ITT: Jow Forums in 1800

ITT: Jow Forums in 1800

Attached: Partially completed US Capitol building c. 1800.jpg (1024x791, 214K)

I fugged your mum last nite btw fämäläm

Not for long time

Attached: 1812opolchenci1.jpg (2313x1701, 528K)

Don't let the devil drunkard French-loving Freemason Jefferson have the reigns of power! Make the right choice this fall!

>le Fr*nce blob
>le Prussia blob
>le Austria blob

Attached: map-europe-1800.jpg (1203x960, 354K)

The yard of cloth I ordered from Connecticut may arrive down here in Virginia sometime next spring.

Forget it.I'm moving to this new place called "America"

it's almost harvesting season

I vill drink from your skull

With slaves.