N-no no you can't just bomb a school these kids are innocent!!

>N-no no you can't just bomb a school these kids are innocent!!

Attached: 77545.jpg (1080x1012, 123K)

Attached: freakman.jpg (186x186, 8K)

>school shooters are terrible monsters, stop joking around about this tragedy

Attached: 1519243082430.png (800x750, 91K)

>elliot rodger was a bad guy

Attached: 1549042269665.jpg (640x528, 45K)

You people fucking disgust me. Trivializing or even celebrating the death and suffering of innocents is incomprehensible to me. What the fuck is wrong with you? What made you such heartless crazy people? Seeing posts like yours fills me with concern about the future of humanity.

>You people fucking disgust me. Trivializing or even celebrating the death and suffering of innocents is incomprehensible to me. What the fuck is wrong with you? What made you such heartless crazy people? Seeing posts like yours fills me with concern about the future of humanity.

Attached: 23.png (231x218, 8K)

>that violates the Geneva rules

Attached: 1518071157963.gif (380x400, 197K)

a thing

>You people fucking disgust me. Trivializing or even celebrating the death and suffering of innocents is incomprehensible to me. What the fuck is wrong with you? What made you such heartless crazy people? Seeing posts like yours fills me with concern about the future of humanity.

Attached: 1552359010029.png (647x778, 17K)

you sick fucks. You absolute sick fucks. "oh I'm so cool look at me guys I put a soyjak infront of something terrible and suddenly it makes me based and redpilled! haha I'm so cool amiright guys xD" Grow up you fucking spergs. I come to this board for proper discussion and information about other countries and their customs and cultures not to just have /b/ with flags you absolute dogshit cancer subhuman beings. If I had the option to put you on a guillotine and pull the lever I would.

this board is full of mentally ill subhumans

>I come to this board for proper discussion and information about other countries and their customs and cultures

Attached: 1552271002180.jpg (231x218, 10K)

>you sick fucks. You absolute sick fucks. "oh I'm so cool look at me guys I put a soyjak infront of something terrible and suddenly it makes me based and redpilled! haha I'm so cool amiright guys xD" Grow up you fucking spergs. I come to this board for proper discussion and information about other countries and their customs and cultures not to just have /b/ with flags you absolute dogshit cancer subhuman beings. If I had the option to put you on a guillotine and pull the lever I would.

Attached: 1520692142653.gif (800x371, 193K)

Fucking this. It's as if those of us with empathy and sanity were the weird ones.

> you sick fucks. You absolute sick fucks. "oh I'm so cool look at me guys I put a soyjak infront of something terrible and suddenly it makes me based and redpilled! haha I'm so cool amiright guys xD" Grow up you fucking spergs. I come to this board for proper discussion and information about other countries and their customs and cultures not to just have /b/ with flags you absolute dogshit cancer subhuman beings. If I had the option to put you on a guillotine and pull the lever I would.
> this board is full of mentally ill subhumans

Attached: 1553644470141.png (785x731, 201K)

Greentexting a post and posting Soyjak is not an argument.

>Greentexting a post and posting Soyjak is not an argument.

Attached: 1516224632842.gif (800x371, 183K)

>you sick fucks. You absolute sick fucks. "oh I'm so cool look at me guys I put a soyjak infront of something terrible and suddenly it makes me based and redpilled! haha I'm so cool amiright guys xD" Grow up you fucking spergs. I come to this board for proper discussion and information about other countries and their customs and cultures not to just have /b/ with flags you absolute dogshit cancer subhuman beings. If I had the option to put you on a guillotine and pull the lever I would.

Attached: 1516896625924.jpg (387x437, 40K)

>not an argument

Attached: 1550092840878.jpg (353x350, 29K)

>Greentexting a post and posting Soyjak is not an argument.

Attached: 1553690439064.png (231x218, 9K)

>Greentexting a post and posting Soyjak is not an argument.

Attached: 1549347684434.jpg (205x246, 8K)

>Greentexting a post and posting Soyjak is not an argument

Attached: 1552707933118.png (630x384, 190K)

>nooooo stop torturing him! he has human rights too!

Attached: 1532730300664.png (753x960, 29K)

I seriously hope you guys don't believe this edgy shit is funny.

>I seriously hope you guys don't believe this edgy shit is funny.

Attached: 145312421431.png (600x450, 9K)


>I seriously hope you guys don't believe this edgy shit is funny.

Attached: 1516047521946s.jpg (221x250, 8K)

>I seriously hope you guys don't believe this edgy shit is funny.

Attached: 1533387818794.gif (413x243, 51K)

this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

it's not funny
it's hilarious

>I seriously hope you guys don't believe this edgy shit is funny

Attached: 1552449666539.gif (417x317, 39K)

>this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

Attached: 1548604836014.png (644x740, 83K)

>this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

Attached: 1540045726772.jpg (600x600, 174K)

>this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

>I seriously hope you guys don't believe this edgy shit is funny

Attached: 1517076415312.jpg (612x498, 63K)

Lol empathy is like sooo soy right? Xd tragedy jokes are hilarious amirite fellow redpillers

>wtf! you can't firebomb a city! think of the civilians!

Attached: soyjak24.jpg (221x228, 8K)

>this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

Attached: 1553508099900.png (1217x1015, 708K)

Attached: 399293D8-23F2-42CE-A76E-3247961EC569.png (680x680, 368K)

>this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

Attached: 1550530628594.jpg (700x740, 79K)

>this board is reddit with flags, wojaks and gigachads serve as upvotes and downvotes

Attached: soyjak.png (738x941, 22K)

>what? You can't poison gas random Africans just because you want their land!

Attached: 1527678986486.png (732x772, 34K)

>Lol empathy is like sooo soy right? Xd tragedy jokes are hilarious amirite fellow redpillers

Attached: 1548588673650.png (644x800, 219K)

>opinion discarded

Attached: 1551559728462.gif (365x400, 551K)

it's banter... r-right guys..

>>Lol empathy is like sooo soy right? Xd tragedy jokes are hilarious amirite fellow redpillers

Attached: 1526794901181.png (211x239, 9K)

>Lol empathy is like sooo soy right? Xd tragedy jokes are hilarious amirite fellow redpillers

Attached: 1553462529584.png (467x264, 37K)

>Lol empathy is like sooo soy right? Xd tragedy jokes are hilarious amirite fellow redpillers

Attached: 1552359182593.jpg (906x1024, 91K)

>It's as if those of us with empathy and sanity were the weird ones.

Attached: 1519288075139.png (361x345, 20K)

Jow Forums is full of mentally ill subhumans

>Jow Forums is full of mentally ill subhumans

Attached: 1552630026658.jpg (898x617, 158K)

>Jow Forums is full of mentally ill subhumans
to be fair it's more reddity than / pol /b/

Wojak posters should be gassed.

Attached: 1553112903002.jpg (620x645, 37K)

I disagree. They may be unsettling in what they spout but I don't support such inhumane behavior for these edgy types. Just let people see their horrible opinions.

>Wojak posters should be gassed.

Attached: download.png (210x240, 5K)

>Wojak posters should be gassed.

Attached: 1544192487376.gif (800x800, 230K)

But this is an anonymous SIGHT retard

Attached: perro.jpg (232x218, 7K)

pathetic insects

I don't like Soyjack-posting either but both of you are being limp-wristed faggots. One: They are obviously joking. Two: look where you are? Actually murders, rapist, and crimminals have post on /b/. I bet you were one of those fags that felt sick watching the Christchurch video.

>pathetic insects

Attached: 1550997161966.jpg (988x1059, 148K)

I cant stop laughing. This is great.

>pathetic insects

Attached: 1552443636850.png (644x800, 174K)

>american school
Those kids are enemy combatants, we don't know when they'll organize and uprise so we should do preemptive strikes on them.

There's no room for argument here, it's only about mocking morality

>I cant stop laughing. This is great.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1080x1246, 124K)

This but unironically

>I cant stop laughing. This is great.

Attached: 1552773022530.png (1080x1246, 35K)

>I cant stop laughing. This is great.

Attached: 1553711898549.jpg (988x1059, 128K)

>terrorism has no religion

Attached: 315.jpg (600x900, 148K)

>pathetic insects

Attached: 1517021410730.gif (413x243, 51K)

pretend that im making an unironic offended post, i want to be turned into a soyjak

>No you can't shoot and missile'd muslims in mosque

Attached: f-22-raptor_006-ts600.jpg (600x400, 38K)

>pretend that im making an unironic offended post, i want to be turned into a soyjak

Attached: Soy2.jpg (387x437, 41K)

This is bad. actually. You should feel sorry. Drink soy.

I've never tried soy milk, is it like real milk? can you add it to cereal?

or is it like coconut milk, which you just add to some recipes?

>please stop stabbing me in my spleen

Attached: 1539132308536.png (852x667, 219K)

Is less watery than milk but more so than yogurt.

>taking the bait


Attached: 700.jpg (200x313, 10K)

lol, reddit is more your place

>you can't throw gays off rooftops! that's discrimination!

Attached: 1553154034130.png (644x800, 43K)

How many fucking soyak edits are there? Keep it up lads I love this shit.