I MUST breed a brown girl.
I MUST breed a brown girl
>not breeding a black girl, a brown girl, a light brown girl, a yellow girl, a white girl and a sami girl in 2019
>still calling yourself a man
Explain this
Where's your fucking leaf?
>dark hair
that makes you brown too. doesnt count
holy fucking shit you're peruvan you're a fucking indian why in the world are you being a poltard you are fucking peruvan what the fuck is wrong with you look in the fucking mirror and then look at pol memes depicting what subhumans look like stop being a poltard you are fucking peruvan dude
you'll never catch me
This is what I think when I see a brazilian spouting pol shit
Brown as in Latina, Arab, Indian, etc.
you'll never get laid fren
>not lightskinned pseudocaucasians or outright caucasians
nigger pls
Shut up gringo
I MUST breed a big white girl
Not really, you really want it, but that doesn't mean is a must
Based architect poster
It absolutely is a must.
you made him delete his post you bully!
Basé et rougepillulé
Our society is going to collapse soon, the rules don't matter. Might as well fuck everything that moves.
It's kinda scary how much this looks like my friend and his gf
So, you like them big and white?
retarded subhuman. You don't need to be white to hate niggers and muslims, grow a brain you waste of space