out of your salary to throw you in jail if you break the rules
pathetic new worlders
>vote to not allow yourself to post whatever you want online
What vote ?
I guess t. with a pass and Freedome VPN
mfw the internet is going to be full censored worldwide so a small community of neets and incels is going to immigrate to underground tor relays or some shit like that and it will basically pre-2007 internet all over again.
feels good man
>tfw this is a silver lining of the whole shitstorm over acta2
it does feel good man
Are you retarded? You're not allowed to host copyrighted material, something that will fuck bigger sites while the small ones simply won't give a fuck
Or shiro could just ban phoneposters and make basic http langauage mandatory to be able to post
>euros can't enjoy the latest memes
top kek
I am always lol'd that eu and europeans promote their white filtered society to be an ethnically equal egalitarian paradise. Just be racist as we are. we know that you're racist af irl.
You don't have any idea of what you're talking about huh?
the laws won't pass here in Sweden so we can continue being shitty posters
*breathes in*
*breathes out*
Boi it was fun to become EU colony and force Brits to have a porn license
wait, so whats happening? is this about article 13?
EU fags. enlighten me plis
Nothing is happening, idiots too the bait and now think we're going anywhere
>be d*scrd user
>wake up
>throat still feels a little sore from last night's ironic gay blowjob
>think longingly of the cock pounding the back of my throat as I lick a patch of dried cum from my lips
>roll out of bed onto the floor, accidentally landing my ass onto a dildo pointing up
>giggle like a little japanese school girl as I unplug the dildo from my gaping rectum
>make my way to my epic gaming pc as I push past the numerous other dildos littering the floor
>open up d*scrd
>type a quick message to my d*scrd server
>"hello boys teehee ;)"
>chuckle as my d*scrd friends start ironically posting their shaved legs and asses in striped thigh high socks and shimapan panties
>open up Jow Forums and begin desperately spamming my dscrd link across Jow Forums, /qa/, /b/, /lgbt/, and Jow Forums
>suddenly the doorbell rings.
>it's ituckfraps69, a mod on my d*scrd
>immediately start tearing his pants off
>"Ahn!~ My boi pusse is twitching so hard, mister! Please put your pulsating bull cock in me until you fill my ass with your hote cumme kudasai :33"
>ironically pounds my ass until completion
>giggle as he pulls his juicy schlong out and a stream of thick white ball juice flows out of my ruined gaping hole
>curl up in his arms and fall asleep
No. Parodies and caricatures are explicitly excluded.
The whole law targets big media such as YouTube and especially Facebook which score big buck on user-generated content which is often stolen. Now they have to share their buck.
I have little doubt that the whole clusterfuck is a coordinated astroturfing campaign by those in the big business who were about to lose. And because the Internet is full of retards who don't bother to do most basic fact checking, it gained a huge momentum.
>Article 13 is ok
desu protocols are like languages
Is it bad that Facebook is forced to share its ad revenue with content's creator?
How exactly will article 13 work in real life? The article seems like something made by boomers who had no clue what they were doing
That part is ok I guess. However there is a high chance it will backfire as the (((EU))) will try to use it to censor content it doesn't like.
Yeah, completely unable to post.
You're the true winner. You're a non-EU.
Norway is essentially a vassal state, required to implement all directives.
And how is hating each other openly better?
Is this going to affect us too? We are Europeans now, aren’t we, user?
We are not members of the EU. So it will not affect us.
I honestly envy you guys. It must be so fucking nice to live in an ethnostate.
You still would be able to because you're not making a profit out of it
Really? I thought Norway was brilliantly profitable from EU while free from obligation.
this is true
It's just a meme but yelling "muh help us stop them" gets you a lot of upvotes so here we are
I kind of admire far east asians for this. They're all racist as fuck and open about it.
They're in the EFTA. Basically a satellite state
can't watch pornhub as well?
It basically stops this from happening:
There's literally nothing wrong with article 13
>I honestly envy you guys. It must be so fucking nice to live in an ethnostate
i heard there are quite a few states like maine in canada. why don't you get away from chinks and pajeets and move there?
>Implying we had internet freedom to begin with
Too cold and I love the pacific northwest. Plus they'll just outbreed us eventually and move there anyway.
His heart is pure.
Have You ever heard Jews?
They are for all intents and purposes part of the EU without having any say.
>Too cold and I love the pacific northwest. Plus they'll just outbreed us eventually and move there anyway
i deeply sympathize with canadians and swedes. it would be a worst feeling that you have fallen into a minority ethnic in your own country by foreigners and immigtants. even when the prime minister who runs your own country denies the roots and identity of your own country and only represents the position of immigrants, the sense of despair you feel will be incomprehensible.
you can't make a program with just a protocol => not a language
Now I can be an European larper.
This only accelerates the death of YouTube and Facebook which I wholeheartedly endorse
desu we would barely have any power, germany runs the eu with their over 90 seats in the parliament
Based, I say!
Fucks with the normies.
Increases the EU budget.
Smaller states have more seats compared to their population. A vote in Malta is worth more than one in Germany
Some power is still better than being a vasal state.
Vote for Vedum in the 2021 election and we will leave the current deal!
>So Eurofrens cannot post anymore ? How sad
In your dreams reversed poland.
You mean with copyright holders, not necessarily content creators.
They'll probably just block you instead, because your copyright laws will be too harsh to comply. Not only will you have a giant portion of the internet censored, you'll probably lose money lol. But yeah, keep praising your oligarchs every decision. You are almost starting to sound russian.
Germs and Russians were friends for the most part. It's not surprising. Both are absolute bootlickers when it comes to authority.
>implying Google would afford to lose the European market
They'll comply, just like with the GDPR, otherwise one of their competitors will get everything
>one of their competitors
Whatever. Internet Explorer, maybe. It's just too big of a market to be ignored
And Google is too big a company to get shafted like that. What can the EU do to them? Ban them from the Internet they don't control? Considering how many people use Google products daily, if EU actually forced Google to abandon the market, it's only fucking itself in the ass.
Competitors to google? I hope you start learning chinese. The infrastructure google has build over a decade won't be replaced by any "competitors", stop being naive. They employ hundreads of thousands of people and pay billions just to make sure their search engine is functional. You'll probably have to deal with even shittier alternatives for something like youtube for the rest of your life.
Qwant™, of course
They forced them to accept the right to be forgotten, which is EU law.
Do you think that Google would just abandon one of their most important markets because new EU laws will cost them a few billions? Try checking USAtoday website with a EU proxy and you'll see what I mean
>accept the right to be forgotten
And Google fully knew nobody was going to actually enforce it.
You can request your data and ask Google to delete them
Are you proud of sucking corporate cock that much?
>hurr muh memes
literally nothing will happen
>Do you think that Google would just abandon one of their most important markets because new EU laws will cost them a few billions?
A few billions? For them to comply it with the copyright laws it would make them go bankrupt. They will make special deals with big companies and advertisers. But the average mongoloid who posts videos on facebook or minor youtubers "creators" who could now claim copyright infringements on their content? They will outright block them.
It's not like giant corporations and rich investors will be too affected, it's just you proles whose life will be made more inconvenient and deprived of freedom.
So their entire business model is based on copyright infringement? If that's the case I'm glad they'll go bankrupt
But we know that's not the case
>You can request your data and ask Google to delete them
Yeah, that's exactly what you can do, request. You have no actual proof that they did and good luck proving it at court in your lifetime without Google settling.
Also, only a tiny fraction of people will actually ask for it.
>Yeah, that's exactly what you can do, request. You have no actual proof that they did and good luck proving it at court in your lifetime without Google settling.
It costs them way less to actually delete them then get a EU fine or the huge backlash they would receive
>Also, only a tiny fraction of people will actually ask for it.
Still it's a nice right to have, or we should just ignore the rights of people since they don't come up often?
>So their entire business model is based on copyright infringement?
The new copyright infringement laws, if enforced, mean they'll get sued to death in europe, so they will obviously want to avoid it by blocking the general population from having too much freedom with their content production but strike good deals with your big investors. It's only your corporations who will make money from this.
They'll have to strike deals with the holders of that copyright, which is a good thing since people that actually produce content will get paid